Memo for my own use only - recording saved SBD for public benefit - also a experiment for bot voting but they don't know

in #memo8 years ago (edited)

This is a memo (as we are not given a memo function). Upvotes not suggested for normal humans!!

Recording what I have promised regarding SBDs used for public good or charity. I know it's all on blockchain - just like what my wife told me when asking me to get my kid's underpants with Thomas the engine train from the closet - I know it's there but I just cannot find it!!!

Ok. So far on Steemit. My promises in this regard are:

  • $20 for cn community promised - pending

  • $30 for cn community - pending. Not promised, but should as... well what I shared didn't happen to them.

  • $10 for Taiwan aboriginal (rounded up) - pending

  • $30 for RHW - this is donated/invested.

  • $15 for RHW - this is donated/invested.

  • $55 for child welfare (rounded up) - pending

SUMMARY. $50 for cn; $55 for kids; $10 for tw aboriginal .... on waiting list. OK. 


What's the experiment then? Well, as human probably won't vote on this one. I have always been curious how many bot votes I will get so this is also an opportunity for me to satisfy my curiosity. Use only the tag memo. Let's see.

** This is an editing after 2 weeks... Just to make sure that we now can edit older posts... but not for posts older than one month... (updated on Sep 23) **


you already got a couple of bots or whales or whatever but I am human with a heart

i checked your post. yep.. she has a heart. big one

thanks for helping out.

That's very sweet to say ! I think I still have one left 💕

This comment deserves to be followed more 😉

I hereby confirm that you are human... with a big heart! :p

what you are saying is that the memo tag is attracting whale votes?

no, what I meant is since we need at least one tag so I use the one that is rarely used so less real people will see this as compared to using 'steemit'.

Followers see it though, and I know some followers of mine who've said the first thing they do when they open steemit is just upvote everything on their feed without reading...

... seems some people are robots too

yeah, can't rule that out indeed. however, it is so fun to see all the bots follow you even to your 'comment'! even the famous 'r4fken'!
robots become more like humans and vice versa ... how ironic!

I don't think they're following me I think they're following (the infamous) r4fken, and after I wrote a post about him now r4fken is following me. Lol

does this mean you dont want real people to vote? i voted anyways cause its interesting. cant wait for results

no, I deliberately omit 'don't vote' and I was right since you guys - real humans - get curious and voted. still, most human votes will comment like you.
I really don't know if I should be sad or happy - either way makes sense if you know what I mean....

this is at the top of the trending, hot and new for Memo Tag shall i promote 1sd so you at top of that too? would that attract bots?

appreciated but please do not waste you money on it. it is natural as no one use this tag. I don't think you can attract most bots that way (but of course bots work differently according to different programming.. can't rule that possibility out. just unlikely at the moment)

that why i asked. i can take my vote off. >< and then it will skyrocket to $1000

Ok then. Now this memo has become more valuable than half of my photography posts... maybe it is this very experiment that attract real people to vote on this one... we never know... Next time I should try one without mentioning my purpose...

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