in #money5 years ago

You are a cash cow, and you are about to be milked.

Sorry to be so blunt, but I call 'em like I see 'em, and that's what I see. At least it's what I see when I look at others (and myself) from a modern retail point of view. A fool and his money are soon parted, and some are here to prove it.


If you actually consider the "sale" in the photo above, you should notice something interesting. First off, the consumer will often think that they are getting an amazing deal, and only paying half of what they could of. Unfortunately (for the consumer), the company will still be making a profit. The story here is not that the company is being so generous they'll something to you for half of what it's worth, but rather it's since they couldn't rip you off by having you pay TWICE the amount that they needed to sell it for in order to make a profit, they're willing to lower the price to the point that they won't make as much of a profit.

Ouch! Can you believe they're marking a smaller item up to more than $500 USD more that what they need to sell it for to make a profit? Basically, it's like saying to yourself, "Well, if I sell it for $550, I'll make a profit, so I'll just double that and really take advantage of some suckers..."

Yeah, there's a reason that I'd rather try to be as self-sufficient as possible. Honestly, I just really don't like being taken advantage of. How about you?

Until next time…

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I agree, unfortunately the sheep continue to fall for it. Thanks mike

While I completely understand what you are feeling. I think that your wrath is misdirected.
It’s us, the consumers who are responsible for the prices of the products we purchase. As well as the salaries of the movie stars and the ball players etc.

Our choices of when, where, and how we buy determines the value of things

When we value something more than the money we pay for it and make a purchase. We have validated the producer or seller of that product or performance.
While it is understandable to be upset upon finding out that you could have paid less for a product by simply waiting awhile. Isn’t that just the way that the free market is supposed to work.

I personally believe that just about everything is over valued these days. But I look around at all the happy consumers with their innumerable choices of gadgets and doodads and electronics and entertainment and substances and am not the least bit surprised.
Not surprised at the sickness. Not surprised by the ignorance. Not surprised by the decline of society.
I just glad that there’s a tireless remnant that will lead the way back to sanity someday.

oh, I wouldn't personally call it wrath, I'm just unimprseed with everything. Peope willing to take that much advantage of others, and others being so ignorant they'll let them. Just gad I avoid most things like that, thats all.

Nothing is as it seems.

It used to be, you got what you paid for.
But today, that $10 toaster has as much value and work inside of it, as that $100 toaster.

You are paying for design and how much they think they can get out of you.

There are too many times when i can get something that requires more work and material for less than a comparable part, that should cost less, but is more expensive.

Or go buy the same thing from one industry where it is a huge mark-up vs another industry which sells the same thing but for a tiny mark-up. (like horse shampoo)

Ahhh yes, capitalism.

🎶We all live in a corporatocracy🎶

Granted no system is right since there is this intense desire for rule of law.

I do find the whole world of shopping increasingly difficult.

Living in the countryside I rarely get to any big shopping malls. But when I do I find myself walking around in a stupefying daze muttering.... "There is nothing here I would ever want to buy"

But the malls are always full of people, buying so much 'stuff'.

Then you look at @steemmatt's posts and realise where most of it ends up.

PS You should have grabbed two of these at that price, they are only reduced to $891 at VIPOutlet 😃

Yup. Finding real value and respecting a sacred relationship of trust every time we buy something... ? It's rare and something we need to bring awareness to.

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Oh man, I can't stand that kind of stuff.... bait to buy things you probably don't even need in the first place too!

Another thing I cannot stand in this consumerism world is all that pricing... $195.00, I always looked at it as 200 bucks but how dishonest is that kind of pricing?

They think we're fools and look at this like it's only around 100 and change... that 1 seems so much cheaper than 2. It's just a real nasty trick in my book

@papa-pepper It is common that the capitalist system acts in this way, with deceptive offers, making us believe that we are winning, when, "the house always wins" in this case the house is the trade and the customer, always loses.
Thanks for bringing this type of publications.

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