MILESTONE Post: One Year on Steemit – 4800 Followers!

in #milestone6 years ago (edited)

MILESTONE one year on steemit followers fitinfun.jpg

June 2017 is when I came to steemit. This is one of a series of posts I’m writing in June 2018 to remember this year and how things have gone for me here. I’m not normally one to do milestone type posts, so this is something new for me.

Why am I here?

I came here to post my content. I have been posting my natural weight loss information online since I lost “half my size” in 2011. I thought steemit would be a good place to post and it has been for many reasons.


4800 followers is a lot I think, but I do not see many of them. I have a handful of good friends, upvoters, people who comment, people who like my weight loss information, and others who are thankful for my minnow tips. Some are interested in my life in Thailand, and want to find out how they could move overseas too.

A lot of my followers are gone from steemit now. I follow all of them back and have lists of people I like to visit. I’m always sad to take someone off my working list and put them into the inactive one. I've brought in about 20 people this year out my content creating friends. Few have last more than a few weeks and only one is still here now.

I recently wrote a minnow tips post about how to get upvotes when you are new here, and sent it to everyone I know who is on steemit and is also my connection elsewhere. Two of those people told me to stop since they are never coming back.

My Favorite Follower

The remaining steemer I brought in is my son @bxlphabet. He joined right after me but just started posting in January 2018. He is the talented one in our family and his work is wonderful here. I am so proud of him for trying and being consistent in his posting. He has many wonderful followers as well.

My son posts often about healthy food. No one was happier than him when I lost weight with delicious and nutritious food. He also posts his photos to contests and challenges and does travel posts. He has recently caught on fire about the new Steem Monsters Game and is hoping we can afford to get him the cards for it soon.

If you follow my story, you know that my son has severe PTSD because of what he went through as a child with my obesity and constant illness. I was sick, near death, and frequently hospitalized during his young life. He was traumatized by many of those events. I can remember him trying to pick my broken, obese body up off the ground when I could not get up myself. At that time, my son was three years old, and I weighed about 250 pounds. I’m sure his memory of that moment is worse than mine.

The experience of posting on steemit and having people appreciate his work has done wonders for my son. This is the best of the good results for me and why I want to stay here, keep posting, and succeed.

What's Next?

I made a list of about 15 topics I plan to talk about in my One Year Milestone Series. I want to make these posts positive, but I’m having trouble doing that and they are hard to write. I’m thankful to all who help me at steemit and hope I will be able to carry on.

My first post in this series was a freewrite. This is a wonderful daily challenge by @mariannewest. Freewrite is a great place to learn to post on steemit and to meet and read the work of many talented steemit bloggers.

Freewrite gives you a daily prompt to write about for only five minutes. It's quite amazing to read the results from everyone. By coincidence, when I was planning my anniversary posts last week, the prompt was "One Year." This was a great help for me to break the ice on this series and get me to be able to post.

Before and after later that same life fitinfun.jpg

Before I lost weight I did not think I could do it. Now that I did lose "Half My Size" with natural methods, I know that anyone can do it if they learn skills and apply them.

If you want to help my son and I stay on steemit, but your upvote is just not enough, here are my wallet addresses where I will be so grateful for any help.

BitcoinCash - BCH


Bitcoin - BTC


Dash - DAS


Litecoin - LTC



Wow! That is a LOT of followers! Well done. I see services who want me to pay to have them resteem to fewer followers.

I have only managed to get 5 people to sign up thus far. None of them did more than 2 posts before going inactive. Obviously, Steemit is not for everyone. But I'm glad I'm here and I'm glad I met you early in my journey here.

I know! I get those too and really wonder about anyone paying for that. When and why did you start upvoting your comments lately @reonlouw? That is really frowned upon here. I do not upvote comments when the person upvoted themselves. I know people who will mute you if the see this - or downvote.

Hi @fitinfun. I based my decision on upvoting my own comments on this post of @energyaddict22:

I have heard that people frown on this. It doesn't make any sense to me. And frowning just makes a person look terrible.

I do 3x100% upvotes a day of my own comments. Just for the return, so there is no rhyme or reason. I also upvote all my own posts.

I'm continually looking for strategies through which to strengthen my presence here on Steemit as (1) it will keep me here and (2) I will be able help others even more. This one is working and I'm happy with the results.

If someone frowns, I will need to understand why and will consider their reasons with an open mind. But sometimes people just frown because they like to frown.

Do you understand the thinking behind the wrinkled foreheads?

The rest is divided between autovotes (steemdunk), Kryptonia (at least 3 a day, 2 from first page, 1 from newbie), stuff I read (whatever is left over.

I upvote all my posts too, but I have only upvoted maybe 10 of my comments in a year. Now even self-voting your posts is frowned upon, but I will still be doing it.

I think the issue with self-voting the comments is deep-seated here. Going to see this link know.

I think your way of dealing with the past in inspirational. I love your consistency and determination. Some of your posts are goed fun too, not just info. I am small now, but you have my support.
Congratulation on sooo many followers in (just) a year time. I am glad to be one of them.

Thank you so much for your kind words. You are someone who can succeed here. I'm glad we are connected.

You have done very well in only one year!

Thanks for retweeting.

Thank you so much! And thank you for voting for @bxlphabet over at qurator. I really appreciate that and so does he. Glad to RT anytime I see you over there :)

Amazing! You have a lot of followers. No wonder you have good writing thats why and people always look forward to your meaningful posts.

Aw! Thank you so much for the compliment, @rubelynmacion. I really appreciate this.

Story of commitment Sharon, my first year was literally "missing in action", I was not initially happy to learn a whole new concept on blogging...

Bitten by the bug a year later with many good friends here in Steemit egging me on I "bit the bullet", learned from every article I could lay my hands on.

Confusion reigned for the first couple of months, then slowly the penny dropped as it so often does, now sometimes I don't get around to do my own posts, supporting or sharing content.

To gain the numbers over a year is confirmation on your efforts, even if some have fallen away.

Look forward to the next year supporting and sharing your adventures.

Thank you so much, @joanstewart. You are truly a great friend. I hope to get my mojo back soon and succeed.

So honored to be in your shoutout section :) I too have brought a lot of people to Steemit and most are gone now.

I truly hope that a few things are going to happen. One, more applications are onboarded to make the platform easier. Right now, I do like Steepshot and Dlive - even though I haven't figured out the live part yet lol.

The other thing I hope will happen is that there is an upward trend in value again 😄

"I haven't figured out the live part yet" lol - as usual you are way ahead of me! Wait until you see my dtube post for this series :)

I always have freewrtie on the top of my list of places from people to post. You are truly one of the bright spots here.

I suggest you figure out DLive. DTube takes 25% of your earnings and I hardly ever can watch anyone's video they post on Dtube. Unless you get a good upvote from them, you end up with half or your payout (25 % curation, 25% DTube)

Well, I cannot post to it anyway so never fear! I do not even know what dlive is other than to hear the word. Sigh....

It is another app that runs on the Steem blockchain - like steepshot and busy. You can sign up for it through Steemconnect and you can upload videos. Just make sure they are short... :)

Awesome - I already pulled out all my 1 minute videos in hopes of getting them on dtube. I'm glad I did not waste my effort - I have about 200 in only one place I checked so far. Thanks for your help, and I will try this one soon.

Let me know if it works for you :)

Hey @fitinfun, Congratulations! Bodzila just upvoted your post with 25.00% power. Keep up the good work!

Delegate your Steem Power to @Bodzila & Earn 80% Weekly returns based on your share. You can cancel delegation of your SP at anytime as the money & power remain in your hands only.

Any queries or required support can be discussed in person. Join our discord channel

You have been defended with a 10.00% upvote!
I was summoned by @fitinfun.

WOW I have 1100 after 6 months, I have a lot of catching up to do ;)

Congrats with the one year milestone fitinfun.
You are a real inspiration! Best of luck during your 2nd year.

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