Gnash Swimsuit Calendar Meme Contest - $10 SBD prize! Sponsor the calendar and become a guest judge!

in #meme7 years ago (edited)

Folks I am here today with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This is your chance to show off your meme skills and see your memecraft immortalized in an extremely high quality / high production value print calendar.

As usual with most terrible ideas, this one had its genesis in PAL (MSP discord chat). We were sharing childhood pics and then somehow a neuron misfired in my brain and next thing you know I had posted this picture in general chat - here have some Carl Candy :)

The Gnashster wading in the Willamette River, May 2013

@clayboyn stepped up and provided some solid memes, and from this humble beginning the Gnash Swimsuit Calendar Meme Contest was born. I am providing some inspirational material here below, some memes by PAL's resident meme-master @clayboyn.

How to enter the contest

If you want to participate in my contest, all you have to do is come up with your own meme using my swimsuit picture above and post it in the comments below. You can submit multiple entries. If we end up with at least 12 entries I swear with the blockchain as my witness that I will put together a swimsuit calendar out of the best entries and publish it through a print-on-demand website e.g. By submitting your memes below you are consenting to their possible publication by moi.

I will be selecting my favorite entry (purely subjective) and awarding $10 SBD to the author of said meme after this post pays out. If the post receives a substantial payout I may (but am not promising to) allocate some of the post payout for additional contest rewards.

Sponsor this calendar and become a guest judge!

If you have been waiting for a shooting star to hitch your wagon to, consider sponsoring this swimsuit calendar meme contest! Just send me $10 SBD before this post pays out and mention the meme contest in the memo. 100% of SBD funds sent in this manner will be placed into the reward pool for this contest and anyone who sends $10 SBD will become a guest judge for this contest. If one extra judge joins ($20 SBD reward pool total) we will award a $10 first place prize and two $5 runner up prizes. I will adjust the reward structure and update this post accordingly if (when!) we have any takers for sponsorship/guest judges. Judges can still enter the contest but will not be allowed to vote for their own submissions.

Guest judges will get a place in the eventual print publication of the calendar to display a graphic and text of their choosing. This is your chance to really get on the map everyone! This calendar is a sure fire vehicle to superstardom! To the moon!!!

Inspirational Meme Material from Meme Master @clayboyn

These memes were originally published in PAL (MSP discord chat) by the immortal one @clayboyn, shared here with permission from the master himself:

Ass Cash or Grass.png

Loch Gnash Monster.png

nerdy glasses.png

Pool Boy.png


1x5bir.jpg..Entry number 2

Vetinary emergency! Sorry about the naf background, it was an online meme creator.... This could be the start of a beautiful weekly Steemit pinups initiative! haha

Pasting the image here for posterity :)

I already bloodied the waters. NO MERCY!

I think the sharks are circling now :)


We have our first entry! The early leader out of the club house! Thanks for playing :)

You're welcome.. I have fun trying to come up with memes

Dude-man is on duty!!! You rock botty! Pasting the pictures here for posterity :)


'Ladies! Need a dude hug?' <3

Hello @sazzler, oh yea of the deleted post because you might be showing too much skin - what must you think of me making an entire damn meme contest out of my nearly naked body?!? I have no shame, it is true. Don't judge me ;)

Haha no worries dude! I only just saw this... I really do appreciate the concern, but it looks like the carefree vibes do blesseth thou!
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