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RE: From a slave to a Master chapter # 58 - three practical tools of reality creation

in #memoir5 years ago

Cool article, I really enjoyed reading it, also the length and the overall energy of this post bestowed me with a feeling of deeply diving and immersing into a state of relaxation. The perfect read after my three hour walk in nature, thanks for that.

Also, from my perspective, these types of articles are the perfect example how word length cannot simply be translated into reading time (obviously), like "1000 words = 5 minute read", because anyone who is seriously interested in authentically bringing their reality experience into alignment with their Heart and Soul, won't simply read such articles as if they were shallow text but instead think a few minutes about what has been written in a paragraph or even in a single sentence. Especially with themes such as in your post the careful, thorough and focused reading is greatly enhancing the integration of the energetic codes stored in the text. "Every action can be approached in a way that would enhance your connection to the fabric of life.", as you wrote.

And I agree with you saying "don't impede the flow of creation with your thoughts". This is particularly significant when we aim at releasing reactive autopilot behavioral patterns whereby we wonder:"Is this harmful or not, is it that way or not?" One day we might feel more like "Yes it is that way", but another day we may teeter toward "No, it is not", making us endlessly act in a way that lacks lasting decisiveness. The scales fell particularly from my eyes in terms of my twin flame relationship, where things from the very beginning to the end played out in such ludicrous events and scenarios that it created nothing but confusion in my thinking mind. It took me until November last year to once and for all realise that the mental fog won't clear as long as I don't understand that the thoughts' swaying to and fro will never stop unless I choose to make a final decision that simply ignores the mind's merry-go round, enabled through my Soul gradually having provided me with more and more intel as to what is really going on energetically, therefore allowing me to make that final decision with all responsibility. And only then it was that I started seeing why it was so good to make that decision. Even now with every day passing the scales fall from my eyes more than ever before, and that feels absolutely great. It might sound arrogant, but bearing in mind that I had been doing my inner work, the most fundamental core work, for many years already before I met her, making for a really peaceful and quiet mind, I believe that it truly needed incredibly paradoxical occurences to get me so entangled in this. In essence, the entire dichotomy created stems from the fact that I had been remembering and integrating my authentic creative manifestation power to such an extend that I utterly forgot that there still were areas in my life where former subconscious beliefs had still been effectuated in my energy field, and therefore were yet to play out.

With the clearing of one's energy field, transcribing outdated reactive behavioral patterns consciously, specifically those that we don't want as part of our reality anymore since we realise their rather harmful nature, all these things you describe - presence in the moment, feeling the joy in simple things, simplicity in itself - will come about very naturally in us again.

I stop with that, thanks once again for your great article and enjoy reading my comment. ;)


Thanks for the feedback. I am still debating with myself what would be better, short or long posts. I know, from first experience of course, that I prefer my conversations with people to have many quiet long moments. Not many people find this appealing as we, humans, are trained to relate to the world and other people through the mind mostly. And so am I, in my impersonal interactions. But when meeting someone who is more inclined to the heart, I have found out that I enjoy tremendously just sitting with them, often gazing into the horizon, holding their hand is that is appropriate for that specific kind of meeting 😉 The art of conversing with no words is a lost and rather forgotten one, sadly so. Even in pure matters of the heart, romantic relationships that is, people are eager to jump into the info/data arena. While it's quite intriguing on the first stages of the interaction, genuine knowing of the other is achieved only in silence. So, the same with writing on Steemit, I often wonder what would be best for the readers, a short or a long post. So far the scale has been leaning been to the latter. Your words are perceptive. In the past years I have taught myself to write between the words, an enigmatic skill that I came to know through the Seth books. I believe, therefore, that most of my posts are woven with more than just text. You get two points for capturing that 😉

It took me until November last year to once and for all realise that the mental fog won't clear as long as I don't understand that the thoughts' swaying to and fro will never stop unless I choose to make a final decision

Oh, yeah. Definitely. If there was one tip I would give to young people (in age) from my old vantage point it would be this – don't wait for the supernatural/soul/angel/higher-self to come and save you, tell you what to do, guide you, etc. The soul rejoices in every dualistic experience that the human goes through and really doesn't care about morality or consequences. The I AM, for example, would be totally ok with the human stuck for many years and lifetimes with the same soul-mate/twin-flame, even though the soul knows that the value-fulfilment is somewhat impeded in that relationship. The reason is that the I AM has the vantage point of all life-times, parallel occurrences, and therefore while experiencing (through the human) a tangled relationship in one life time, the soul does experience as well a fully completed relationship where the human and their counterpart are both fully realized. (Incidentally, I will publish a post about counterparts on this coming Friday). So, IMO, your choice was a pivotal point in your life. I had a similar one, a few years ago, relating to a soul-aspect. But I must confess that during that occurrence, since I was so unaware and entangled, my soul-self did come and provided a guidance, though in a very very subtle way, never dictating or forcing the right course of action. That time, as far as I am aware, was the only time I have received such a direct guidance from my soul-self. Therefore, my above words about the scarcity of soul-guidance.

Anyway, the basic rules of life are rather simple. Quoting you quoting me: 😉

presence in the moment, feeling the joy in simple things, simplicity in itself

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