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RE: Meet Your Mods: @kubbyelizabeth

in #meetyourmods7 years ago

Naw, your comments about @kubbyelizabeth are soooo sweet! And @kubbyelizabeth you are very inspiring. One comment I want to make about using discord as a newbie... it can sometimes feel like you are a stranger walking into a room full of people who are already friends. It's nice to know there is a friendly mod there to chat to. @choogirl is also amazing at that :)


I felt exactly this way when I joined, like I was intruding, but trust me just jump in and say hi, that's how chat goes you'll make friends in no time!

Kubby rocks. And thank you @seajai. Also where you been? I haven't seen you in a while.

Busy with work, kids exercise... School hols this week so off camping. Should be back online more next week :)

@seajai I just won you 500sp for 4 weeks in the shane & muxxy sliderfest.

WHAT?!?!? What do I need to do???

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