Is Money The Root of All Evil?

in #money8 years ago

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. (1 Timothy 6:10)

Have you ever been frustrated seeing a post make thousands of dollars when your own barely passed the $1.00 mark?

It’s easy to quickly become jealous when your content is not receiving the attention you feel it warrants.

Let me ask you this: “What is your true motivation for being on this site?”

I’m guessing the draw of money would be the answer for 99.9% of us…

Money is not inherently good or evil. It is simply a tool used to accomplish a goal or desire. It doesn’t choose to save starving children any more than it chooses to fund terrorist attacks. The only difference is the objective of the person behind the money.

The problem comes when you begin to value money more than relationships or your own morals. The love of money is what caused Bernie Madoff to set up pyramid schemes to steal money from investors. The same greed causes children to be forced into slavery and exploited.

We have all heard that “Money can’t buy you happiness,” but I think this is misleading. I prefer my own twist as “Money can’t create long term happiness.” Most people don’t take either of these statements to heart. They feel that for money will fill a void, but the void gets larger as you climb each rung of the wealth ladder and are never completely satisfied. Solely chasing after money is a fruitless endeavor.

I am not saying that you cannot purchase things that can make you happy, but that happiness is not going to last. It’s no coincidence that many people with incredible amounts of wealth turn to drugs and alcohol. They thought that monetary success would take them where they wanted to be, when in reality, it was false hope.

Wealthy people struggle with their own unique set of issues. They have difficulty knowing who their friends really are and often become targets for con artists.

Some of the happiest people I have met in my life are those who see money as a necessity to live, but not the ultimate goal.

Generosity often goes along with happiness. I’d like to compare two very successful businessmen, Bill Gates and Floyd Mayweather. Both have large sums of money, but exhibit opposite ways of how they handle their wealth…

Bill Gates built his wealth from Microsoft and is valued at over 80 billion dollars. He is also one of the most charitable people in the world. He is dedicated to giving his money to people and organizations in need. He has even gone on to say that instead of leaving his children incredible wealth, he plans to leave them only a small amount. When asked why, he said he didn’t think it would be good for them.

Floyd Mayweather, in contrast, has built his wealth inside the boxing ring and through his own promotions. I’m sure both Floyd and Bill live in nice houses and don’t worry about living paycheck to paycheck. Floyd is known for his Instagram pictures posing with money and spending small fortunes on cars, watches and other luxury goods.

Discipline and discernment are needed when you have such an incredible amount of money. In fact, both are needed with less money too. As soon as we move beyond essential need, what we do with our "disposable" income gives evidence of our true character. Some things we consider "needs" may not truly be genuine needs. Sharing some of what you use to fund things like this may involve making some sacrifice, but it worth it. For example, giving up coffee for a month to help provide clean water to impoverished people is such a sacrifice. Investing in people, who are eternal, rather than temporary pleasures can be a much better source of resources.

I’m not suggesting that you should not to use your money for enjoyment. Everyone has hobbies and passions that require money including attending sporting events, buying the newest electronic device, or fixing up old cars. The problem comes when the money needed to fund the things becomes your obsession.

When people speak at my funeral, I would be much happier knowing that I used my money to make an impact on the world that will last far beyond my life. I think Bill Gates represents how I wish to be remembered far better than Floyd Mayweather. I find I am happiest when I am able to give my time and money to others. (One of the many reasons I love steemit so much).

I urge you to think about your funeral today and how you have managed your money. What will people say about you when you leave this world?

“He who dies with the most toys is still dead.”

In simplest terms, this means that hoarding wealth and material goods doesn’t prevent you from dying. We all die one day and it is our choice today what we do with our money as well as our time and other resources.

This brings up the bigger question of what is the life we live meant to be for? How will people view our management of money?

I know how I want to be remembered, but now it is time for you to do some soul searching and answer this final question…

“Do I control my money, or does my money control me?”


It depends on what you use it for and your motivation for it. My pursuit has been for greed, it has been for charity, it has been for the want to spend more to build more, to pay employees, to buy food, to give it to homeless, to realize it is all meaningless and built on nothing. It is such an interesting path indeed.

I agree with you on all of that. I personally find the most fulfillment in being able to give my time to others. Steemit has allowed me to watch my nephews a day a week for my sister instead of her having to pay for a daycare. She's not going to pay me for that, but it is something I can do because I have the money to do so and not immediately find a 9-5 job as I work through growing pains as a writer.

I usually don't like to any text that give advices .. do it don't do that, but your way of writing is really appealing. A lot of stories inside one story, hein? Well, thank you for well spended time!!

Yes. It is not my place to tell anyone but myself what to do with money. I wanted to bring up questions that people may not think of everyday and do not wish to come off as superior in any way. As long as people take the time to ponder some of these points, then I feel this post was worth creating. Not ever post will be high dollar, but I would like to be known for putting out good work with creative ideas.

'Tis merely a tool...

Like a knife, a surgeon could use to save a life - or kill a man. Or electricity - lighting a city, or electrecuting a person to death.

'Tis only another form of energy - a resource and means for achieving certain outcomes. The difference in outcome, dependent upon the consciousness of the director...

I hope it ends up in the hands of more people with the mindset you have. When people reinvest money in other people, it's like taking steem and powering up. You are using time and money to provide long term success. That's why I help anyone willing to listen :)

It's definitely the love of money is a root or cause of much evil in this world. It's even impacting the current Presidential election.

Agreed and "A greed" is what is driving this election. How many billions of dollars does America waste on advertisement campaigns for an election with two people that almost all people believe will not be good for America.

I never give my tax money to either party. In fact I wish people would stop associating with any party and simply try to work together to better America instead of their own personal agendga.

Politics in America remind me of kids sharing toys. They each want the toy and agre willing to fight for it. Like both arguing about who should get a Lego instead of using the Lego to build together.

I can't even start to go into our foolish spending as a country and bailouts of companies who dug themselves into debt and still sent their ceo's on lavish vacations and other luxuries.

As far as I know, Warren Buffet is really cool with his wealth and humble views. Great article! I'm taking this to heart. I feel a need to say I don't think Bill Gates is the person you think he is... I think it is good to do some research using independent media sources. Great work! thanks..

I will do that. I also greatly respect warren Buffet and could have used him instead, but I wanted a stark contrast between floyd and someone who is actually generus with their money.

I wasn't aware of too many things Bill gates may have been involved in that were not positive, but you are right, I did not dive deep enough to discover that.

Didn't realize steemit was a journalism platform....I thought it was a social network. ;)

I think Elon Musk would have been a good example to use as well :-)


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