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RE: When Your Coin Turns Around and Shoots for the Moon...

in #meme8 years ago

I think the price will go lower, as it has every time we've thought a bottom was in. Seems to me there are still big stakeholders who want to power down, so increased supply won't let up just yet.

But at some point it will and an equilibrium will be reached. Then conditions will be ripe for things to finally turn around. It's just a matter of how much longer that will take. For now, just take a deep breath, grab hold of your convictions, and keep putting in small buys whenever the price drops.

I just keep telling myself "oh man, when this hits $1 again someday..."


The powerdown period is not helping the market to find liquidity. I used to advocate for the 2 year period, in which I revoked that thought and I now think that Steem Power may be unnecessary, although I still can see why it could use a window like 3 months. hmm we'll see :)

I'm in favor of an even shorter power down period. Anything longer than the voting rewards period, to prevent abuse from shuffling Steem between accounts and double voting, would work really. Let's just crash the market and get the pain over with, so we can start experiencing good healthy growth again!

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