If we are conscious

in #mindfulness6 months ago

In our young days of life we take life so very casually and that's also true that wisdom of life only comes as we mature with our life experiences. Even at that time we know that we have very limited time to walk here but we feel that it is a very long time and hence we have all the time in the world to do things. The fact is that life just sweeps off, years pass by in the day to day running. We get so engrossed that we forget the limited time, until something really hits us strong and we get shaken up.

In later part of our life, we become more conscious about how we are living. If we would have the same realization from a very young age, then imagine how beautifully we would shape up our life. We would take such good care of our own body and our surrounding environment also, because we would be conscious every moment that this experience is going to be limited for us. I feel sad for those people who till their old age do not get this realization and live a mindless life by being careless just not their self and to the environment also and creating a chaos for everyone.


If we are conscious about our actions we will not hurt and harm anyone, there would be no wars and violence in the world. If we are conscious about our nature, we will not go ahead destroying the nature and our resources which are so very limited. Everything has a life span and being mindful about this will give a better quality of life to us and everything around us. Now we are targeting another planets for some of the natural resources. Imagine if we start mining planets then gradually our greed will increase so much that we will deplete the resources in the outer space as well. There is abundance of it in the outer space, and we humans are already eyeing for it. The day we become successful with our first mission then there will be no stopping.

If we become conscious about our air that we breathe then we would not go-ahead destroying trees, but we take it for granted as if this air will be by itself forever. We forget that the quality of air we breathe will depend on our environment. We may not be in capacity of doing big things, but every single person has the capacity to do small things and collectively make a big difference, the only thing we need is to be conscious.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


This is such a beautiful post @nainaztengra <3

There is a saying which goes "Youth is wasted on the young". I forget who write those words, but the weight of the truth they hold is undeniable. I have actually been reflecting on similar things a lot lately too... as I head toward my 44th birthday in June this year.

Life is such a fun joyride when we are young and the weight of the world does not hold us down as much as it can when we are older, but simultaneously, we don't have the wisdom to appreciate all the things which deserve appreciating when we are young. It is a little bit crazy really, isn't it, lol - like it should have been designed the other way around. Young bodies with mature minds haha!

This level of consciousness which comes with age, expands to so many different parts of life. Our home, education, environment, relationships everything.

I lost my mom to breast cancer in June 2020 - something which none of us knew about, because she never told anyone until it was too late... but now that she is gone and I think back to her last year of life... I can remember situations at the dinner table if we had her over for dinner, where she would get quite anxious and quietly upset if I reprimanded my young son for doing "whatever" at the time. I noticed that she became quite vocal about not wanting any kind of animosity, fighting or anything like that around her.

At the time I used to get a little annoyed with her, because I was trying to teach my child... but now that she is gone, I have the perspective... She knew she was dying, and she wanted to be surrounded by nothing but love and goodness for her last moments here.


It changes everything!

How we act, how we feel, what we do or dont do....

Lovely article xxx

Oh my dear, I send you loads and loads of love.
True, it is the irony of life, when we have it all we do not understand how to manage it, when it's gone we crave for it.
I lost a very dear friend to Breast cancer last week only, it brings so much pain to me. She was a girl full of life, so stylish and elegant and very soft at heart. None of us imagined she would leave us so soon, but she is gone in a wink and I keep thinking how and why so soon. We had so many plans together and now they are all just a dream which will never come true.

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