Transitions and Shifts, How I Return To Peace in a Chaotic World


This Altar and Zen Board are a small example of how I try and find peace in the small moments. My altar reminds me of my high self, and I try and call on my high self daily and ask that I live in my highest self and essence. This zen board allows me to feel like I can express myself creatively. I love the changing nature of the picture as it dries. Reminds me of the changing nature of life and the more I can flow like water the better I am able to live happily in this chaotic world. I have been feeling blocked with my writing and creative side and I am working to unlock that part of myself and to heal the parts of me that have been locked up. I like to sit at my altar and burn palo santo, sage, incense, Frankincense, and amber. I burn different scents for my mood or intention I am working with in meditation.

Scents can transform my mood and I notice when I incorporate scents my meditation practice feels richer, and I am able to be in the moment. I love to stare at the smoke and watch it transform, a great gateway for me to shift into my mind and allow it to drift and bend like the smoke. I allow my mind to relax and I even like to look at the shape of the smoke and look for different shapes that provoke emotions and thoughts.

This last year and a half feels like a fog that I am just shifting out of. Simultaneously, I have been forced to push myself harder than I ever have mentally, physically, and emotionally. So I am posting this to remind myself and hopefully help someone else remember how to find the peace and stillness in the chaos of this world.


This heart reminds me of the infinite nature of reality and that we all came from love and someday will return to love. In moments of chaos, anger, stress,I feel my uncomfortable emotions and then I ask to feel forgiveness for myself first and then for everyone else. Often we are hardest on ourselves. I try and remind myself it is okay to make mistakes. With all the pressure on me at work and at home having to manage a household and care for 2 kiddos. I try and give myself grace. If I feel things spinning I stop, and ask myself what can I take off the list. What can I move around to make things simpler. Usually I can shift a couple things and give myself some room to breathe.


On top of having to move I had to get the old place cleaned out and of course the landlord was picky so it took me all last weekend. I had so many emotions come up, even on the car ride to go finish the cleaning. I felt all the feels as they came up and allowed myself to cry and release. When I feel angry I work to allow myself to feel my emotions and then to try and cry or meditate or both and allow the emotions to roll off me like raindrops. I feel the emotion and allow it to roll off and dissipate. Even practicing mindfulness during cleaning is like a meditation for me. I sit and be watch the transformation of the Energy of then space while simultaneously clearing the cobwebs in my mind. I love cleaning because it’s instantly rewarding to feel the room shift. My mind and spirit do so much better when things are clean and organized. The free spirit in me loves to throw my stuff everywhere so it’s a tricky combo. The more I am mindful of

Crazy that we all lived and worked in this tiny space that you can see every room from the front door.

I have had a goal of buying property for a very long time. I achieved my goal 3 weeks ago and have been so grateful to have such a safe home with ample space for all of us.

Thanks for dropping in and I wish you peace and love on your journey💜💕💙



Angel's in good hands with the love and style you both have for him.

Thank you!! I heard you did drum circles. Do you still lead those? Very interested

Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom - Isn’t it amazing that one sense sphere of smell can activate our inner wisdom? I was listening to English-Australian Monk Ajahn Brahm and suggested that smell was the first sense that develop in children and so meditation focused on smell sense sphere can take you back right to the childhood even before we could talk - great post, upvoted. Thank you for sharing.

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Wow that’s incredible and makes so much sense. I remember the smell of my grandmas house and the little pink candies she likes. Smell is so powerful and especially to me, I like to say I have a tiger nose I can smell things from a mile away. Also, I have the gift of smelling things as a psychic tool... for example I’ll smell smoke when no one is smoking. Or just smell a really bad smell on someone when they have entities attached to them.

Thanks for the love! I’m so inspired to keep posting about mediation and mindfulness. They are truly the pillars of my life. I took a mindfulness class in college in 2013 and I’ve never been the same since. Best class ever. Have a wonderful day 💜💕💙

How wonderful.....I used to tell my wife she has strong smell - she can smell things that we couldn’t. You seem to have unique power
Glad you found mindfulness profoundly helpful. I started serious meditation in 2009 and hade been practicing 1-2 hours daily and it has changed my life. I see the time in meditation as an high yielding investment 😊

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how cool she has the gift of the nose as well :) that’s wonderful! How lucky your family is to have your mindfulness and presence and good example of the importance of meditation:) I’ve been teaching my older boys to meditate for years. I hope it’s helps them and they remember it.

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