The Way

in #meditation6 years ago


Emei and Shaolin

I have written previously about how Wing Chun Qi Gong has its roots within Emei and Shaolin. Two different schools of Buddhism found within China. You can find some esoteric teachings here. In addition, I have also touched on the Three Dan Tiens, interlinking this teaching with the esoteric mantra, but also hinting that the 'Three Treasures' are much more.

Today, I wish to share a different dimension of the 'Three Treasures' with you...Specially, The Way.

Firstly, why would a person choose to become a monk?
For me, the answer is simple. To reach Enlightenment (aka Liberation, Moksha, Ultimate Freedom).

OK, so if they are looking to become Enlightened, then why does Shaolin practice Kung Fu?
I would argue, Kung Fu is one of many Paths to Enlightenment.

OK, if Kung Fu is a Path to Enlightenment, then why have I never been taught this Path?
I would say that your school is missing Qi Gong, or the teacher has never studied meditation or possibly not heard there is actually a Path. In addition, modern schools have been so disconnected from their roots, and they only teach the 'martial' aspects of Kung Fu. There is nothing wrong with this at all, and I would also say that it is only wrong when schools do not even teach proper 'martial' training.

So what is this Path?
This Path is already embedded within the Wing Chun Qi Gong training, since the training has been handed down from master to student. But Kung Fu is only a part of the training, but one needs to include Meditation, as well as Qi Gong for the complete package. They also require Virtue as a foundation to this three-part package.

The Way or Three Treasures

The practices I teach on this blog will provide insights into these three parts: 1. Kung Fu, 2. Meditation and 3. Qi Gong.

But one should know the direction they're heading if they wish to reach any destination. And for the Taoists, their Path or Way was encoded in the Three Treasures.

Along this Path, one cannot skip any step. Simply, one has to be taught the correct techniques, and then through practice, these stages evolve naturally.

Here are the stages along the Path to Enlightenment as explained by the Taoist Teachings...

  1. Jing
  2. Qi
  3. Shen
  4. Emptiness
  5. Tao

1. Refine Jing and Convert to Qi

The first step is also called 'Building the Foundation'. One must learn how to practice correct Qi Gong Breathing, as well as several other Qi Gong techniques, like Siu Jau Tian and Dai Jau Tian. I'll cover most of these off in my upcoming posts. But the secret is in reversing nature. After all, if you create a child, they can create a child, whom can create a child, etc. It's a recursive process that is naturally built into our genes to strive for Eternity. If we can reverse this natural process, is it possible to discover a different type of Eternity?

2. Refine Qi and Convert to Shen

The next step is where you can produce enough Qi to nourish the brain. With the brain appropriately nourished, you begin to open up not only the lower energy centres from stage 1, but now the upper energy centres of the body. This leads to not only changes in what you see, it leads to changes in perception, as well as increased Wisdom, which I touch on here.

3. Refine Shen and Convert to Emptiness

I see this stage equivalent to when one can open their Third Eye. Prior to this stage, when one closes their eyes in meditation, they will see a Blue Pearl. Afterwards, they are then rewarded with a body within a body called a Yin Shen. Buddhists would call this equivalent stage, Entering the Stream (Srotapanna).

4. Refine Emptiness and Convert to Tao

I guess this stage would be equivalent to that later stages of the Arhat and Bodhisattva. And at the very top, what the Buddhists call Nirvana with Remainder and then later Nirvana without Remainder.

Closing Remarks

I'll touch on these paths in more details in further posts, but please just see this as an introduction. To be honest, you don't need to get to hung up on them, wanting to know more than the current level you are at. The reason being, I will be focusing mostly on the first two stages with my blog posts. If you as a practitioner can successfully cultivate these stages, then you will be rewarded with another body (Yin Shen). And if true, with this body you can then seek Ethereal Masters with higher knowledge and you can forget about most teachings in this earthly realm.

And finally, for me, this Path I have outlined above is the answer to the meaning of life. If correct, one can break free from the cycle of rebirths in Samsara. But this can only be reaffirmed if one can reach at least Stage 3. Otherwise, it is just further conjecture.

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Sifu Jordan

(Don't Worry, Relax, Be Happy, Concentrate and Do Your Best)

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