One Million Dollars/First 24 Hours

in #milliondollarchallenge6 years ago (edited)

I was tagged by @omra-sky for a challenge. The idea is that you have been given $1,000,000. What would you buy within the first 24 hours? It can't be Steem related. I was also told to tag 5 people and your names will be at the end.

Wouldn't that be a wonderful surprise? I would buy time because there just isn't enough time in each day to do all of the things that I want to do. Since that is just a thought and time can't be bought, it's back to reality with the tick-tock of the clock. (Sorry about the rhyme. @omra-sky likes it and I wanted to make my friend smile.)

I would first pay off my never ending dental bill. I have had problems since my first dental appointment when I was 6 years old and I practically live at the dentist. I was born without enamel, I was told. I take really good care of my teeth and don't have any problems with lose roots or my gums. I have TMJ Disorder and a dislocated jaw, which adds to my dental problems. Crowns and root canals; repairing cracked teeth. TMJ surgeries, dental surgeries, fillings, etc. I would then pay to have all of my teeth pulled and buy false teeth. I have already checked into it and the cost is $35,000. I am so done with my teeth and it would be a dream come true, to end all of the pain and suffering. And, my time would not be so consumed by dental visits. Well look at that...I just bought more time.

Then, I would buy a new car. Mine is 16 years old and my son keeps it purring like a kitten, but I am always worried about what will break next and where I will be stranded. I would also love to stop winding my windows up and down manually.

Next, I would be off to buy a new computer. Can't live without one of them! Well, you could but look at all of the fun you would be missing.

Lastly, I would buy a humongous amount of cat food and litter. I would then rent a truck and driver to pick it up and haul some to my house first, and then to everyone who has a cat, giving each a big supply. Then off to my local animal shelter, to give them as much as they could hold. The rest would go to my friend who lives 2 hours away. She has a lot of land and a cat sanctuary, which is not registered, and pays for everything out-of-pocket. She gets all of them spayed and neutered too, so you can just imagine what the cost is to care for 25 cats.

It will be fun to know the hopes and dreams of others. I was told to tag 5 people, so are it: @brisby, @mr-neil, @scribblingramma, @freedomtowrite and @wonderwop.

Image Source: 100% my own.


Love it when you rhyme! 😊 The cost of dental care is such a nightmare. I hope that you're able to get them removed and stop the pain and unending appointments. 🤗
Would any of that litter glitter? You're wonderful to want to help out your friend who gives so much love to those kitties! 💜
Hoping that all of these dreams come true, for the sweet, funny and fantastic you!
Thank you for tagging me Whatisnew! 😎

Thanks brisby! My nutty, squirrely friend!
No, no glitter litter. LOL!
Look at that beautiful, heartfelt rhyme. Thank you.

Those are all really awesome but I reckon you have a chance of achieving those dreams right here on Steemit and yes its amazing how some things can actually save us time like less visits to the dentist, a reliable car etc, good luck @whatisnew keep Steeming, haha I can see why you feel my pain for getting a new pc lol.

Thanks for the good luck wishes @simonjay! I am Steeming on.
Yes, I most certainly feel your pain. Are you any closer to getting rid of that blue screen of death? Sure hope so. : )

Oh yes definitely infact I am just transferring some of my remaining SBD and will get the money tomorrow I think, so that should be enough to buy it, but I am going to be busy for the next week or 2 and might not have the time to see if its still available for sale but we shall see, I will most likely make a post saying I got it lol, thanks for asking.

That is great news @simonjay and I know how excited you are. I will be looking forward to your post. : )

I wish this all for you, yes this is true. Thanks for going the extra mile, just to make me smile.

Look at you rhyme! I love it Omra! You just made me smile...thank you! : )

I loved how you wrote a bit about each thing you would spend money on! I do hope you can be all done with your teeth, and all that pain!

Thanks for tagging me!! I will make mine soon!

Aw, thank you! I will keep dreaming because I don't see that happening. : )

Thanks for accepting the challenge! : )

Lol, I see my knack for tags has rubbed off on you. Dental work sucks. I'm in the process of repairing a cracked tooth. May we both be lucky and come across lots of money.

Yes, it has. LOL! So sorry to hear about your cracked tooth...I feel you! Good luck with it. : )

Thank you. :) My appt today went ok. They are giving it 4 more weeks to see if the bone fuses with the graft. Then the implant will be put in place. Been a long 3 months and hoping it will be ready by then.

That is a shame that you have to wait 4 more weeks. I sure hope it works. : )
By the way, I posted your favorite flowers, Pansies. I don't want an upvote, just wanted you to see them.

Awww, darn it. You know how hard it is to not click it? Lol. Ok I will just umm peek.

Judging by your first 24 hours, your gonna have a bunch of money left for the rest of the month. Great idea. I'll see if I can put something together in the next day or two. Great job @whatisnew 👏

Wouldn't that be nice! : ) Thanks for accepting this challenge. I see silver in your first 24 hours. : )

That was a very interesting wish-list! I will have to digest this for a while before I write on the topic!

Sounds rush. Thanks for accepting this challenge. : )

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