in #minnowsmatter6 years ago (edited)

Today is the official two year anniversary of the @papa-pepper steemit account!

It's been a lot of work, so I wanted to make it available to all of you. I've learned a lot in those two years, and I'd rather not have you all have to learn the hard way, so I'll be sharing my own insight and lessons I've learned. Hopefully it'll help some of you!


At home, a long drought was finally broken by some scattered thunderstorms. The downpours had missed us for a while now, but were finally unleashed today. Since I was trying to move the remainder of my YouTube videos onto my own channel, and since the rain prevented me from getting more work done outside, I made a decision. We left home and traveled to Missouri to get a hotel.

Yes, I know that might sound like a strange thing to do, but i have my reasons. First off, I honestly care rarely get any internet connection out by me that is faster than 3G, and the 3G is sketchy at best most of the time. Just uploading some photos for a post can seriously take me hours. Now if I was going to be downloading videos to put onto my own YouTube channel, we are talking about weeks worth of work, and I may not have weeks. For the past several hours I have been hard at work downloading and uploading, and creating a few playlists. There is still plenty of work left to do, but I have compiled all eighteen of my "Steemit Advice from Papa Video Series" into one playlist, starting with the intro and finishing with a special nineteenth video, which is a five minute recap of my best advice from the series.

It has taken a lot of work, but I'm glad to not only have all the videos on my own page, but to also have them organized in order in one playlist. I present them all to you here tonight. Also, I'm thinking about going live one YouTube and interacting with steemians in real time so they can ask questions and things and I can answer them immediately and interact with others that way. Would anyone be interested in Papa-pepper doing a live stream? I've never done one before, but I heard that some people may appreciate it. Please mention something below if you would be interested.

I always do like the opportunity to help others, but life offline can be demanding too, so I was thinking that doing something like that might help. For now, though, I present you with my complete Steemit Advice From Papa series. It was recorded about a year ago, but the vast majority of it is still very applicable today. Happy #minnowsmatter Monday.... and I still count it as Monday since I haven't fallen asleep yet.

Also, here is my YouTube channel if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8GJap7-XxIrSQqByPQG0SQ




Congrats on your 2 year anniversary

Thank you very much!

Hi @papa-pepper. Long time no chat. Hope you are well :)

Curious if you have heard about the Byteball airdrop to all Steemians yet. Based on your rep, you'll get $160 worth of tokens - $80 liquid, and $80 locked up for one year. It's free money, so I wanted to make sure you don't miss out.

I did hear about it, and thanks so much for the heads up! I hope that you are well too. We have been very blessed lately and are enjoying life incredibly. Thanks @timcliff!

Glad to hear :)
I published a guide earlier today on how to claim the tokens. Happy to help if you have any questions.

Congratulations @papa-pepper
This is super amazing

Gratz on two years, Papa Pepper! Wishing you continued prosperity on Steemit and elsewhere!

congratulations @papa-pepper am pretty sure it has not been that easy at all but with persistence you have made two years here and am positive that we are still with you. I would love if you would take time and do a live stream so we can interact more .

Cool! Thanks for letting me know!

any time! I have to download these videos and share them with the minnows in Uganda literally they must be very important for each person here .

posting a very high quality friend, hope you always success, long time no see how you are, my kind friend please visit my blog once, my post is always empty @papa-pepper

Happy Birthday @papa-pepper.......thank you for always being supportive and Helpful to so many.........

Not sure where you live, but it must be near northern Arkansas. I am in Tulsa if I can ever be of help.

Cool! Thanks for that! I've been known to pass through!

Congrats papa! That look like a great compilation btw

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