Don't be Funny about MoneysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

There are few topics that make people twist and turn uncomfortably in their seats like money does.

We seem to give money this whole, living breathing personality of its own.

Some people treat money like it's an annoying younger sibling. An irritating fact of life that you have to put up but you kinda love anyway.

Others treat money like it's the actual Beatles reincarnate, and they're the first screaming groupie to have spotted them playing on the rooftop.

Some people, I've gotta say, treat money as if it's Voldemort himself; a growing, evil menace who's name must never be spoken.

Most people though, have the kind of relationship with money that's akin to someone on a weight watchers program who is hopelessly addicted to chocolate.

They want it.

They dream about it.

They think about it all. the. time... BUT they feel all guilt-ridden and baaaaaad for doing so.

I guess it's a kind of first world, liberal, guilt thing that many people wear as a point of pride, without really ever thinking whether this burdensome garment is actually doing any good for anyone.


Personally, I think it's ok to love money, and to endeavour to have as much of it as possible.

Scratch that.

I think it's BRILLIANT to love money, and we SHOULD endeavour to have as much of it as possible.

But I'm also painfully aware that this kind of attitude will have many people huffing and puffing and crying out There's more to life than money! and How can you be so shallow! and Don't you know that money is the root of all evil?

And this is really interesting, because the fact is that money is a tool that allows you to make changes in the world.

Good changes.

Changes that can improve people's lives.

Why would you not want more of it?

Having money does not mean that you would instantaneously turn into a greedy, self serving relation of Mr. Burns.

Not unless you want to of course.

Loving money doesn't mean that you stop prioritising all the other the wonderful, beautiful, joyful things in life that money can't buy.

And loving money also does NOT mean that you can't be happy without it.

Of course you can be perfectly happy without money.

But seeings as you can also be perfectly happy with money, why not strive for that? And considering all the great and wonderful stuff that money could do for you, your family, your friends and THE WORLD... Is it possible, that not making it your goal to make as much money as you can is, perhaps, selfish??

[Ducks while rotten tomatoes are thrown at head]

Seriously though. It's ok.

Get on out there and make some money.

Provide value, solve problems, entertain, aid, care, share, make, create, clean, organise, be funny, run, swim, bake, do whatever you do best, and do it for other people....

As Wallace Wattles says, The very best thing you can do for the world is to make the very best of yourself.

Love the money, and love all the good stuff you can do with it.

No guilt needed. :)

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Much love!


Money can make great changes in the world. You can definitely vote with it nowadays. ;)

Haha! True :)

You perfectly captured the differences of money right here. A Many-Faced God indeed, but one, I believe we can do without. Oh how I dream of that day when we as a species outgrow the need for it. I just hope that would happen in our lifetime, as I feel that the concept of money is quite outdated. While it's here, might as well just embrace it and not exalt it like it's some kind of divine--oh, wait...

Um, uh... Yes. Great post! Nicely written :D

Haha! Thank you. :) You know, I also used to hope for a day when money was just no longer needed or required... but I could never think of a way in which this was possible.

Now I wonder if in fact it's not money that is outdated, but instead just the concept /reality of not having enough.

Perhaps as humans we will always want to trade... whether it's skills, material things or anything else of value. And money is simply a tool with which to trade.

We need to create a reality whereby everyone has enough to live. And then, trading of money would be all about growing, learning and creating more together.... And, well that would be just great!

I'm speaking only from an idealistic and 'dreamer' point of view. I actually know very little about the world of finance. (Although I'm steadily learning!)

Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment. :)

Yes, I think you're on point there in terms of the concept of trading. Back then, it was just bartering of goods and skills, but when money rolled along, it provided a passive means to trade. My fiancee is actually a financial engineer, so we get into this debate a lot haha! Once everything is automated and a Universal Basic Income is in place, money would just be an afterthought. At least, one would hope. That one being me. And a few others. I hope.

Oh haha, I bet you do!

Yes, I agree. Actually I found out about Grant Coin which is a project trying to build towards providing a Basic Universal Income through their cryptocurrency. I think I found then from a link on one of @luzcypher's posts.

Have you heard of this?

Oh yeah, I do have quite a few Grantcoins. They're in the process of migrating to Manna though. I hope the transition is smooth.

Ah see, so much about cryptocurrencies is still way over my head. I don't know what it is you just said there haha!

Just did a quick Google... so they are changing Grant Coin into Manna? Is that right? I'll have to have a read of some stuff to find out what that actually means!

Yes. Basically, they're migrating to a better infrastructure. They'll have a 1-to-1 exchange for when they migrate to it. So, hopefully, 1 Grant Coin would be exchanged to 1 Manna, without any hassle.

From what I've read, they're changing the way they transact, so instead of using Ekata, they're going to use their own platform, which is great in the long run.

I see, very interesting... I'l be following this a bit more closely I think. It' s truly pioneering by the sounds of it. :)

Money doesn't make you happy but it bloody well helps !!

Absolutely! All things like love, imagination, belief, positivity, dreams, giving, learning and caring must come first... then add a nice injection of money and you can be a huge positive power in this world!

There's no nobility in poverty.

Agreed. :)

There is nothing wrong with "loving money" and want to have more of it. Like you said money enables you to make a better life for yourself, and others around you. As long as you make with your own hard work without breaking somebodies back to get a little more. Making it, by taking from others.

There is way more to life than money. You can simply make someone's life better if you are there to talk to them. Especially, in hard times.

Money is not happiness, but it is part of it for sure. Who ever says otherwise is not speaking the truth in my opinion. Money runs the world. If you don't have it you are not running anywhere.

In the end, it all depends on your goals in life also.

Great article. Interesting topic. = Upvoted. lol

Thank you! And very good point... this only applies to money earned, or exchanged in good faith. Not violating anyone's property rights!!

It does not "mean that you would instantaneously turn into a greedy, self serving relation of Mr. Burns". But it might be that you need to be "greedy, self serving relation as Mr. Burns" to get rich lol No? :)

Haha! No I don't think so.... because I think the best way to earn money/get rich is by providing great value or service to others. :)

Was just kidding, of course it is. As long as you have value to the others you get value.

awww haha, I missed the humour in the text!

"The very best thing you can do for the world is to make the very best of yourself." this is so true and i think this should be the goal, the you dont have to chase money- money will chase you :)

Yep! Love it!

Money has become a religion.

What makes you say that? I'm interested....

I enjoyed reading that and I totally synch with that reasoning. The world will be worse if the bad guys keep keeping all the money. Upvoted and following you. Hey! Check my curation comment and respond accordingly. Please.

Hey @misterakpan! Thanks so much, I've responded to the curation comment. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed... Cheers!

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