Fractional Reserve Spending.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Peoples International Spending Settlements.

An alternative economical suggestion for the benefit of the whole of humanity.

And get interest on top of it.

The basics of FRS {Fractional Reserve Spending} is that every human being can spend on what they have in reserve. Fractional meaning a percentage, a fraction, of what they have in reserve. First of all there is, of course, the ZERO fractional reserve. This is for spending on food, water, clothes, shelter and (health) care. Any human can spend at ZERO frational reserve. And they get 24% interest on their spendings. This is payed by the government and banks. Well, that is almost like calling a ball a sphere, I know, but bare with me on this one. Next is spending at a Fractional Reserve of 4%, that means one can spend 96% times what one has in reserve. While getting interest on that of 12%, that is on things like vacations, luxery diners, going to the theater and so on. And last but not least, is the 8% Fractional Reserve Spending {FRS}, getting 6% interest by doing so. This is for spending on cars, boats, houses and so on.

What do you mean, who is going to pay for all of that? The Banking Money Governing {BMG} system is going to do that of course! Now, if you think that the Fractional Reserve Spending {FRS}, as suggested by the Peoples International Spending Settlements {PISS, it is just a coincidend, sorry...}, is just nonsens and that it could not work, then you are wrong. Well, for a part at least. Yes, I know, it is not possible to spend more than one has, without getting into a bad credit situation, but this is the other way around. Overspending is the main rule, that is what this economical structure is build upon. No real value backing it? Well, that is just a figure of speech, it is an idea, a suggestive mind trigger. Let us, for the sake of the experiment, call it, eurm... Spendy. And at birth you get the lot right away, because the BMG is serving you and not the other way around.

So, you get a value of Spendies that is 2 times the average human life time in years, times 365.25 days, times 24 hours. And because every human wants to enjoy every minute of their life, this is done times 60. It all adds up to a grand total of: 78'894'000 Spendies. But, remember, it is going to be Fractional Reserve Spend, that is the system. So, it will grow, the more you spend. More and more and more, there is no end to this economical spending growth, how awesome is that!? And the BMG {Banking Money Governing} system is going to serve you as it is its job to do so. Everybody will have anything they need, for their entire life. Working as one, all doing what they can. How could we have ever managed to live in prosperity and peace without it? Can it be done, of course, why not?

The other way around is allowed...

If you thought the previous parragraphes were close to absurd, impossible, even in ones wildest dreams improbable to happen, then why do you accept it the other way around? Because that is what the real Banking Money Governing system is about. Fractional Reserve Banking, with ZERO(!), 4 and 8% reserve backing it. That was already the case when the money in the system was supposed to be backed by gold. Does it make a difference if it would be again? Well, I think not at all. The problem lies in the Fractional Reserve part and the interest that is charged. Maybe you thought that the Fractional Reserve Spending concept was just asking for huge debts. It has to come from somewhere, those Spendies, right? And rewarding spending with additional interest? Where does that come from then? The VOID...!?

Well, yes, that is how Fractional Reserve Banking works. It all comes from... The VOID! And that has an endless reserve, really, it's huge. But the best part, well for the system itself that is, is that it can never, ever, be solved, never repaid. Because it gets created as a debt and made even bigger with charging interest on it, that also came from... Ah, you cheated, but yes: the VOID! Imagine you and me trying to do this. We would call ourselves the Peoples Bank of Humanity. A client would come in. We have no money what so ever in our own vault, but we have a banking license, so are allowed to act like a bank. Yes, we have to obey the law and so we will. Some money could be handy, so we have some eager IMO {Initial Money Offering} investors that put it in their accounts. Now, let us make some money! The client wants a million, no problem, it is a safe investment, a huge factory is offered as collateral. If the client can not repay, well, it will be ours, all ours. Now if you thought that was clever... Just wait.

Use the ZFR.

As it is a safe investment, where the collateral has an enormous value, well for us it has, the bankers, we can use the ZERO Fractional Reserve rule. We are allowed to because the BIS {Bank for International Settlements} has spoken and said it was good. What does this mean? Well, that we are going to have a lot of power at our hands, as bankers. Because we sit behind our computer, type in that our client will be lend one million Fracties, as a mortgage, with an interest of 6.97%. It is for thirty years. The second the client gives his fiat, with the control of a notary, the money comes into excistence. Well, virtually of course because we do not hand out cash anymore. We do not want the risk of a future bank-run, aye, aye, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Why, you ask...?

Well, the money we just created digitally did not excist, there is no cash, no gold, or whatever to back it. But, we, the bankers, have to make sure nobody can withdraw it. As we are allowed to sell this void to the client at ZERO fractional reserve, we can basicly invent new money at the press of an enter button. AWESOME OR WHAT!? The million goes into the account of the client. So, we, as the bank, now even have more money to lend out! At 8% Fractional Reserve we can now lend 920'000 Fracties as Personal Credits. Meaning the ordinary Gina and Joe, can have their legs pulled. They will of course pay 24% effectively a year on their personal loan. Because there is no real collateral, well, they believe that, but we, the bankers, know better, right? And as they get their magical money in their own account... Yep, 920'000 more to be Fractional Reserved.

This will constantly lower the intrensic value of whatever name that kind of money has. Meaning? Well, you can spend less with the same amount of money, every year it drops and drops and drops. Economical crisis is a common thing to happen in that kind of system. But the banks are never the problem of course, no, the people even need to save them from falling over. Why? So they can keep their scam going, but does the government not serve us then? They should put a stop to this, now why do they not do that!

The government as a collector.

Well, it is a Banking Money Governing system, which basicly means the government, any government, is part of it. Bankers become often government officials and the other way around. It is a common thing, we have learned in school that it is very normal and the way to be. So, you study hard you hear, compete, and maybe one day you will be a banker, or a minister, who knows. It is a dirty job, but the pay is good and if they do not do it, somebody else will, right...? So, let us be opportunistic about this and submit to the biggest scammers of all. Simply because they are so smart as to mess with us and have us even to believe we should be ruled by them. It does not change the fact that it is a scam, a swindle that has been going on for at least thousands of years. It is a messed up system, and those who are in their self acclaimed charge position are in fact a bunch of losers, because they actually are making a big mess of reality on this planet. Proof all around...

Government is part of the problem. It lends from banks, through the same fractional reserve system. Meaning it too gets a debt that never can be solved, never can be repaid, but will grow and grow. While the banks can advice governments how to deal with the debt it has. Because at a certain moment in time the amount of interest on the debt to the banks will be so big that governments will have to make budget cuts. Or not cut spending budgets, but raise taxes and invent even more taxes, that can be raised again. All given as a kind and well meaning advice by the banks, of course. Like selling services build and owned by the public. While the banks use the interest payments to create even more money throught debt! And I have not even started to explain about derivatives, that only make things much worse. And it does not even matter who you vote for, because only the supporters of the Banking Money Governing system will get into powerfull positions. And if one slips through that should not? Well, You'll figure it out.

Cryptos, the alternative.

While bankers fiat, that is wrongly called money, drops in value and causes enormous growth of debt, that can never be solved because of interest, cryptos gain in value. When you understand how the Banking Money Governing system works you probably get it why banks can not be trusted, nor governments that support them by using their system. That makes us servants and it should be the other way around, because we pay them to do so. Anyway, when Bitcoin came about, we got a trustless value and payment system. That cut out the intermediates, banks and governments, and gave us mathematics as proof that it worked this way. This is an alternative economical system, that is without a Fractional Reserve swindle. Meaning, the intrensic value of cryptos should grow over time. Until it is in balance with the economical need and its functional purpose. But that is still a long way ahead, so most cryptos will become more expensive. Gain more intrensic value over time.

Basicly what this means is that for the amount of Bitcoin, or any other crypto, one owned last year, something of value could be bought. This year, at around the same time, about six time more things in value clould be purchased, with the same amount of cryptos. While the bankers money gets more and more wortless , taxed are raised and new taxes are invented, while governments cut their budgets. So, more money goes to the governments, for less service. Why? Well, I did hope you got that by now. You are being scamed. First a man in a family had to work to be able to take care of his family. Now, I might sound conservative in this, but there is a bigger picture here. Then emancipation came, not bad, because I am convinced we are all equivalent and unique, but this was to mask the devalution of money. And now two incomes were needed. Next? Well, teenagers having jobs, besides school, so they can learn how their future will be. Also their income is needed at home...

The future is crypto.

With cryptos we have an alernative, that actually is gaining in value, that can be spend. But, many of us still exchange it for bankers money. That is the weak link and this was shown recently in China. And because some banker was allowed to spread his shait all over the place, again. While a few days later an investment group, of that bank, bought quite a few Bitcoin themselves. Now, I wonder if he fired them all... Cryptos took a big hit because of that link to the Banking Money Governing system. Because cryptos still get exchanged for banking money it still can be manipulated by banks and governments. Although countries like Japan took a different approach, making it taxable of course also. Yet, to become a real alternative it has to get some kind of stable value, that is known and accepted as such all over the world.

That is why I did start to mention the Mundo, as an average weigted crypto value, that any crypto can be calculated to and from. It could be used in collaboration with bitEUR, bitUSD and so on at first, the BitShares pegged Assets. As to create a stable value that people can use in their day to day live. So a bread overhere might cost 1 Euro, that would be 1.18 US Dollar and 0.49 Mundo. EOS could be the ideal platform to create this. But maybe Bitshares could manage to do so. Mundo itself could not be traded as it would always be an averaged weighted value. One virtual value that can be used anywhere on the planet. All made possible thanks to the free and open sourced trustless blockchain technology. It is an innovation, an evolution, the alternative, that even might create prosperity and peace on the long run for humanity.

Have a great one!

At least it is giving some heat that way.

image cc0/pd license, by Intellectual at Pixabay


This might need a edit:

'While bankers money, that is wrongly called fiat'


'While bankers fiat, that is wrongly called money'

Agree, thanks. ;-)

I did however almost forget to say I really liked this post!!!

And the burning fiat bill 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks, you did now. ;-)

And the burning 100 dollar bill really is a good one. It symbolized it very well.
Thanks to Pixabay I did not have to burn a 5 euro bill myself. (No, I was not going to burn 100 Euro...)

Thank you for the useful information!

I think whether the monetary system has been run publicly or privately, the problem has always been greed, selfishness, short-sightedness of the people in charge and also dealing with the instabilities of wars and national politics. Until more intelligent and well-balanced people are in charge, the system will continue to fail. The good thing about crypto is the system is more intelligent, but if the populace is still ignorant they will be manipulated by the demagogues.

Cryptos might not be a final solution. At least I do not see it as such. It will be at a stage where money is obsolete, I strongly doubt if I will live long enough to witness that happen.

For me no rulers at all, as that is what history tells me.

I agree the cryptos will not be the final solution as life is always transitional... many will fight the transition out of their comfort zone, but it will come. The trick is to keep alert to the shift in the tide from one paradigm to yet another.

A fast transition out off a comfort zone will most likely trigger resistance in people. When it is all of a sudden, causing an emotional shockwave. That is why I prefer the path of evolution. Where it is indeed good to notice a paradigmshift happen and adjust sails when needed. Cryptos are a part of the ongoing one.

if you don't want the fiat valutas I do :D
so don't burn a real one okay :D haha
it is indeed not the money thats the problem
it's just paper - in fact it would just do what you want it to do
it's the peeps behind it that's usually causing the - seem to be problem :D

It is the money system that is the problem, it is a scam, it causes devaluation, crisis and debt that cannot be solved. It was a problem created by people, it is kept this way by them. On that I agree. ;-) Most money is digital, cash is just a very small percentage. It is the system that is the problem, money can be created differently, cryptos proof that. But for the time being I guess we'll have to deal with it. So, I'll keep my 500 Euro bills for now. :-D

hmmm.. in kleine geld waard wisselen
als je begrijp wat ik bedoeld :D
ik heb maar 50 tot 5
100 wissel ik snel naar iets kleiner
India .. daz' eng als het hier ook zal gebeuren

Ja, grote biljetten verdwijnen, net zoals de 5 uit de pinautomaten. Contant geld wordt verminderd, tot het een unicum gaat zijn om het nog te hebben. Cryptos hebben nog steeds het meeste waardebehoud.

the blockchain technology did changed alot for good!

It surely did.

awesome post @oaldamster .... each day who bring new content which helps a lot of people....thank you


Glad it is appreciated in that way.

Wonderful post ,interesting information and effective news of investing ,sharing good


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