Healing Through Past-Life Regression: My QHHT Session and How it can Help You

in #metaphysics7 years ago


Past-life regression or QHHT is a powerful means to healing emotionally, spiritually and physically. The topic is most definitely esoteric-we’re not taught this stuff in school-, but for those of you who know what I’m talking about, find the topic interesting and have considered going through a past-life regression or QHHT session, then this information could serve you well. I especially want to provide information on what to look for in a hypnotherapist who does past life regressions because the procedure is fairly expensive .

I went through a past life regression in July of 2015. The idea was my husband’s, which was baffling to me because at that point I still wasn’t used to him being his new self. For lack of a better term, he is a reformed hillbilly or red neck or however you want to refer to that stereotype. If I had mentioned the concept of past-life regression to him ten years ago, he would have laughed at me. Now here he was wanting both me and him to go through one. My life had become surreal for sure.

I had been reading a book written by Delores Cannon called “Convoluted Universe.” Delores Cannon was a hypnotherapist for more than fifty years. Specifically she practiced QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) a technique that she invented in order to regress her patients to their past lives. She had a knack for lifting the veil for her clients in order to heal them emotionally, spiritually and/or physically.

Interestingly, in her book “Convoluted Universe” Delores relates what changes will occur in the Universe as told from the points of view of her clients while they are under hypnosis. In a nut shell, her clients’ regressions point to what many of us have come to know: That the earth is currently undergoing a major energetic change in which people’s consciousness’ are being positively raised as a result of the light and energy waves hitting earth as we soar through the photon belt. Some react to these changes positively as a result of them “doing the work” on themselves, while other react negatively because they remain trapped in and mesmerized by the matrix. There is story after interesting story in the book of the past-life regressions Delores performed and what she witnessed hearing. Every regression was recorded, and many of them have been written about in Cannon’s books.

My husband saw the book “Convoluted Universe” on our kitchen table one day, picked it up, started reading it and literally couldn’t put it down until he finished. From there he was drawn to read almost all of Cannon’s books. His free time was spent reading Delores Cannon on his iPad for months. He was hooked and wanted us both to experience a past-life regression, specifically in the form of a QHHT session.

My husband wanted to be regressed to experience other lifetimes he felt he lived through. He has always felt like an “old soul” drawn to antiques and a romanticized version of the past. For me, he felt I needed emotional healing and that being regressed would help. My mother had recently died a traumatic death, a family feud had ensued, I woke up, and I was pissed off at the world, at this “prison planet,” at this “sewer of the Universe.” Healing myself emotionally couldn’t be done by someone else, but knowing-or rather being reassured that there is more to life than what we see-had the potential in aiding my emotional healing.

I agreed that it was a cool idea. My husband had already done the research and located a hypnotherapist who specialized in Delores Cannon’s style of past-life regressions, QHHT, living in our city. This hypnotherapist was actually trained by Delores Cannon years ago, and that was a great sign. She charged $300.00 per session. Ouch! I questioned if my husband thought that it was really worth it. “Yes. Of course,” he emphatically said, and reminded me to “quit coming from a place of lack.” He made our appointments, mine first then his about three weeks after. I think he was afraid to go first!

Before I convey what you should look for in a hypnotherapist who does past-life regression, I will summarize my and my husband’s experiences. I’ll start with my husband: My husband couldn’t be hypnotized! Some people are like that. But, he still had to pay his $300.00 for the six-hour session. You pay up front. He wouldn’t not pay, anyway. He went into it knowing there are some people who cannot be hypnotized.

For me, yes, I was hypnotized and went off planet to the sun. My QHHT session was a bit of a life-changing experience.

To summarize my experience, and I do mean summarize because I was at the hypnotherapist’s place for about six hours, I will relate a few of the stand-outs in my session.

After a lengthy, hours long interview and discussion, I stepped up to a peaceful, raised, soft, and adorned in white bed, The hypnotherapist asked me to close my eyes. She began talking in a sing-songy comforting voice while I focused on quieting my mind. She directed me on what to think in my head. I could feel myself going somewhere else, and the cat who was in the room with us began meowing and jumped up next to my head. The cat was seeing something for sure. Animals, being more in tuned with their surroundings, see things that we cannot. The hypnotherapist shooed the cat away, but he jumped right back next to me. This time the therapist squirted a mist of water at him, and he left. While all of this was going on, I was aware of it but I was also floating on a cloud that dropped me off at the sun.

Once on the sun, I began crying because it felt so familiar, like I was supposed to be there. It felt peaceful, like home. And, I never wanted to leave that feeling again. I walked and walked along the sun as it squished beneath my feet like a soft mattress. Then I met a man.

He was a tall, towering black man who spoke with a Jamaican accent, and he laughed a lot. He told me in a Jamaican accent his name was And-E. He was apparently one of my spirit guides, and his voice spoke through me in a Jamaican accent answering the questions I had written down for the therapist to ask my spirit guide or higher self. And-E held my hand as you would a child’s hand, and we walked along the sun as he answered question after question that I needed answered.

I cried a lot through the regression. I didn’t cry because I was sad. I cried because I felt joy, immense joy. A feeling that I was back home, a place I longed for, enveloped me. I was reminded that there was, indeed, a greater journey than what meets the eye. I, like everyone else here on planet earth, came for a reason. I was reassured that I was back on my chosen path, but that I needed to have more fun, lighten up and enjoy my journey while here on planet earth.

When the hypnotherapist brought me back, I was still crying. I felt relieved that I spoke with one of my spirit guides, but I also felt sadness because here -on earth- didn’t feel like there- on the sun-where I held And-E’s hand. I have condensed my experience for this post, but I was regressed for about an hour and twenty minutes. It was powerful. The experienced was recorded and I listened to it daily for weeks as I was instructed to.

As a side note, later that evening as my husband and I walked our dogs through the desert hills where we live, I saw two antelope-like creatures in the distance. I pointed to them and said to my husband, “Look at those animals out there! What are they?” “Where?” He asked. After pointing and pointing and wondering why he couldn’t see them, we both realized he couldn’t see them, only I could. Part of experiencing past-life regression is that you travel through timelines and it is possible to have flashbacks to those timelines for hours or even days after your regression. At that moment out in the the desert hills, I was experiencing a scene from another timeline, seeing animals that didn’t even exist now. For days after my QHHT session I also experienced geometric figures popping in and out of my mind. They would just appear. I was moved to draw what I saw as best as I could.


If you are thinking about experiencing a past-life regression, I encourage you to. I found it to be a powerfully healing experience. Most importantly I was reassured that I was not alone here, that I was on the right path and that there is much more to life on this very heavy planet than what we see.

This is what I recommend you look for in a past-life hypnotherapist and what you should know before you enter your session:

  1. Choose a hypnotherapist who was either trained by Delores Cannon or has studied under one of her students and practices QHHT.

  2. Research your hypnotherapist so you can get a general idea about how he/she has helped others.

  3. Interview your hypnotherapist in person before you pay for your past-life regression. He/she should resonate with you. Look at the room in which you will be transgressed. It should be clean and neat and have a peaceful feeling to it.

  4. Know how much your session will cost.

  5. Understand how long your session will last. My session lasted half a day, with about an hour and a half of that being actually regressed.

  6. Be sure your session is recorded and that you have access to that recording. You will want to listen to the recording in order to remember the experience as a means to further healing.

  7. Do not drink coffee or alcohol for at least 24 hours before your session. You do not want stimulants or depressants in your body so that you can relax and be at ease.

  8. Know that you will feel a little “off” and not quite like yourself for a couple days or more after your session. Your mind will be processing a lot. You will feel like a different person if your experience was meaningful.

  9. Read as much as you can about past-life regression before you have one done on yourself. I recommend the works of Delores Cannon.

  10. If a past-life transgression or QHHT session seems overwhelming to you or if you know you cannot be hypnotized, consider having a psychic reading performed on yourself. These can give you much insight regarding your life’s journey. My husband did this after he realized he could not be hypnotized and it found it helpful.

I hope the above information helps anyone who has thought about undergoing QHHT or past-life regression as means for healing or further insight into your life’s purpose.

All artwork is original by my daughter Sophia.


fantastic to come across this post tonight @weq.

my husband studied hypnosis and I strongly believe that he is a healing soul!

His energy frequencies are simply amazing when it comes to health and guidance factors.

We have been together just over 11yrs now and since the day we met we felt a very strong pull towards each other. only a few yrs later we discovered that in the 1600's one of his relatives married one of mine.. then it became clear as day to us of why we are so strongly drawn to one another.

Since then we have experienced amazing and also frightful experiences in the field you are talking about and I agree, it is simply amazing once you finally get your energy fine tuned into it. truly beautiful experience if done right but also should not just be taken lightly as we have run into many darker frequencies that are not nice at all.

Please visit me @mysticlilly16 and upvote anything you find interesting too xx

What an interesting story. It's so nice to come in contact with people who "get it." If your husband was drawn to hypnosis, it makes perfect sense to me that he is a healing soul. I believe people who are drawn to such fields and successful at it are advanced souls.

I know exactly what you mean about the darker frequencies. My experience was positive. I'm glad I did it. When I felt the cat come near me, I knew for sure something was happening!

Thank you so much for replying. I have been following you for awhile!

This post may be very helpful for some people!

Thank you for your reply. It was a very cool experience, to say the least.

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Thank you for your reply!

Wow i have 3 book of Dolores Cannon i love all her book and planning to read more! I wonder how the session would go if i had one! Thanks for sharing

I think if you're receptive to it, then it will go well. Although my husband was very receptive but couldnt be hypnotized. In California you have a lot more practitioners to choose from.

I have a friend that owns a float lab thats training on it, but i might take a year before he can put it on practice, do you know how much its going to cost?

It cost me $300.00.

I want to hear more of your stories, thats amazing, is 1 session enough! I the goemetric froms that you are seeing after reminds me of my tranformation and obsession with the flower of life but it was just a one time experience, its like a dmt experience where your pineal gland is so open that your dreams are right in frontof you while awake. Did your husband tried it again the QHHT?

You are exactly right in mentioning DMT. I have never done a plant healing ceremony, but I think my QHHT session was somewhat similar to one. I don't think I will do another, though. One was enough! I got everything I needed from it.

My husband says he won't try again. He meditates a minimum of twice a day at least 30 minutes each time. He says he gets everything he needs from that. He also thinks he probably can't be hypnotized.

Do you think you will go through one?

Hmm still thinking about it, i would like a dmt experience too, but thats hard to find, i really wanted an ayhuasca experience and that is definetly on my bucket list, once i can travel when my kids are a little old enough. But were you able to remember the experience, i understand that time does not exist as even a fraction of a second could be a lifetime experience, and you were regressed for 1:30 hrs, that must be quite a wakeful dream.

I remember mostly through the recording. The session is recorded and you are supposed to listen to it a lot, so I did. Without the recording, you would forget a lot. LIke you said, it's like a dream.

Thanks for posting this! I've been looking for a good QHHT practitioner. I'm thinking about investing in level 3. Big chunk of change but seems worth it.

Thank you. I hope that you find a good one. Interview him/ her before you schedule the session. This will give you a good feel for the person and the environment where they work.

Great idea. Thank you....which practitioner did you use?

I used Cynthea Cameron located in Tucson, AZ.

Thank you, she sounds gifted.

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