Lessons From An Autistic Son : Written For My Son Jonathan Who is Autistic

in #minnowsunite8 years ago (edited)

The despair that I experience

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The hurt that I go through
The frustration that I encountered
The burden that I carried
The disappointment that I endured
Are no match for the joy and blessings that I received in return

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For you have taught me ...
To give unconditional love
To be more giving
To be more patient
To be more tolerant
To be more caring
To realize what really matters most in my life
To treasure the simple things in life
To not take things for granted
To be grateful for the things that I possess
To count my blessings instead of my problems
To listen to more than what words can convey
To have more empathy for others
To value the virtue of charity
To realize that I have a choice in responding to the events around me

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And it finally dawned on me
That despite all the trials and tribulations
I can still have faith, hope and blessing
I can still live a life that is enriching and fulfilling
Thank you my son Jonathan

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If you enjoy reading this poem, find what how I discovered the power of purpose from my autistic son.

And lastly, a shoutout for my top loyal voters @endgame, @makaveli, @minnowsunited, @ozertayiz and @whatyouganjado


If you like my writing please up-vote, share, comment and follow me.


I know my sons gifts are not what most people take for granted. He will always be the square peg in the round hole for some but I think he's a star not looking for a hole to fit in. He will make his own universe. I hope your son does too.

It is difficult for them to fit in, much so in Asian society. There are those who just keep their disabled children at home. When my wife and I started the Association way back in 1998, a lot of people in Sarawak do not know about autism. Only when this topic was openly discussed, one of my acquaintance revealed that he too has an autistic son

That's great to hear. Maybe I should do a post on possible help. Have done research on this. After getting Meningitis last year I have been studying that much more about the brain and nutrition.

I have a dear friend with an autistic son. It hasn't been an easy road. But he is turning into a wonderful young man, and I'm sure she would agree with all you've said.

It is a tough journey for me and my wife but we have learned to take life one day at a time. My wife and I were the founding president and founding vice president of the Sarawak Autistic Association (now known as the Sarawak Autistic Association). This association now provides therapies for more than 50 children with autism

This is a very touching story ! I follow you for more !

Thank you for your kind remarks and for dropping by.

Stay strong and recognize your responsibility given taking care of a very unique and special child! YOUR SON! I will suggest your story to @robinhoodwhale and @curie

Thank you so much for your support and word of encouragement

Loved this! Wonder if you may have thought about avenues of energy from (better) nutrition and/or crystals that can sometimes help to better balance the energy of the autistic.

My wife and I had tried many things including gluten and casien free diet, Applied Bahavior Analysis (ABA), TEACCH program, acupunture and many more

Although my friend never used this with her son, I know many people have had good results using the GAPS (Gut & Psychology Syndrome) diet which goes a bit further than gluten & casein free, and aims to heal the gut. If anyone wants to know more, let me know and I could do a post on it.

Thank you so much. Will do some research on this topic. Your post will help a lot of people.

Working on my post now. I'll probably post this evening (NZ time) so in about 12 hours.

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