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RE: Fractional Reserve Spending.

in #money7 years ago

I think whether the monetary system has been run publicly or privately, the problem has always been greed, selfishness, short-sightedness of the people in charge and also dealing with the instabilities of wars and national politics. Until more intelligent and well-balanced people are in charge, the system will continue to fail. The good thing about crypto is the system is more intelligent, but if the populace is still ignorant they will be manipulated by the demagogues.


Cryptos might not be a final solution. At least I do not see it as such. It will be at a stage where money is obsolete, I strongly doubt if I will live long enough to witness that happen.

For me no rulers at all, as that is what history tells me.

I agree the cryptos will not be the final solution as life is always transitional... many will fight the transition out of their comfort zone, but it will come. The trick is to keep alert to the shift in the tide from one paradigm to yet another.

A fast transition out off a comfort zone will most likely trigger resistance in people. When it is all of a sudden, causing an emotional shockwave. That is why I prefer the path of evolution. Where it is indeed good to notice a paradigmshift happen and adjust sails when needed. Cryptos are a part of the ongoing one.

if you don't want the fiat valutas I do :D
so don't burn a real one okay :D haha
it is indeed not the money thats the problem
it's just paper - in fact it would just do what you want it to do
it's the peeps behind it that's usually causing the - seem to be problem :D

It is the money system that is the problem, it is a scam, it causes devaluation, crisis and debt that cannot be solved. It was a problem created by people, it is kept this way by them. On that I agree. ;-) Most money is digital, cash is just a very small percentage. It is the system that is the problem, money can be created differently, cryptos proof that. But for the time being I guess we'll have to deal with it. So, I'll keep my 500 Euro bills for now. :-D

hmmm.. in kleine geld waard wisselen
als je begrijp wat ik bedoeld :D
ik heb maar 50 tot 5
100 wissel ik snel naar iets kleiner
India .. daz' eng als het hier ook zal gebeuren

Ja, grote biljetten verdwijnen, net zoals de 5 uit de pinautomaten. Contant geld wordt verminderd, tot het een unicum gaat zijn om het nog te hebben. Cryptos hebben nog steeds het meeste waardebehoud.

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