Show Me Yours & I'll Show You Mine: PANTRY Contest

in #messypantry6 years ago


Image Source- Flickr

I haven't had a contest in quite some time and thought today, as I wait for the winter storm WOLLOP we're getting overnight and into Saturday was a good day to do one.

Spring will be here, hopefully sooner than later, and it will be time to clean up, clean out and get organized. So what better way than to start with the pantry. You know... the place you shove everything when you get home. The catch all for every canned good, box of food and bag of snacks. Yeah, that place.


Here is my pantry spice shelf


Here is my pantry


  • Post your pantry picture here- or if you want to make an actual post on your page, please link your post here for me to see
  • MUST USE the tag messypantry
  • DO NOT organize it! Walk to the pantry, open the door (if you have one) and snap a picture or two then post
  • Maximum three pictures per entry
  • Deadline is Thursday February 15 at midnight
  • Winners will be announced Friday February 16


  • Grand Prize for the MESSIEST pantry- 5-sbd and one 100% UPvote from me on winner's choice of post
  • Runner-Up for the 2nd MOST MESSY pantry- 2-sbd and one 100% UPvote from me on winner's choice of post
  • Runner-Up for the most UNUSUAL item(s) in the pantry- 2-sbd and one 100% UPvote from me on winner's choice of post
  • Runner-Up for the most ORGANIZED pantry- 2-sbd and one 100% UPvote from me on winner's choice of post


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We have 2 in our house: This one is for our canned goods from the garden and pasture:

And this one is for dry goods:

Wow is right, looks amazing.

Wow, that's impressive!

somehow I knew you would be organized, lol. Your looks SOOOO much better than mine.

very impressive @shalomacres! organizational winner!!

WOW- THAT is amazing!!! I LOVE the large glass or plastic containers or jars!

Thank you, Stephanie, my wife, deserves all the credit. Almost all are glass, try to stay away from plastic if possible!

So gorgeous!! Look at all thar canning, you rock!!!

Nothing too exciting or unusual, but here’s mine!

that's not bad at all! I wish mine was as organized as yours

Thanks @fernowl. 😊 I’m so new at this; I was so worried pasting the link here would come out only letters and digits, I totally forgot to comment my own photo. 🙈 I love my pantry more than anything in my kitchen. The shelves slide outward as you open the door. Most practical invention ever. 🤩

You are doing just fine. I've been here since August and I still learn something new almost every day. Just take your time, learn a little here and there, and don't be afraid to ask questions. LOTS of people are willing to help!

Thanks for your Kine words @fernowl13 😊




This was fun!

haha @fernowl13, that's pretty messy! Loved your commentary :D

After Larry passed, I admit I didn't do much for the first 18 months or so. Now I have an entire house to organize. Knocking it out 1 things at a time!

A man's pantry is not pretty I must admit, and then you will all see a 53 year old man eating Lucky Charms cereal. LOL

Oh man....this is right up my alley! Haha @goldendawne this is the best ever!!
Wow are there ever some nice pantry pics in the comments!!

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