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RE: Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

in #money6 years ago (edited)

I wrote at Quora:

Here’s a video of Jordan Peterson denying global warming as a priority issue:

Professor Jordan on Climate Change - the Reality

98% of climate “scientists” are being funded by those who want a carbon tax.

Dig and you will discover it is lies and junk science. All of it.

For example, you may want to listen to 180 IQ Freeman Dyson’s interview where he clearly explains why it is junk science:

Note I think Dyson may be mistaken about human activity raising carbon dioxide level, because as temperature rises, the oceans release more carbon dioxide, but perhaps he has access to data that I do not. Also you might be interested in Dyson's obliteration of the nonsensical thesis of Richard Dawkins’ Selfish Gene book.

Our climate is controlled by the sun. We are entering a Maunder Minimum now due to a precipitous decline in sunspot activity.

The more interesting topic is how so many people can be fooled so easily. You believe everything your propaganda masters tell you to believe?

This research is a slam-dunk refutation of those lies and junk science:

Solar Magnetic Field Oscillations Confirm Global Cooling is Upon Us

Here’s a collection of links for you to review:

Aurora Borealis Warning the Climate May Turn Sharply Colder into 2032

2019 is Breaking All Records for Cold - The Real Threat is a Global Freeze

In the center of the USA, the snowfall has risen to more than double that of 2000. There are many influences it has produced historically and the summer crop seasons grow shorter and dryer. Historically, this results in starvation in some areas but primarily malnutrition. That sets the stage for the rise of disease and plagues.

The Little Ice Age followed the Wolf Global Cooling. We can see that the price of wheat began to break out in 1545. Keep in mind that our model was created by pulling in everything we could get our hands on and correlating the entire world. When our model is showing Global Cooling and a pending bull market in the price of food, it is something rather important enough to put on the agenda. During the 1700s, even Thomas Jefferson and John Adams commented on how the ground froze to a depth of 2 feet. Nothing will grow under such conditions.

Toilet Paper Causes Climate Change

Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production

Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998

Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power

Having Children causes Global Warming as the leading cause of 58.6%

Global Warming Enthusiasts are really believers of the Malthusian Trap - Modern Witch Doctor Analysis

Clash between Catastrophe and Uniformity - The Global Warming Conspiracy

Global Cooling - not Global Warming, that we should Fear the Most.

Global Cooling is Real - Major Temperature Low 2046?

We Were Supposed to be Resorting to Cannibalism by Now from Global Warming

Global Warming Agenda to Create Authoritarian Government

They now want to Reduce Dog & Cat Ownership to Stop Global Warming

Climate Change - Warming is Good - Cold is Bad

Global Warming Nobel Laureate in Physics say is "Pseudoscience"

You Cannot Understand Global Warming without understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics

NASA Now Says They See a Cooling Trend - Not Warming

Climate Change - More than Global Warming

Global Warming Has Nothing to Do with the Sun?

Canadian Coast Guard Report Atlantic Ice is Increasing

The Absurd Theory of Rising Sea Levels is a Child’s Bedtime Story

Blaming Humans for Everything

How Shipping Pollutes as Much as all the Cars in the World but they are Exempt

“Using global warming as an excuse as in France, new taxes on energy and telecommunications companies are included…”

“In Britain, they are creating Extinction Protests to raise taxes. Of course, they are targeting the youth who do not pay taxes yet…”

Magnetic Poles Are Moving Rapidly as Never Before – Precursor to a Pole Shift?

You can start with the Mini-Ice Age section of my blog and the comments under the blog where I cover the decline in the sunpot activity:

Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

The basic problem with these idiots in the world is they don’t comprehend scale. The human population is just some microscopic thin layer of slime scurrying around on the surface of a planet that has orders-of-magnitude more mass than any mass or energy that humans activity can affect. George Carlin explains this well in his Save The Planet:

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