"Steemit Paid my Rent" I just paid a Weekly $60 Rent which I earned using Steemit, finally making enough money to contribute! And will we achieve World peace by 2020? Plus help me fund my SBD giveaways to hardworking minnows!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

I was able to use $60 from steemit earnings (from weeks ago) to pay a weekly $60 rent to my parents that I wasnt really able to do until now thanks to Steemit since now I started earning regular pay here from working hard to keep thinking of new things to post here on steemit and dedicating multiple hours every day(5 to 10) to commenting, posting, replying and upvoting everyday.. Now Steemit is paying for real life! Please help me show my parents how much can be made off just a post ABOUT steemit paying your rent! And for anyone who isnt making enough money to pay their rent yet, maybe my recent Giveaways can help! Please check out my last 4 posts (before this one) all giveaway posts where I need your help to raise the money to allow me to keep giving out the extra SBD I have, knowing I will receive payouts to pay for them later (so i dont have to make the winners wait for the 7 day payout period!) and I believe my giveaways (Where I say, "If this post gets $60 Ill give out $45 to deserving hardworking minnow" are important ways to show how it can be profitable to be charitable here!

It's also a great way to disperse more and more steem to hardworking minnows to reward hardworking minnows WHO can also take orders! Nothing worse than a stubborn minnow who wont stoop posting spam and gets upset when you try and help them! They are just wasting time scraping pennies when they could just post QUALITY stuff and earn A LOt more! and create a STEEMIT MIDDLE CLASS Minnows who make enough money to SPEND a lot of money and who are constantly moving more and more steem around getting our transactions levels up and getting the velocity of money levels up, and yeah it would be nice to see who we can actually depend onto teach themselves how to become better internet posters (By simply grabbing high upvote earning Reddit content for example) an we can hopefully
get the most out of this experiment with cyber Apprenticeships! yes go and find successful steemit and reddit users, an look at where they get content from!

I Know I am lucky to not have to pay very much for renting my treehouse, but I do live in a treehouse and Its not like I have a real apartment so hopefully this is more evidence that the best thing to do i build a microhome or trailer and live in there to save money!

Shot of my Treehouse that I am currently typing from! and I would never need anything bigger until i really start making millions and need to host business dignitaries etc! i would still just upgrade my current tree house instead of buying a condo! or I would build an eco)home village for steemit users using earthbag domes in the desert with @monkimo

I want to buy more solar panels to have enough to power multiple 2000Watt Avalon or Antminers and ethereum videocard rigs to mine crypto currency with solar power and together with @monkimo we will build prototypes for our eco home village! Check out their plan here! (Thanks to @neoxian for your support of their steemit desert village plan! very cool to have whales support these ideas to create physical steemit footholds with actual Steemit Flags flying! )

(Please help me give out money to minnows by helping get this latest giveaway post of mine up to $60 in order to give out $45 to some deserving hard working minnows!!

So remember! Your steem or SBD is JUST as good as cash! If you are new, learnabout the pathway from Steem/SBD to @bittrex or @blocktrades to convert from Steem/SBD to Bitcoin and then send it to @bitpay (Get a bitpay debit card for $10 http://www.bitpay.com ) so you can use ANY ATM as a bitcoin ATM! (or just use your local bitcoin ATM to get cash without having a special bitpay debit card..

..but the Bitpay card makes it easier just ask @craig-grant and @yuliana they make videos about using their steem and SBD to pay for all sorts of daily errands like massages and Sushi and THEN they make videos about it allowing steem to pay for it all again! Im hoping this post I am making will pay for this $60 I just paid as a weekly rent payment! I will pay more as I make more and eventually buy a small piece of land and run an offgrid solar earthship home on it but for now I will keep saving up money and using steemit to fund as many dreams as possible! Dreams of my own and others whose dream intersect with mine!

Here is the street I live on

And some flowers I found on this street on the walk back from the ATM near my house!

More photos of my walk coming up!

yeah everyone also dont worry about all the reall piece of shit people out there, because I mean, Steemit has alot of good people, an honestly Im talking about OUTSIDE of steemit right now, there are just tons of people who actually need steemit.com as a form of therapy....Its a website that doesn't just allow you to force someone to delete a comment or post...posts are permanent just like all action is on this Earth and always has been...to believe that a website like twitter or facebook or reddit can force someone to delete a post, its not very reflective of the REAL world, where when someone yells from a rooftop and screams out some words, it echoes, like Cymatics,

it doesnt stop echoing because you dont like what the person said, no that sound wave keeps traveling and yeah some control freak somewhere could use sound lasers and LRAD technology to contain a sound haha but the sound will be recorded as a meme and when someone goes rogue and yells "Fuck her right in the Pussy" on a news camera microphone it gets played back over and over on youtube and no matter how many times you delete something it will just be reposted! haha but yeah thinking about controlling sound waves made me think of weather modification and I have to point you all into the direction of this new CIA weather control movie trailer I JUST saw a few minutes ago that i COULDN'T believe was actually shown to me, called GEOSTORM

"thanks to a system of satelites, Natural Disasters are now a thing of the Past" says Leonidis from 300 in this trailer where they show a hurricane being stopped in minutes by dropping stuff from satellites LOL, representing the Greek God of the Weather Thor, oh man wheres @sealion or @bravenewworldorder blog at? synchromysticism would do well on steemit! wow this trailer is crazy! HAARP weather warfare that American dad CIA weather control scene...

OH and to @monkimo I haven't seen very much unusual "trails" in the sky...have you? Seems they stopped! much less "special smog" yeah the "special smog" we will call it, seems to have stopped, I wonder why...I think that's a huge deal, also we have achieved World Peace with the G20 these last few days! yes SouthFront on Youtube shows that in Syria and Iraq they still have some fighting to finish but once thats done...and once they solve North Korean problem of regime change and unification this year....its pretty much world peace!

(These are the G20 nations and yes in the past this would have been new world order global government but that globalism is gone! We have nation states! The future is woke! People are more intelligent now because of the internet and remember Putin and Trump and Merkle are all Figure Heads and its our planet! We're building a really nice planet! "And its not like its the only planet we've got", to quote Bender from Futurama..We will be colonizing Mars within 10 years (And for people in the Know, they will just be upgrading the existing colonies lol) But back to world peace i HONESTLY think we can achieve it VERY soon! Just North Korea and Syria/Iraq and a little bit in Afghanistan and the entire world can focus on these hotspots and use economics to raise living standards and we will have world peace and the entire world can party!

(@Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell video about "The End of War" how statistically organized violence is declining, war is over)

I can't believe it but its true! we will be hearing announcements of world peace soon! maybe THEN we can hear about Extra terrestrial Life from NASA between now an 2020 (just 2.5 year away!) Huge accomplishment! The world is about to really change... and steemit is going to just be the icing on the cake! Don't freak out when you start seeing $10 Steem prices before the end of the summer! I can't wait to see people like @xpency and @tj4real buying Land in Africa with money from Steemit! We will really start to make headlines! I will keep using my steemit earnings to pay more and more every week.

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email zackza@gmail.com or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Upvoted good sir :) Lets make the world a better place.

I'm just starting, save up for a house.


Looks like you live in San Diego...Great post!

Best city alive

do you live in san diego @redris?

I like your style @ackza. I don't know always what you're talking about, but I like how you pepper in deep thoughts and add a great deal of personal flair to your posts. I'm definitely on your follow squad.

Big accomplishment honestly, I'm really happy for you !!

That's so cool! Plus you're living in a treehouse. My dream! Upvoted and good luck to you...! I'm planning to be a self-sustaining, organically operating mini-farmer in the future ^^ Somewhere in peace.

Grats on paying your rent. Cool treehouse.

Wow, didn't know you could use a debit card at an ATM and withdraw money from your bitcoin account. Cool!


for china and india and other places, I dunno if bitpay will ship outside the US but u know u can use any Debit card you already have to load money onto! U can use this old shapeshift APi to load any debit card with steem or SBD and i know that mean u can use any debit card u just have to have omeone send u venmo or paypal and u can send bitcoin to people for paypal or venmo or bank tranfer on http://bittybot.co

bitquick bitsquare paxful uphold dude so many wways to get bitcoins to ur bank accounttoo, so many, or to an anonymous debit card! any prepaid debit card can be loaded with bitcoin!

I got my BitPay card finally. They only thing is they don't ship to PO boxes so I had to have it shipped to my parents n then they ship to me. Thanks for letting us know what's up @ackza!

nice! u are always free to ship stuff here if u need too! but ya once u have it u will love it man! it comes out as same deal as with the lkocalbitcoin dealer but i havent done the exact math i think its still same five percent fee , so yeah its also just amazing to be able to jhust buy stuff using debit from bitcoin or steem! i lOVE takingf my SBD and sending to bittrex to sell for bitcoin then sending to my bitpay wallet, and then just adding the btc to my card as USB "Topping off" its a fun lil app u will love using iT! When u load money tho always load less than u have, to cover the fee, like if u have $100 in thge btc wallet, dont add $100 do a lil less like do $94 to give ur self room, and ull see! i dunno why more peopel dont run into that problem, but yeah when u add the btc to ur cartd u uave to add alil less than u have to cover the fee etc or it wil say "insifficient funds" hopefiuly theyllf ixz that to amke it more doctor friendly

anyway other than that (and maybe its just my versiuon of the app on iphone) itw orks really well and ive never had a probolem with it actualy using it as a cash card! i can take out money from ANY atm and only get charged a $2 atm fee from teh ATM no extra fees oin my side.....so ya its best to use a regular BTC at,m to get cash or use local bitcoins, cuz u have a fee ANDC the atrm fee, but if u just use it for debitr or buying stfuf online its cheaper and makes more sense

Glad to know that. Congrats.

Seems like you're doing a great job for the community! Here's my 2 cents to add to the cause ;)

Wesome post. Can't wait for my Steem debit card to finally arrive. Just about 6 more weeks. LOL

which steem debit card? bitpay ? any visa mastercard debit card from bank or prepaid can work, low fees, also ya if ur in us id just go with bitpay

I am using BitWala because it is a new company in Berlin, my home town, where I also have my bank account. They are really cool with low fees. The card is a Visa card and accepts altcoins directly, so no need to exchange anything. You can directly load Steem on it and pay with it in 5 minutes.

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