#metalweekend - Revealing Something About Me

in #metalweekend6 years ago (edited)

I just ran across a @detlev post, resteemed by @bozz that caught my attention. I have a few minutes, so I thought I’d hammer out a short post that might give you a look at something about me that you didn’t know, and maybe, wouldn’t have guessed.

\m/>,<\m/ I love metal. \m/>,<\m/

So, @detlev’s list includes an artist named Leo Moracchioli. Whether or not you do metal, there’s something on his cover list that you can appriciate, or at least be amused by. Go check out his Frog Leap Studios youtube channel. I would have included a little Moracchioli in my list, but @detlev beat me to it, so maybe I’ll post some of his stuff another week.

@bozz also did a #metalweekend post. His post is full of oldschool gems. If you can’t enjoy the company of friends around a firepit with Van Halen providing some background music, you can’t roll in my circle. :)
He also gives us a look at a newer band with a serious old school sound. Think Zeppelin meets.... Wold Mother maybe? I don’t know. Check them out over on @bozz’s post.

My #metalweekend Picks

Oooh, just three? Alright. I’m gonna go with three metal songs written to pay tribute to historical events and people.

First Up, Carolin’s Spine

Sullivan is a tribute to the five Sullivan brothers that died together in November of 1942 while serving together on the USS Juneau during WWII. When I hear the first notes of this song coming through my car sterio speakers I turn it up, no matter how loud it was before.

Pick Number Two

Rooster by Alice in Chains was written by Jerry Cantrell, the band’s lead vocalist. Cantrell’s dad fought in Vietnam, where his nickname was Rooster. His dad never would talk about his time served there, so Cantrell wrote about what he imagined his father may have gone through. Immediately identifiable, Jerry Cantrell’s signature vocals sparked my first voice crush. What, you’ve never had a crush on a voice....? O.o

Finally, My Third Choice

One, by Metallica, was inspired by Jonny Got His Gun, a novel written about WWI by Dalton Trumbo. In the book, Trumbo tells a story of an American soldier who loses all of his appendages and his face to a landmine, and is left with an intact mind and awareness, but is unable to communicate in any way.

In the 1989 video 2 of One released by Metallica, Lars Ulrich, the band’s drummer, says that the idea for the song came from James Hetfield, the band’s front man. James had been thinking about what it would be like to be stuck in an absolutely useless body with no way to communicate with others. What it would be like, to be a basket case.

You may know the term to refer to someone crazy. But it actually comes from WWI British army slang referring to someone who lost both arms and both legs to battle or amputation. Someone that would have to be carried in a basket.

The more you know...

That was fun!

Hey, what kind of music do you listen to? If it happens that hard rock and metal make up the majority of the songs on your go to playlists, write a #metalweekend post and share some of your favorites!


Awesome good to see Metallica on here :)

Well, it’s a metal list, right? And the first two are probably don’t really qualify, so I though Metallica would make up for it. lol

Enjoy the read, listen and had some laughs in between :)

Glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed writing it. I came across quite a few songs I hadn’t even thought of in years. It was hard to narrow down to just 3!

More metal weekends to come I suppose! :)

I think so.

I didn't know that's what One was about. Metallica is more hubby's music than mine though, so I'll have to see if he knew. Nice touch, by the way, finding ones with a war time theme. Trust metal to sing about the morbid though!

You've got me thinking now about my what my choices might be.

You should do a #metalweekend post this weekend! They're so much fun. Definitely a change from my norm, and from yours!

It certainly would be a change! I wonder if I can theme it to my ethics. 🤔 I can think of one...

PS: Hubby was all up on One, so it was just me that had no idea! He started coming up with some others done on war, like Iron Maiden.

My list for next week reflects my ethics. Ya know, everyone who knows me is suprised when they learn that I listen to hard rock and the lighter side of metal. I guess they have a hard time reconciling my homeschooling, bible reading, traditional, simple, proody life style with Ozzy. lol For full discloser, I enjoy show tunes, oldies and 80's pop music too!

Lol! That is a bit of a contrast to Ozzy when you think about it!
I have a wide repertoire myself. Hubby's a bit less varied.

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