Less Money and Peace of Mind or More Money and a Hectic Life? What would you prefer?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #mindfullife4 years ago (edited)

This is one topic on which I most of the time have a debate with people, then be it of any age group. Money has become one very important factor today in people's life and no doubt it is one of the most important need for survival. But to what extent will one go to earn this important need is the question? Will you do anything to earn money, even if it will cost you your peace of mind and may also come down to health. Are you willing to go to that extent?
Many people are ok to compromise on their physical and mental health when it comes to earning money. To an extent even I was in that category where Money was the priority for me and for that I used to end up with long working hours, very little time for rest and definitely less peace of mind and high stress levels. As we grow older then the priorities change and we understand that it is really not worth to be so much after Money to an extent that it can take away our good health from us.

When we are young, we have many aspirations, dreams, desires and we want to achieve all of it in a short span of time. We desire fancy clothing, lavish holidays, a good lifestyle, best things for our children, best education for our children. But all of these best things come at a very heavy price which we do not realize it then. When the body is young it is able to take up the stress and the more then required pressure that we give to keep going, but as the age catches up the body also starts giving up. After the age of 40 we see the effects of the past coming out in all the different health forms. In today's time I see people as young as 20 and 25 have depression issues, blood pressure issues and what not.


Corporate culture in India and many parts of the world has become very stressful. Though a lot of companies are now giving importance to work-life balance but still there are many many who do not have any consideration on this and employees are pressurized in a manner where they have no choice but to work late hours and also take back work at home. This culture is very common, it is then the responsibility of the individual to draw the line of stretching out.
People want to scale up the corporate ladder very fast, because moving up the ladder means position and more money and for that they do not mind working extended hours, not getting enough sleep and rest. They work till late nights, over the weekend also there is work and there is hardly any time for relaxation and unwinding. Which I do not feel is appropriate.

We were discussing this topic in our circle where most of my friends are working in big corporates and their opinion is they do not mind stretching out and getting a fast growth in short span and then relax out. But does that really happen, when you keep moving up, it never stops. One position comes through and you start aiming for the next one and then the next. No one like stagnancy and there is so much competition that if you do not like stagnancy then you need to be a part of the race. They believe that while they are young they can push themselves and make good amount of money and then chill out, but least realize that the pushing will do so much harm to the body and after few years in some or the other form it will come out, and during that time you will not chill out but will be running to the Doctors and spending your money on them.


We humans are also very stubborn, till the time we do not get hit we do not learn our lessons, so I guess everyone learns with the experience and when they get hit with something to shake them up and make them understand that it is ok to be in slow pace life, earn less and be relaxed and happy.
A slow pace life does not mean being laid back and not doing anything, that is also one thing that one should not get into..hahaha....
It is about finding the right balance of life. Making equal time for work, for rest, for play and for family.

A lot of people do not agree with my this thought, I believe that money comes in with smart work and not always hard work. It is not always necessary that if you work 20 hrs a day you will get promoted and get more money in the job. It is about how you work that matters.
A friend of mine tells me that in his business it is important to have a high end phone a latest model, and to show off a fancy lifestyle to attract more business. Well I really do not agree to that, if the business is based on the model of your phone, or the car you drive, or the clothes you wear then there is something surely wrong with the business strategy. His business is not doing very well and the income is not very good, so he feels pressured to earn more and this has already started taking a toll on his health. It is such a vicious and a never ending circle.

So what do you prefer Less Money and Peace of Mind or More Money and a Hectic Life?

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more money = more peace of mind 😘

Hahaha, I like the way you think. It is also said that it is more comfortable crying in a Mercedes then a Toyota :-)

hi @nainaztengra, great article. in my younger years, I sacrificed a lot being away from home working long hours, chasing the dream car. I'm happy to say I now live a more balanced life. I may still work more hours than I'm paid ... but not by much and will happily take the day off if I have reason to...

I guess we all go through this transition and with age we are able to understand our real priorities of life. It is difficult to reach to a stage of contentment with what we have but if we reach that stage, which thankfully you could, life gets simpler and smoother. Thank you for sharing your story @goblinknackers

You’re right about a lot of things. I would say it’s less money and peace of mind because mental health is very important for me. I must say though there are factors to be considered here, we all live in different societies, it is way more easier to find a balance and not prioritize money in some societies than others. Here in Nigeria, where basic things like health services, transportation or even good education is not available, you find yourself working hard and pushing just to be able to provide these things. Sometimes you want a balance but then there are these factors that make you forget about anything else other than focusing on money. Regardless, a balance in life is key.
I really enjoyed this article.

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That's very true my dear. Our environment is very important to decide all these things. There are many people in the world who are struggling just for basics. When the basics are right then it is much simpler to dwell on other things but if you have to struggle for the very survival then there is not much of choice but to plunge in.
This is a very important perspective you have shared. Thank you for sharing it @jennie.dan

It’s no problem🙂
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Less Money and Peace of Mind - else you spend all your money later on your health without peace of mind :)

That's exactly what I mean, no health, what are we going to do with all the money.

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