You Need To Ask The Question Why :- The Power of Purpose Part 3

in #life8 years ago

Part 1 and Part 2 of my article tell you why you need to know the reasons behind your goals.

However the power of purpose is not only limited to the goals that we set but also to the myriad activities that we carry out day in and day out. In today past paced world, people are getting busier and busier. Our schedule for the day are packed with activities, work, chores, assignments, obligations, deadlines, appointments, meetings and the list goes on. At the end of the day, we are totally exhausted without achieving much and the following day we are back in the same old routine. We get so caught up in this daily routine that we hardly have time for more important or significant activities. We are in the rat race and our lives are like running on a treadmill and going nowhere.

Today compared with the past, more time saving devices have been invented and used. The gamut of these time saving devices range from computers, the internet, email, fax machine, hand phone, etc. At the same time, computerization and mechanization has enable tasks and processes to be performed more quickly. Ironically now more people than ever are complaining about the lack of time. Complaints such as “I have no time to exercise”, “I wish that I can spend more time with my family” and “I wish that each day has more than 24 hours” are very common and those which we can relate to. At the same time we have become very busy and our lifestyle has become fast paced and frantic.

This frantic fast paced lifestyle has in fact spawned a slow culture in Northern Europe. Instead of fast food and takeaways, Northern Europeans have “slow food” where meals are carefully prepared. Instead of a quick bite, the meal is leisurely enjoyed over warmth conversation with family and friends. The Swedish car manufacturer Volvo has a policy that projects must be implemented over a period of 2 years. The result is that Volvo is able to increase its quality, efficiency and productivity. This is because the proposed projects are studied in depth and in detail. The implementation of the project is also more systematic and effective. Faster does not necessary mean better. Companies and individuals alike need to stop and seriously think about this no-rush idea as it promotes productivity, less stress and greater work life balance.

This leads me back to Jonathan's clothes washing activities. A lot of individuals and companies mistakenly associated more activities with higher productivity. But this is not necessary so. A lot depends on the purpose of the activities. Therefore we need to sit back and reflect on why we engage in these activities in the first place. If we shift through the myriad activities to weed out the non-productive activities, think of how much time we can save and how less frantic our lives would be.

So what can we do? I would like to propose a simple solution using the 4 steps below:-

Firstly, we are creatures of habit and tend to do the same activities day in day out. Once our routine is established, we function in a “automatic” mode performing activities without thinking. Therefore once in a while, we need to stop and take time to reflect on the activities that we engage in.

Secondly, we need to examine our daily activities carefully. What is the purpose of these activities? Are these activities bringing us closer or further away from your goals. What is the impact of doing these activities? What is the consequence of not doing the activity?

Thirdly, we need to examine what options you can take by asking the following questions:
Do I need to reduce or increase these activities?
Do I need to eliminate these activities all together?
Can I perform these activities in a more efficient manner?
Do I need to come out with new activities to perform?
Can someone else do this activity for me?

Fourthly, after we have examined all our options, we are able to prioritize our activities. Proceed only with activities that are beneficial and contribute to our goals.

I also believed that there is a purpose for all the major events that occurred in our lives. I used to be upset when people tell me that there is a purpose why Jonathan is autistic. I wondered what possible purpose is there for the Creator to give me an autistic son. Upon reflecting back, there are indeed a number of purposes. I have grown and developed and have learnt to look at life from a different perspective. By looking at the purpose behind an event, we will be able to view the event in a different light.

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