Transitions: Mindful Color Meditation, Mindful Monday

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago (edited)


Working, stretching, expanding
I feel like a rubber band about to snap
The pressure mounting like the steam in my instant pot
How do I become the tea kettle that doesn’t spill over?
My mind wants to wander into the dark
I reel myself out with my fishing pole of truth
High Self straightens my hair and shines a light out my crown chakra
You are magic, you are love, and no one can take that from you she says
I embrace my inner child and hold her tight too
You are safe beautiful one, and this too shall pass
Did the caterpillar feel like it would die being squished from the inside?
How many times have you already survived, and not only survived, shined your light and thrived
This world is a crazy place and sometimes it’s way too intense and as an empath self care is immense
So tonight I put me first, took a walk in the dirt,
And remembered to love myself first 💜💕💙🙏🏻

I have been in complete transformation and today’s Mindful Monday post drove me outside for some mindfulness and some meditation time with Gaia.

As I walked I noticed the green lush earth all around and how spring was really here.



The lush earth and the west grasses and smells were soothing and I put ever once of my negative energy into the earth. Watching the lushness of the greenery around, envisioning myself being washed and renewed like the budding foliage everywhere. As I stared into the other side of the canyon and noticed the many shades of green.


As Focused in on the color I drew that green color inside myself. I saw the green as my heart chakra and envisioned my whole body filling with all the shades of greens. I envisioned any negative thoughts turning into these deep hues and then disapating back into the earth as color into the color.

I continued to walk and this piece of bark caught my eye.


I felt like this was a sign from my guides that love heals all.


I sat here staring down the canyon, and saw this winding trail, here I practiced my mindfulness meditation by being aware of the sights and sounds... the winding trail reminded me of the excitement of a new journey and the new journey I am on right now of living my truth and following my soul path. The sounds of my sweet baby boy made me bask in love and awe for the miracle of life and how much I love my children. The tiny spider waking across the rocks reminded me of my need to write, to express myself and to focus on living my truth.

Anjel was ready to go, so I continued a walking mediation on the way back. Being mindful of my breath, my steps and my thoughts. Basking in gratitude I came home feeling renewed.

Many thanks for following me on this #mindfulmonday

May you be filled with peace and love today 💜💕💙


You’ve been visited by @riverflows on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Oh, this is soooo beautiful. I think we did the same meditations this Monday - you in the forest, me by the sea! Such beautiful earth centred awareness of all that is, and gratitude for it too - what a beautiful practice mindfulness can be. I adore your poem too. I wish I could award this more than I have power to!

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Thanks so much @riverflows! I’m so grateful it resonated, I was having trouble commenting earlier and read your beautiful heartfelt post as well and felt like I was sitting on the beach smelling the salty air with you. So grateful to share this Mindful life together. It’s so empowering to be able to support each other 💜

Wonderful ❤️ “How do I become the tea kettle that doesn’t spill over?” Love that.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you! 💜🙏🏻 Was so grateful for this time in nature and to be able to share experience.

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