Planning my own business #tourism in Switzerland 我的创业计划#开发瑞士旅游市场

in #money7 years ago (edited)


Recently I was thinking of doing my own business. Of course, it's just an idea. I talked already about my ideas with @joythewanderer as she studies tourism.
I don't have a complete plan yet but I'm just gonna tell you guys and maybe you wanna tell me your opinions.


I live in Switzerland, the tourism industry in here is very developed and especially got very popular with Chinese tourists in recent years. Watch shops and luxury shops all have services for Chinese tourists. But these seem to be mainly for tourist groups. So far group tourists make the majority of the market in Switzerland, but more and more people choose to travel individually and for them, there is still a big market to grow.


Switzerland is famous for its natural scenery, hiking is the national hobby for Swiss. Many hikers come to Switzerland for hiking, but just very few Chinese hike in Switzerland, most of Chinese tourists just visit the mist popular destinations such as Luzern, Interlaken and the Jungfrau area. These are beautiful places and shouldn't be missed to visit but "real" Switzerland has much more to offer.

Many people said that Chinese people don't like to do hiking sports. But what I saw in Nepal changed my opinion, because there, most of the hikers were actually from China and many of them were wealthy young people traveling individual to Nepal and they were looking for an outdoor adventure and seeking a personal challenge.


When I was in Nepal, I thought about why most travelers in Nepal would hire a guide but the Swiss tourist industry doesn't have this part. The reason I guess is simple: Switzerland has a high overall income level, and many locals are not willing to do such temporary work. In addition, many tourists who do hiking, feel that the Swiss hiking routes are perfect and do not need guidance, but in fact the level of Nepal's hiking trails are almost same developed as Switzerland.




So my idea is to develop a market for high-end individuate Chinese travelers, to customize a route for them and guide them for a hiking tour to enjoy the natural scenery of Switzerland. Of course, the hiking route is still easy, and doesn't need strong physical strength and hiking experience. It is more for the individual travel experience, such as visiting a traditional farm, feed cattle and sheep, and spend an evening together in a hot bucket bath, stargazing. Tourism projects like these can be experienced with the whole family.


In China travel and paid with photographer has also been very popular in recent years, and a day of travel can cost more than 10000 RMB to pay the photographer team. I love photography and have always wanted to learn about photography and photoshop. And taking photo for Chinese travelers can be another project.


So in general, what I want to do is taking a custom made tour and also taking photos for Chinese travelers. Of course, the first thing to do is finding customers. But I'm optimistic that nowadays with social media, it should be possible to find a market.

Do you guys have any experience with starting your own business or with working in the tourism industry? I would love to read about your opinions!




Great post and thanks for sharing with us. I enjoyed reading about your new business idea. You may enjoy reading my last two post. "Opportunities all around us!" and "Entrepreneurs & opportunities" Good luck!!


嗯 谢谢你的建议 我会多考量一下的

Great post I will definitely follow @liflorence I love Travel also, If you are looking for some travel inspiration I offer a Travel Bucket List series, follow back and stay in touch!

Upvoted, not only for the post but mainly for the Idea, I think it can work ,here in Amsterdam I looked into being a Tourguide aswell, even though the earnings wont be as much, would just like doing it.
I strongly believe in experience marketing in witch you offer high end guidence to people that are willing to pay for that.
Here in Amsterdam there are people that ofer one on one tourguidence, mainly for Chinese people because they have more to spend now.

Love your idea! will be interesting if it will pick up that is if you decide to do it!
keep me posted, willing to help where i can

Thank you a lot!
Do you know Airbnb city experience? You can register as a city guide on Airbnb website, I think amsterdam is a poplar city for this project, you should check it out!

Will do, I have friends they rent out there appartment quite a bit with Airbnb, did some tourguiding there already, they did not book it but I just offered since I had a day off, nut would enjoy being a guide in the city
will look into it more








嗯 穷游网可以 只是不知道适不适合打广告






原來啊! 那就可以嘗試看看!!
我也是傾向於樂意做員工,畢竟風險不需要自己承擔 :P
祝你有好的成果喔!! :)

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