The Greatest Money Advice You Will Ever Have - Road to Riches

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Do you have a couple of minutes to read this?

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This might be the most practical advice you will ever have. And I guarantee you it's very effective. Anyone can do it — it is immediate and free, and the results are very astounding.

Anyone can do it!

Most of the time we are bombarded with tips on how to make more money, how to be rich, how to be a millionaire, or maybe a fucking billionaire. . .

Yeah, and I wonder why they all linked up to Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad? I find it weird like this sort of a financial bible to every financial gurus and students out there.

Anyway, the conventional wisdom on how to earn money is to work for it. Sell goods, sell stuff, sell your service. Hard work and dedication is a must.

But this doesn't get you automatically rich. Just look at those cigarettes vendors (a.k.a takatak boys) selling at the highway when there is a traffic jam. Yep, they are the one of the hardworking people I know. But they don't accumulate enough money.

Then it links to we must get a proper education and be a something professional like a f*cking lawyer or a doctor, or an engineer, or be a nurse and go abroad. Just anything that implies not to be just like takatak boys.

Well this might be true, the problem is that you must invest time and dedication to be someone like them. And it is not immediate just what I will suggest.

And I also know professionals who struggle.

Personally I think that the problem is like an analogy of an USB flash drive. Back then, 128MB of storage is sufficient enough just to save our 1.3-megapixeled pictures and to store MP3s that are like radio-quality with fuzz sound, and also [parental guidance is adviced] sex scandals that on 3gp format, like it was recorded using a microwave oven instead of a camera.

Simply put, back then, 128MB is good enough.

But as newer trends came up (higher megapixels, more documents, more movies, more good Mp3s), your 128MB is not enough. So we need to buy 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 16GB. . . you get the point.

The point is as we go on, our needs and wants becomes more. You know? The Parkinson's Law.

Then it links us to more advice to invest in stock market so you will accumulate money. But don't put your eggs in one basket. So you invest in bonds, fixed incomes, trust funds, VULs, cryptocurrencies. . . Just don't invest in bank because the interest rate will beat the inflation rate. Yes! Fuck the banks!

And If you want to invest, I tell you, you must have a basic knowledge on what you are doing. Then do it.

The reason I say even a "basic knowledge" is enough because if you delve deep on these investments platform, I tell you: you will never get to start. Socrates once said, "the more I know, the more I don't know." In effect, you will be afraid to invest because there are some things you might don't know then you will never get yourself started.

Then to be rich, one must be "successful". The Law of Attraction. And to be successful, you must perceive a self-consciousness of being a suc suc suc-suc-suc-suc. . . Yep, we heard that advice a million times, that's why I said suc suc suc like a broken record or sirang plaka in tagalog.

Well there are some valid points on the preceding statements, again, it is not immediate and frequently not free!

Then you say, hey Rigor my mehn, if these advice are not good enough, then what do you suggest?

Here it is:


All you need to know is grab a paper and a pen, and maybe 5 minutes of your time. Having a calculator is recommended.

I guess you already knew the answer.

You know the saying, "“If you cannot control the money, then the money will control you.”

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That's true. And that is the basic principle of this advice.

So how do you control the money?

The thing is to allocate your money on things where it will be spent. Assess yourself and plan ahead.

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And the good thing is, no matter what salary or status you have, you can give this a try and will find it effective.

In those on a lower income, this will be in great help. Remember the 128MB analogy?

Anyway, we people understand concepts easily by just giving an example.

So let's go to example:

You earn a monthly salary of 20,000 pesos.

So you think, how much money to cover your basic needs?

House Rent - 5k
Foods - 4k
Utilities/load - 2k
Transpo - 1.5k

Total: 12.5k

These are the basic needs of our everyday lives. We can't live if we do not eat, or get a shelter. Therefore, let us not be hypocrite because most financial gurus will say save first before spending. Fuck it. Money is meant to be spent on the things we need to survive.

For what is your savings if you will just die anyway? You can't bring your savings to the afterlife.

Anyway, 20k minus 12.5k will left you 7.5k.

Then enter savings. For that 7.5k, you allocate what amount you will want to save. If you are the type of a frugal person ,then save your 7.5k right away. If you want to go to a shopping, then take 2k if you want. If you want to dine in a good restaurant then take 2k. I'll tell you it will make you feel good.

But better than eating at a good resto is giving money to others. I mean not the actual money right away but as gifts. You want to treat your parents, children, friends, or tithes (yeah yeah. . .) And the time spent. Time is more valuable than money.

But the best feeling of them all is that you have savings. So save no matter what. It will give you more confidence and security if you have at least a savings. You will have a self-esteem, like "Hey! I control you money so go stay right there at the piggy bank!!"

Then you can go further allocate your money to investments, to those things that your money have a chance to grow. But not in casinos! Oh c'mon. I knew this for a fact because I was a professional gambler before, and the only one immaculate truth that I learned is that the house always wins and if you eventually play, you will lose.

You can also include:

  • Savings for vacation
  • House maintenance
  • Savings for gadgets
  • or whatever you like

And if you are in a family — I mean husband and wife, I believe a good thing is that you pool your funds. Then allocate it. Pool it even if your incomes are not equal. This is the most crucial thing. It will produce not just in terms of controlling the money but more great things good for a relationship , such as trust.

The second part is to break down your monthly expenses in to daily expenses.

And that's easy. All you have to do is divide it by 30 (or 31 if you want).


Of course, is up to you if you will include rent on this list, as rent is usually a 1-time payment every month! But it's good if you have your own house.

Or, you can do this way the vice-versa way. You can assess your daily expenses first then multiply it to assess your monthly needs.

I know for some people that assessing daily expenses is easier. You can do it that way.

I usually have a notebook to write down my day to day expenses. Put it on a notebook to properly track your record. Tickler may do.

My advice is don't use some cellphone apps. Research shows that writing has a big effect on our learning than typing it in our gadgets.

Every night, I make sure that I assess and write down my expenses that I had for that day. Then to my surprise, I came up that I save a little bit of my daily expenses.

And if I took it for a granted, even for just a day, the results were fatal. My expenses grew uncontrollably, and that's the point.

And that is the main thing, you do not want your expenses to became uncontrollable.

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One thing that this method produces is discipline. And developing discipline will get you to riches.

You can try it now and you can see the astounding results. And it is no hassle, free, anyone can do it, and immediate.

#steemitfamilyph #untalented

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Have read it from start to finish and it didn't take me 2 mins because I have to internalize each lines sent across as a message. A great life and financial analysis. Bragging aside, I didn't have to come up with those calculations but it is really applicable to most people now living in the metro for this real life situation and spending habits. Major points taken.

I need to commend you for the use of a notebook and track down daily expenses. You would also need this once you started trading in the long run!

Yep. and i forget to add that the thing is to make this a habit. On my personal exp, when i did not do this for a just an half month my expenses skyrocketed.

So i make sure i left my notebook and pen on my bed so i get to see it every night before sleeping.

Thanks to these advice, :) More to come please! haha

You're very welcome. Sure.

Worth reading @rigormortiz,you have a point!! Keep on sharing 😊

Thanks Madam Regine! Sure.

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