
Congratulations Big Dolphin! I dont know what any of this means but it sounds cool and 10000 SP sounds like alot! Is Sugar Dolphin a thing yet?😂

Hahahaha @aristeem Sugar Dolphin, funny thing. I'll give your comment a tiny bit bigger upvote than all the others okay? :P

Shit man - you're a big dolphin???? Far out. congrats. i think? You move FAST - teach me your tricks, oh master guru of Steem guruness!! Girl, you're an inspiration. xx It's taken me just over a year for my first 5k (coming up super soon I hope, donations accepted) - does it work exponentially? Please tell me it does, or DM me with tricks of the trade for more accolades and kisses xxx

And I'm powering up like a dofo (you gotta work that one out, I've had wine and think I'm funny) - but am Libran vacillitating between powering the whole lot down and investing everything I've got. You know how it goes!

Hahaha - I want to teach you EVERYTHING @riverflows!

In short:

  • Yes, it works exponentially
  • Using OCDB helps - a lot
  • I do notice that I get more support after going to meet-ups <3 So I see it as a slow way of buying STEEM? Like I spend money to go to a meet-up and get it back indirectly? Haha.

Anyway, my DM is always open, seriously, shout if you want me to teach you some of the finer tricks :P I have no idea what people want to learn, maybe I can even write a dedicated post based on your input.

Congratulations on your achievement!! Is nice to read about progress being made.

Happy birthday Big Dolphin!

I'm manual curating with some vote selling, still looking for authors / stuff i like. I do miss the returns of vote swapping, self voting and auto curation though:) congrats

What made you decide to start manually curating? Most go the opposite direction :D I did some vote-selling the past 10 days while traveling and I was surprised to see the returns come in... They are very good :-)

Manual curation is the reason i joined steem in the first place - i like to read, got lost along the way. Hopefully EIP aligns what i like doing with acceptable new steem coming in.

Oh with regard to taking curation seriously - it may even be beneficial to go and borrow steem, not sure, just a thought

I guess that is the case for most of us! I do try to combine manual curation and auto curation!
Curation could become very more important when they will implement the 50/50 split between the authors and curators! While I am not really a fan of that idea, I will try to prepare myself for this scenario!
Ps: it is great to see such a big account doing manual curation!

I thought about that idea too, the one of borrowing steem. I think even dlease delegation filled at a low ROI and vote selling might bring value.
Congrats for being a manual curator, and given the picture I bet an AFOL too!
I'm a Lego collector 😁 @michealb

For a real curator like you are the EIP must look golden! :D I hope more people will come back to curating that might have given up along the way... Or maybe we can even create new curators this way.

Oh with regard to taking curation seriously - it may even be beneficial to go and borrow steem, not sure, just a thought

I've been thinking the same. SP might become a lot more expensive after the EIP is implemented...

And thanks for the congratz! <3

welcome little cuz :)

I am powering over... I've been holding my account steady for a while. Last week I increased my power down to 200 a week and I am reinvesting it in Steem Projects that I believe in.

Steem Power is managed by SteemIt Inc and some others. I don't have confidence in the way they think and the actions they take, but the blockchain functions perfectly.

Some day soon after some testing of the side chain projects I might make a SPORK if I can find some partners.

Congrats on 10k it's a big deal and that is about where I will hold once I reinvest in some sidechain projects.

Yes, a project would be truly interesting to watch and experience. I'm quite interested in the PALnet launch as well, as they have some stuff in the whitepaper we would have loved to see on Steem as well from the beginning. Going to read more about that tomorrow though.

Good for you to decide to 'Power Over' and keep your SP steady while looking into more exciting side-chains - let us know which ones you like most :D

And thanks for the congratz!

I'm almost there :0)

I own about 9800 SP for the moment, but I delegate almost half of it, mainly to initiatives and newcomers.
If I remember correctly, I reached 5000 last September.
I'd probably grow faster if I wouldn't delegate so much, but actually the main reason to grow my account was that I would be more able to help others - so I'm sticking to my promise :0)

:D You're doing great, delegating is another way to gain support, all those tiny Steemians will become big Steemians and remember how you helped them :-) I hope you make it to 10k really soon!

Thanks. But you know what? After I became a dolphin' the numbers weren't that important anymore. 😉

What frustrates me a lot more is that rep score... It just won't go up.
But I guess that's what you get when focusing on newcomers - the bigger part of my votes come from smaller accounts' which do not have an effect on my rep score 🙄

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, that REP number is really mean... It shouldn't matter but it does right? I felt proud when I arrived at 70 even if I know that it's only a partial representation of being a 'good' Steemian :-/ Joining some Oracle-D tasks might help maybe?

It shouldn't matter but it does right?
Exactly! 👍

I really need to look into those Oracle-D tasks. I've seen people's rep score skyrocket since they started doing those...

Congrats with this achievement! Passing the 10K mark is a huge milestone!
I am hoping to pass the 5K mark this year, so I am a little bit behind!

I do think that it is easier to go from 10K to 15 K, than from 5K to 10K. So much more possibilities. Curation rewards will increase faster, more possibilites to delegate and so on!

Why not make it a challenge for yourself, to have 15K before, let's say the first of October. That will mean that you will have 3.75 months!
I do really believe that you can do this! Looks you do have the support from some mighty accounts! A little bit jealous on those upvotes :). But I guess you earned there support somewhere on the road!
Now it is maybe also your dutty to find some other accounts to support. Accounts that are willing to grow!

Enjoy the celebration and cu in 3.75 months, when you do make the 15K post!


Some of my numbers and stats are very similar to those of Rosa, including the speed of accumulation our SP so she might want to set the same goal as me and that is 15,000 by the end of this year :) I think it is doable for both of us and regular checking upon each other would be a nice extra motivation. Challenge accepted, Rosa? :)

:D Yes, let’s do it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ok, deal! :) We both have to reach the 15,000 SP milestone by December 31, 2019 :)

Deal :D Curious to see how the EIP is going to help/ruin our goal ;-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @fullcoverbetting! 5k is a huge achievement as well and I'm rooting for you to make that goal!

And I agree, it will probably be easer from here to 15k than from 4k to 5k even... Steem really is a compounding machine :-)

Maybe I should create a goal for myself, I never do that as I don't like to do 'book keeping' haha! But 15k in October sounds like a great goal to achieve :D

Yes, I'm not complaining about the support I get, and I realize how lucky I am. I've noticed some consistent support after I went to different meet-ups, people like voting for people they know 'IRL', so that definitely helps, and maybe some other aspects too - work and luck I'd say, it's always a mix of both.

Thanks for your comment Peter! Keep on Steeming :D

We have to be honest. Luck is some part of the game!
It is hard to be discovered by a bigger account. And indeed meeting people in real life of course helps! To bad, my 2 sons with all their football keeps me too busy to go to steem meetups! Really regret that!
For me setting a goal helps! But we are all different in that aspect!
Great that you have accepted the challenge of @phortun. I do expect an bi-weekly update from both of you!

Your two sons can join my next meet-up :D Hahaha - we'll just make Steemians of them!

But yes, luck is part of it - in the beginning I randomly got support from a while, lasted a few (6?) months, and after that I reached almost 3000 SP - from scratch. Almost 90% came from that whale - I have no idea if I would've become such an active Steemian without that feeling of support/recognition.

Steem is not a fair game, it's a game of luck and networking :-)

Really hope to see you at 'a' meet-up someday!

Will try to make it there!
The oldest one already has an account. The youngest one will have to wait a little bit longer!

Congratulations on the 10K , you Dolphin you!!!

Congratz!!! Nothing but the maddest respect for you. A true beliver in Steem through and through. Keeping climbing that ladder and increasing your stake and power on the platform. :)

Thanks @ezzy! Appreciate the lovely comment :D Yes I'm climbing and working as long as I can ❤️ Just like you!

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