The Vibration of our Collective Consciousness; how does it impact us at an Individual Level?

in #mindfullife5 years ago

In the last so many months or I can also say in the last 1 to 2 years time period almost everyone I am talking to is going through a rough patch in some or the other way in life. Be it health, work, finances, family, relations. There has been some kind of impact in most people's life in this last 1 to 2 years time, which really makes one think, why do we have such a low period for almost everyone. Is it the lower energies in the universe, is it the planetary positions that is impacting or some other forces.

What do the Psychics have to say on this?

A lot of psychics say that the planet Earth is shifting into a whole new reality the 5th Dimension from the 3rd Dimension and along with it we each individual are also moving ahead on this path into the 5th Dimension at our own frequency, but whenever there is a lot of mismatch in the frequency of an individual and those of the planet Earth things start falling apart for one. Specially people who are willing to make this shift consciously will have a lesser impact then the ones who are unconscious towards this shift. So is this unconscious behavior of the people that is creating all the havoc? But to think of it there is no differentiation of good or bad people here, I sometime see the good and the conscious ones suffering more then those who are already into nasty acts. So this theory somewhat does not appeal to much.

Is the Planetary positions at Play

This is also something to ponder on. To an extent I do believe in this one, as I do believe in Astrology and understand that the planetary positions brings an amount of impact in our lives. Each Planet plays a significant role in the Universe not only controlling the functioning of the Universe but also our physical bodies. For. e,g. the different seasons, the natural occurrences like earthquakes, volcanoes, the day and night phenomena, the high tide low tide occurrences. The movement of planets impact every single thing and being in the universe. The Eclipse or the Retrograde periods, Full Moon, New Moon bring a direct impact to us emotionally, mentally, physically. hence there is no reason to not believe that it can also impact our lives. If we observe our breadth closely we will see how our breadth varies at different times of the day and the Moon cycles. In the last 2 years there have been many retrogrades and eclipses that have taken place and these can also hamper the quality of our lives impacting each one of us in the way our chart gets impacted the most as per the positions.


The Collective Consciousness

While our Individual Consciousness has a major impact on our life but so does the collective consciousness does impact us in many ways. And how is that happening? Collectively the energy that is getting spread out in the Universe is going nowhere but reflecting back to us in the way it is spread out. I read this very beautiful article of Stephen Hawking about which I have mentioned earlier also in one of my blog, which talks about the cause an effect, he mentions there that if we start digging a Pit, there will be a hole on one side and on the other side there will be a heap of the dug out material. The material that is dug up will not disappear in the air it will be in another shape somewhere. There will be some form to that material. The same is the cause and the effect. If we throw out something, it is shaping up in some other form somewhere, it just does not disappear. So is the case with the energy, we humans release negative energy which does not disappear, it is shaping up somewhere in some form and coming back to us. It is in the universe and when there is an imbalance in the positive and negative forces we are seeing all the chaos around us impacting us in the most vulnerable areas of our lives.

All that we are manifesting Good or Bad with our actions is all in our Energy Field which is shaping up our reality. The house we live in, the jobs we work at. the people we deal with are all part of our own manifestation which is least in our consciousness so we do not know from where it is originating. But subconsciously it is originating from within us itself.
The Etheric field around us is a reflection of our own actions, thoughts, lifestyle and this Etheric field of our own self, of our house is then shaping up the Reality of our future based on what it has been stored with.
The Vibrations that the Humans Consciousness spreads out in the Universe the same is reflecting back to us. The Universe is listening to us all the time and it is just responding back to us in what we are sending out. If we are spreading out good energy through our thoughts, actions and words then the same will reflect back to us but if we spread out the energies of hatred, violence, jealousy, fear it is the same that will also come back to us in all different forms and it will just not come back to us but it will also pollute the energy in the universe.

While there are many mindful people who are always striving for peace, progress, humanity but these are just handful against the ones who are full of greed, lust, corruption, power eccentric and hence we see so much of negativity out all over in the universe reflecting back to us. I do hope that more and more people can spread out messages of love and peace so that the whole of the universe is vibrating in the similar frequencies.

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"In the last so many months or I can also say in the last 1 to 2 years time period almost everyone I am talking to is going through a rough patch in some or the other way in life."
This is interesting, because this is also true for me and for my brother. 2017 and 2018 was very bad both for me and for my brother. The upcoming years (or even decades) will be probably still difficult for my brother, but I am starting to returning to a relatively normal life. For me to return almost exactly where we was, it will take approximately 5-6 years Or even more. But to return to a relatively normal life it will take only a few months, if everything will go according to my plans. For my brother that will be much longer, if he can ever return to that point, but the things around him are not looks like that. I exactly know why all of this happened, I just wanted to share my experience to show that your statement above (is maybe more) true (than you think).

You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!

I'm with you on that! I would much rather prefer to live in a world where there is peace and harmony and more of a loving vibe! Thanks for bringing this to our attention for a heads up to be aware of the energies you are putting out into the universe!

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Where does negative energy or positive energy come from? If the Etheric field surrounding our beings is Modified by us, our well being, emotional output and satisfaction do we produce the positive or negative charge? Can it be done deliberately?

The idea that our individual selves could be in any way separate from, or affected by, the collective self is odd. There is no separation. What the individual manifests and creates arguably IS what the collective experiences - more so than the other way around.

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