MKUltra Victim: Cathy O'Brien Tells All, Part 2

in #mkultra6 years ago (edited)


MKUltra is the admitted Central Intelligence Agency mind control program that was sanctioned in 1953 and officially halted in 1973. In 1977 there was a hearing before Select Committee on Intelligence titled PROJECT MKULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION, which you can read about in my post:

This post, however, is a continuation in the series exploring the claims of supposed victim of the MKUltra program, Cathy O'Brien. You can read part one here:

My source material

I'm going point by point over the claims of O'Brien from this video:

We left off at almost exactly 6 minutes.

Let's continue.

  • Bill Clinton and George Bush talked about creating a state of disillusionment with Republicans amongst the public so that Clinton could be propped up as an easy choice for change to the electorate, yet Bush and Clinton would have the same end goals of expanding globalist power.

This technique is what's known as a "false dilemma":

When you reason from an either-or position and you haven't considered all relevant possibilities you commit the fallacy of false dilemma.


  1. America: Love it or leave it.
  2. Death is nothing to fear. It is either annihilation or migration.
  3. Be my friend or be my enemy.
  4. Are you a Republican or a Democrat?
  5. If you're not going to heaven, you must be going to you-know-where.
  6. Good students will study and learn without the threat of an exam, and bad students won't study and learn even with the threat of an exam. So, exams serve no purpose
  7. Since there is nothing good on TV tonight, I will just have to get drunk.
  8. Obviously great mathematicians are born, and not made. John had all the best opportunities and is only mediocre at math. But Kara was good at math from the beginning.
  9. On the quad, I see the jocks in one corner, the rebels in another, and the intellectual set in yet another. Which one of these groups do you hang out with?
  10. You ask how I can know that you're struggling financially? It's simple: in a capitalist economy, you either win big or you lose big, and I know you're not one of the big winners.

Texas State Department of Philosophy

Once the majority of the electorate is convinced of a false choice, they are easier to "Divide and Rule":

Divide and rule (or divide and conquer, from Latin dīvide et imperā) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people.


  • In 1984 they were discussing the ascendance of Bill Clinton to the Presidency of the US, and also discussed in the groundwork for NAFTA, that by the time Bush became president that Carlos Salinas de Gortari would be President of Mexico, and that together they would bring in NAFTA, which was the beginning of NWO controls.

President Bush will sign the North American Free Trade Agreement on Dec. 17, while President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada will sign the pact the same day in their countries, the White House announced today.

Bush, Salinas and Mulroney To Sign Trade Pact Dec. 17, 1992

  • O'Brien claims she was forced to participate in the "criminal groundwork" for NAFTA and the opening of the US-Mexican border at Juarez.

NAFTA has long been tied by some to an uptick in unauthorized immigration into the U.S. On the 20-year anniversary of the agreement, NPR reported in 2013 that U.S. corn-growers—subsidized by the government—sent so much of their product to Mexico that it cost Mexican farmers jobs, which led some of them to make their way to the U.S. to find work.


  • The primary product of this "free trade" agreement being drugs and humans. This was the primary reason for the creation of NAFTA and the main reason the Clinton drug program was centered in the south and involved elements of the Country Music industry.

A recent study from a pair of academics specializing on border issues finds a wide degree of overlap between coyotes and drug traffickers along the US-Mexico border, with government policies helping to encourage the blurring of the lines between the two illicit activities.

Study Examines Drug and Human Trafficking Overlap in Mexico

  • O'Brien, as she "deprogramed", was surprised that the public didn't know about these programs and didn't think to look for them. She says she understand why, though, because good people do not have criminal minds. Bad people think to do bad things and good people simply don't operate in the same way mentally. The bad people know this about the good people, and that's why they get away with their bad activity.

  • George Bush was as high up this globalist criminal hierarchy as she knew. She doesn't claim that is the absolute fact, but as far as she had experience with, that's what she knew. She claims that Regan was below Bush in this hierarchy, and although he was not an automaton or a drone, he still followed Bush's lead.

Hinckley’s older brother, Scott, had a dinner date scheduled at the home of Neil Bush, the Vice President’s son, the day after the assassination attempt on Reagan. A March 31, 1981 news headline by Associated Press confirmed this: Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting.

George H.W. Bush’s other son, George W. Bush, also admitted to journalists that he may have had dealings with Scott Hinckley who was Vice-President of Vanderbilt Energy, but could not remember either way.

Obviously this is all very circumstantial, but then again...What are the odds that the family of the convicted shooter of the President were intimately tied to the Vice President’s family and were also Texas oil tycoons who part-financed the Vice President’s unsuccessful presidential campaign against the President?

The Catcher in the Rye enigma > The Hinckley-Bush-Reagan connection

In August 1990, after seeing the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait as an imminent danger to his kingdom, King Fahd gave the United States the go-ahead to deploy its troops inside Saudi Arabia. By the time President George H.W. Bush met with King Fahd in Jeddah in November, there were 230,000 U.S. troops inside the country.

13 times U.S. presidents and Saudi kings have met

  • In 1983 she says she heard Regan and Mulroney discussing the New World Order. She was "pimped out" to Regan by Senator Byrd, her handler, KKK Exalted Cyclops, and long-time friend of the Clintons. She says Regan put up a good deal of smoke and mirrors "He told you he's an actor." She heard Regan say to Mulroney that the only way to achieve world peace was through mind control of the masses.

Let's call it good for now


We are now almost exactly 10 minutes into this testimony.

There are a lot of mind-bombs being dropped. I'm actually quite surprised at how much mainstream evidence there is that does some work at corroborating her claims. She makes a claim and I go to research the validity of it, and it's shocking how historically cognizant these claims are.

I'll continue on with this series until it is done.

Tell me what you think in the comments below!

Follow me @shayne


This information should come out every day instead of the useless Facebook or Instagram banners, it's really great work you do. I recently heard about Donald Marshall and couldn't help but notice a post with my medical opinion about cloning. If you're interested.

I'm of the Opinion that MK-Ultra Alters are a way of life for over 75% of Americas plugged into TV and News Feeds. However, I do believe there are deeper levels of control that Cathy speaks of. I think she's someone worth looking into.


This is some grade A scary shit. I saw the last post and I have also wondered if a person could be programmed to stuff then they can be programmed say things as well.
I think the current ass***** in power were merely trying to deflect the limelight on previous ones so they don't some under scrutiny. It is obvious at this point, without even looking at the videos that all of them are corrupt along with the system they work in.

good work ! I first knew about satanic ritual abuse through a friend in the 90s, and then learned about it again from Jay parker via Mark Passio - and then did extensive research reading fritz springmeyer's books and listening to - I live in denver - so there is plenty going on here - and Jay Parker said that any town that ends in "ton" is a cult of Aton town - which means of course - satanic ritual abuse galore - which of course is the trauma based mind control for these purposes - did you read about Brice Taylor being used as a spy by Kissinger?

Excellent post, @shayne. Cathy O'brien and her daughter should be enormously compensated by the FED for what they have suffered. What she has done to expose Monarch/MKUltra is heroic. Resteemed and followed.

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