My Investment Strategy - I Don’t Care, I Love It

in #money7 years ago

My Investment Strategy - I Don’t Care, I Love It

You know that Icona Pop music "I love it", well listen to the lyrics: they explain very well this investment strategy!

First time I invested in the stock market was 14 years ago when I was 18 years old. I bought stocks of a Portuguese media company called Media Capital because they were about to win the transmission rights for the football league that year. I won 14% in one month. It was so sweet.
After that I invested a lot in FOREX, Stocks, Warrants, ETF’s, Certificates, Commodities, Futures, Investment Funds… and what I regret most, is the time I lost and how much I worried about it.

The biggest error I made, in my very personal deep opinion is that I worried to much about the price changes and volatility. Check the price of your investment every hour or every day will NOT make it change it like you which it would change.

Cryptocurrencies Investment Strategy - I Don't Care!

Now, if you invest in cryptocurrencies, this applies even more. Cryptocurrencies market is pretty volatile. And that’s ok! Just don’t care about it!!!
Why the hell should you care about the Bitcoin daily volatility, if you believe that in the long term the price is going to grow?

At least for me, I believe that in the medium long term, the price of the top cryptocrurrencies is going to grow. Most of the are going to grow. Ok, maybe tomorrow Bitcoin drops 15% after one week of growing 25%. And so what? probably in one month it grew like 30% more!

The Bitcoin chart (and some other atcoins chart) show us that there are a lot of volatility, some crashes, pump and dump, bla bla bla… and also show us very well that if you hold your Bitcoins instead of panicking, you have a lot more to gain!

In the last year, Bitcoin "suffered" some pretty hard drops... however, in one year, the price have grown 466%.

Yes, historically, crypto investments teach us this lesson: “I don’t care, I love it” is the strategy. Stop caring and start loving the bomb!

Let me give you another example: in July 2015, I bout 2 BTC for +/- €280. Two months after I was worried because BTC price has dropped to €230 (-18%). Should I panic and sell it? Hold it? Buy more to average down the price? Check the price every day to see if I’m lucky? Worry a lot?
Well, what happened was that my phone broke and I lost my wallet. I made the backup before that but didn’t remind about that for a while.
Now… now that I was in need for money, I searched for the backup on my email and found it! And you know, the sweetest things was to discover that those Bitcoin that in July 2015 worth +- €580, now are worth 10 times more! About €5 800!
And the best of all was that, I simply didn’t worried about that for a while. I didn’t care! I forgot about that!

Invest, “I don’t care, I love it”, stop worrying, forget it, and in some months or when you really need the money, come back to see the price.

Tell me something, just between us: do you believe that Bitcoin price is going to grow? Do you believe that cryptocurrencies are the future of money and banking? Do you believe that it will in some years become mainstream? Do you believe like John Macaffe that Bitcoin price will hit $500 000 in 3 years? If the answer is YES, just HOLD IT! Hold Still and hold strong!!!
Bitcoin is battle tested! and it may lose a battle but it is going to win the war! And if you are a real man or a real woman, you just have to have the balls to go through it!

Image Source Oh, BTW, this image source is from a Business Insider news that says that Bitcoin have crashed... When it dropped from $260 to $190.... now this sounds ridiculously right? Should you have worried?

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Upvote, reestem and comment my dear Steemians!


The more risk is involved, the more is the possibility of good earnings.

It is indeed... and you have to risk to be in the game right? If you want to go bit, bet big!

But risk that much which do not leave bankrupted if you did not succeed in that

Yes, don't risk the money that you need to buy food and pay the rent :)

This post was resteemed by @resteembot!
Good Luck!

Learn more about the @resteembot project in the introduction post.

This post has received a 2.28 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @bitatlas.

In all businesses ether you make a living or lose everything other than that stay at your job don't take the risk

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