Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto Part 3 of ....

in #meme6 years ago

The purpose of this post is to take a negative thing set against me and to turn it in to a positive thing for me.

This is part 3 in a Series I have titled "Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto"

If you would like to see Part 1 of this series you can click here to go to that post.

If you would like to see Part 2 of this series you can click here to go to that post.

There is a recent update to the facebook page of Dan Schultzy in response to Part 2 of this series. Here is the response hate meme.


Here is the comment he posted along with the meme on his facebook page as well.


So in his mind I am a liar if I don't remember saying something, as if I am supposed to remember every single thing I have ever said to every single person I've ever conversed with.......okie dokie. Unfortunately for him that is not any where close to what reality is.

He mentions a screenshot in this latest meme. I'm not sure if he means he has a screenshot of this supposed homosexual slur or if he thinks I do. I thought about it and I remembered posting these screenshots on Google+ of our text conversation from over a year ago.


His comments are the ones with the image of the silhouette on the left, mine are the ones with the silhouette on the right. He was being annoying with his Inquisition about these Noahide laws I had never heard of, so to shut him up I said

The next person to text something after this admits to being gay.

He didn't say anything for almost a month, and then he text me again.


I sure hope this isn't the "homosexual slur" he is referencing, because if it is, well then he has no clue what a homosexual slur is and he needs to Google the meaning of the letters in LGBT.

I would like to point out that he once again downvoted/flagged the previous 2 posts in this series. Just check the voting log to see the negative vote from @dmschultzy. Since he down voted it, and the post said to show your disdain for hate by UPVOTING, his actions in his vote indicate that he loves hate. I think we all knew that at this point though. Lol.

Well that is all for this this edition of "Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto." This has been Part 3. As previously stated, any time Daniel Schultz posts a new hate meme about me, I will take the meme and create a post about it.

Show your disdain for hate by upvoting this post.
Show your disdain for bullying by resteeming this post.
Let the Christian world know that this type of behavior is unacceptable and does not represent Yeshua(Jesus) the Messiah.

As Always..

Don't be afraid to try, you never know what you might learn about yourself in the process.


Upvoted and resteemed

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