Weekly MSP News - Welcome to Steemit - STEEMFEST - Contests with some awesome prizes!!!

If you are new to Steemit I would like to Welcome you with open arms. You have just joined a great community. A community of people blogging for fun and for money. I don’t want you to have the expectation that this site will make you rich, but I can promise you one thing - You will definitely make more $$$ than you would on Facebook. 

With a clever strategy, hard work and determination you will have a good chance of earning just more than a few bucks. If you are new and want to know more how to make Steemit work for you, then the 2nd part is especially for you.

The first section is News of the Week with interesting developments for all Minnows. Please have a read as there are some interesting challenges/contests going on this week. 

Many thanks and regards, Daniel


Weekly Update 19/06/2017 - Golden Week

Golden week on Steemit! In Japan in early May there is a streak of consecutive bank holidays known as the Golden Week. This week on Steemit feels like a Golden Week. Not due to holidays in our case, but because we have several interesting challenges/contests happening and because the MINNOW SUPPORT PROJECT is growing like ever before. If you have the chance to join the Minnow Support Project you will understand why I’m so happy to be part of this lovely community. 

STEEMFEST - All paid trip to STEEMFEST in Portugal!

Would you like to travel to Lisbon, Portugal? To participate in an awesome get together with the other Steemit members. All expenses paid!

To participate you have to write a post highlighting the following three points:

  1. At least a 1 paragraph bio
  2. Describe what you bring to STEEMFEST (not an object list, but what skills and talents you have that will improve it for everyone)
  3. A budget

Please check out the contest announcement here:

Do you like writing comments? 10 SBD to be won!

Participate in this relatively easy challenge and have a chance to win 10 SBD. Formulate a catchy comment and you might be in for the money. Please see the link below (Remember to RESTEEM and ask your friends to come and vote for your contribution):


Minnow Support Project & PALnet

PALnet extended to include country specific channels for Australia and Zimbawe. A few days later also channels for Italy and Venezuela were added. So if you are from one of those countries and are not yet part of the community, now is the time to join!


I would like to send out a special thanks to @benjojo who generously started to support the #minnowsupportproject by delegating some of his whale power to the community. Our dear community member @gmuxx wrote an excellent, “somewhat” dramatize, story that describe the events that took place.


2nd Part - Steemit Introduction - Grow Minnow, Grow!

If you are new to Steemit or don’t know what to focus on, here are some quick tips that will get you started.

Tip 1 - Write a godlike introduction post!

I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Your #1 priority early on will be to grow your followers. Having a godlike introduction post, that highlights your blog’s purpose and presents a picture of yourself, will help you attract the correct type of followers.

If you feel your introduction post wasn’t up to par, and that your other posts don’t really present you in a correct way, by all means feel free to write an update introduction post.

Tip 1b - What to write

This is not a guide on how to write your introduction post, but here is one crucial things that you need to get right if you want to grab some attention.

You first picture in your post (It is the picture that will be displayed as a thumbnail) need to have a picture of yourself, holding a piece of paper with three things written on it.

  1. Steemit
  2. Today’s date
  3. Your steemit name

For the rest I would recommend that you head over to the Trending page of #introduceyourself and have a look at some of the successful introduction posts.

Tip 2 - Get Followers by writing Godlike comments

This is what you should do with the majority of your time. Making well thought out comments, preferably on posts related to your own interests and related to your blog and godlike introduction post. Don’t just produce comments that praise without adding any reflections of your own or without asking a follow up questions. Anyone can produce comments like: “I Love your post!”, “Amazing story, I’m happy I found you” etc.

You have to bring your commenting to the second level. You want the original poster to feel a need to interact with you. You want him/her to get interested in you. You want to create the urge in them to click through to your blog. Instead of just telling them that you loved their post, tell them why you loved it and connect it with your own experiences and feelings. Instead of “I Love your post!”, consider “I Love your colorful story of the trip to the coffee fields in Ecuador. I’m a big coffee enthusiast myself, trying different coffee beans and roasting them myself. I always dreamed of making one of those trips to a coffee producing country. Looking forward to your future stories.”

There is no need to ask them to check out your blog or to ask for a follow. That is actually a big, NO NO. It will work against you as it will put people off. People normally don’t like to be told what to do. Just focus on writing Godlike comments and for sure they will follow, not because you asked them, but because they really want to.

Minnow Support Project & PALnet

If you are a minnow, aka newcomer, I would strongly recommend that you check out and join the MINNOW SUPPORT PROJECT. Don’t expect this will bring you riches and easy money, but if you are serious about building your Steemit Blog to something extraordinary, then this is the place where you can get inspiration and advice.

Part of the MINNOW SUPPORT PROJECT we have PALnet, which stands for Peace Abundance Liberty network. It is the name used for our Discord channel at: https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw. Please login and join PALnet. I’m currently a “Greeter” in PALnet and I will happily welcome you and give you a hand getting started. If you connect to Discord, please drop me a godlike message or just a simple “Hi!!”. :) Please feel free to hookup with any of the other Greeters if I’m not online, they will be more than happy to help you out.

Proud member of #minnowsupportproject & #teamaustralia
Thank you @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, @canadian-coconut and @sirknight
Click HERE to learn more about Minnow Support Project or HERE to connect to our Discord chat server.

Please comment and let me know if you have any questions.
See you around!


I Love your post!
And of course really liked how you have nicely explained about MSP and PALnet and what should newbies do on Steemit!!

Nice to have you around! See you on Discord.
Wow!! I forgot about HF19 with my upvote. :) :)

Haha, that's awesome!!

You make a very good point in relation to commenting on other peoples posts. I've noticed a lot of "thats cool" or "nice posts". I don't believe these people are being lazy, but perhaps they are misinformed. Comments are important, but substance is waaay more important.

Great post, keep them coming! I've followed.

Nice comment! :)
And thanks for dropping by.


I thought you would hit me with another one. To have the shiba gif battle. 😎

@MSP you guys are great @danielsaori ,thank you for the support thisproject is awesome

PumPEd aND rESteEMeD

Thank you for the support!
Go Minnows Go!


Then just dance!! :)

sure will do that till i am a whale

2nd part was helpful, thanks
go teamaustralia

Thank you for commenting! Go Team Australia, GO!!

Thanks - I'm brand new ...

Please hook up with the community here: https://discordapp.com/invite/E4t4efP
A lot of Greeters will be ready to help you.

Thank you very much ... it appears I tripped some breaker - posted to many blog posts and now new posts disabled ? Woops

What happened? :o
Posting too much is never good, quality over quantity should be the recipe for long term success. Best of luck!

Nope ... just forgot to add tags

Thank you @danielsaori "ドラえもん”.Thank you for posting so much.I read this post over and over again:)

I hope you got something out of it. :) Thanks for taking your time to drop a comment. ありがとう

Hi @danielsaori - I just added your report to the front page of

WelcomeToSteemit.com / http://welcometosteemit.com/
. Thanks for the great content and for helping the minnows! :)

Wow, that's cool. Thanks a lot and good luck with your site!

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)

Yes, already are and trying my best to share the joy! :)
Dank je wel Bart.

nice explained for new steemians, it is worth to read :)

Thank you Lena! Nice to have you around and taking your time to comment.

you are welcome :)

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