Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto Part 2 of......

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The purpose of this post is to take a negative thing set against me and to turn it in to a positive thing for me.

This is part 2 in a Series I have titled "Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto"

If you would like to see Part 1 of this series you can click here to go to that post.

There has been a new addition to the facebook page of Daniel Schultz, or Dan Schultzy as is the name he uses on this alternate profile of his. Here is the meme he made about me in all its wonderful glory of "christian love and concern."


Here is the message he posted along with the meme on his facebook page as well.


I'm not sure what the homosexual slur is that he is referencing I used, and he also fails to mention in the rant that HE created an alternate profile and messaged ME and told ME to unblock him. The issue he has is I didn't unblock him when he wanted me to. He claims he proved me wrong, and that is only true in his own mind. His chosen doctrine/philosophy/idealogy does not line up with that of the Messiah's or the whole of scripture. He is a toxic individual and NO ONE has to allow an toxic person in their life......EVER, and that is exactly what he was. He isn't anymore though. I get to make crypto off his hate now! As far as the 3 federal felonies he mentions, that was covered in the first post. He some how thinks posting links to public databases on a public forum is some how a felony......ok.

In case you all didn't know, he is also on Steemit. His username is @dmschultzy and he is so filled with "christian love and concern" that he had to flag/downvote my previous post in this series.


This meme is meant to mock and ridicule me in an attempt to show his "concern" for me, or so he has said in the past. In actuality it seems Daniel is filled with anger and hate. Has he outright said he hates me? No, but he has said he hates others who believe as I do. Don't take my word for it though, look at the proof right here for yourself. One of his google profiles he uses is DerMeister821, and you can see in the 3rd comment on this image that he professes his Hate with a Passion for Rob Skiba, Rick Hummer and Mark Sargent.


Now ask yourself, is a "christian" supposed to hate anyone? I am no bible scholar but I am pretty sure Yeshua the Messiah said that if you hate someone, you have already murdered them in your heart.

Matt 5:21-22
21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.

Also the Apostle John Said;
15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
1 John 3:15 New King James Version (NKJV)

Well that is all for this this edition of "Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto." This has been Part 2. As previously stated, any time Daniel Schultz posts a new hate meme about me, I will take the meme and create a post about it.

Show your disdain for hate by upvoting this post.
Show your disdain for bullying by resteeming this post.
Let the Christian world know that this type of behavior is unacceptable and does not represent Yeshua(Jesus) the Messiah.

As Always..

Don't be afraid to try, you never know what you might learn about yourself in the process.


Got an upvote and resteem from me. This is getting out of hand. @ironshield

Sad that someone resorts to bullying. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

Don't feel sorry for me, I'm earning crypto off his hate. Feel sorry for him, he's the one filled with hate toward the Truth and anyone who follows the Way.

Keep these posts coming!

I would rather this be the last one I ever have to post. The only reason I'll post is if he makes another meme. If he stops the memes then I won't have a reason to post. As long as he keeps making memes I'm going to keep profiting from it.

And that is exactly the point I was making!! If he is going to keep doing it then I am expecting to see a post from you! Might as well get paid! Shalom!

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