Medicine Card Monday #6 - My Gift To Steemit - May 14, 2018

in #medicinecardmonday6 years ago (edited)



Happy Monday Steemians!

To everyone who chooses to visit this week's initiative I call Medicine Card Monday, we have a special treat of a chakra healing.

I've only used these cards once for Steemit but I decided to start something new. I will be sending out to whomever reads this blog some energy with it. We will try it and see how it goes.

As we know the chakras are all the major seven points of energy in our body, they also exist within Mother Earth. The following is a diagram that when I use the Charka Oracle Cards we will be discussing main focuses of our body energy.

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For instance, when I pull a card and I say this week we will be discussing a certain color, like the color green. Then we will be working on our heart or the fourth chakra, dealing with love and the blockage of guilt. When a word is implemented then I will tell you a story about how we will overcome a blockage of the fourth chakra along with the word together as a community. Like the word I pulled this week, which is Wisdom.

In the future, this will become a regular pattern of chakra healing I will be gifting to the Steemit community and we will go from there. Let's see how Steemit as a community can grow from this type of healing being generated. It should be an exciting venture.

If this is your first time swinging by, my Medicine Card Monday initiative is my positive intention to pull a card of healing or medicine for the community. This is different than tarot in that the cards I use are on the medicinal aspect of humanity other than the most common cards found in a tarot deck.

The decks I use are from the Medicine Cards that work with Spirit Animals, Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards, and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards. The cards will assist in helping those interested, find comfort in things going on in our community and the world we are now dealing with. Namely, issues around the world, astronomical, or overcoming health issues of all sorts, etc., maybe just something out of balance that we are feeling on any particular day that needs guidance.

By pulling a card for Steemit this will in turn assist with my Medicine training, give back to the community, and help those seeking answers. I will take some of the reading from guidebooks provided with the cards, but primarily give intuitive and medicinal words to help our community. We all have days when we need encouragement, inspiration, and comfort.

The card I picked for the week of May 14, 2018, is as follows:

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The Card

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Starting in a sacred space with a clear mind and body, I set up the space with a linen cloth and chose my petrified redwood wand and stone and placed it to the south. With sandalwood incense burning, I placed the raw chalcedony to the East and my handmade cactus drum stick to the north.

After shuffling quite a bit I pulled the color Green for the fourth chakra entitled Wisdom from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck by Tori Hartman.

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The Reading

Overall Impression



Balance, Harmony, Brotherhood, Hope, Growth, Healing, Love, Peace, and Prosperity.

Manifesting Intention

  • Fourth chakra - Heart Chakra - Matters of the Heart.

  • In manifesting, we are always blocked if our heart is not in it.

  • Personal choice and heart of the matter.

  • You will see whether your heart is truly invested in the action you are willing to take.

  • What does your heart tell you?

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The Story - The Fable Of Sage

When we take a good look at the Wisdom card we see the Sage. The Sage tells us wisdom is knowing the difference between a calculated risk and stupidity.

The Legend

One day a young sagebrush asks his grandfather how to grow old with wisdom. The elder answers, "We must learn from our mistakes. Before you worry about something ask yourself if it will be important in the future. Enjoy your present form, as we all change with time."

We have nothing to prove. The truth of our heart is our wisdom. If we made it this far we know someone somewhere profoundly loved us.

To be wise is to be in inquiry, a constant state of curiosity and a holding of space for others to find their answers. What Sage reveals isn't about imparting wisdom, but about opening spaces. Allowing others to share their wisdom with us is a great honor.

On Steemit are we one of those that always has to have an answer or allow ego to get in the way or pushing others ideas or voice out of the way? Do we take the time to sincerely listen to others or just to be better than someone else? Now would be the time to allow others an open forum or open space to gain wisdom and use their voice too.

According to the Sage, "True wisdom is in living each day that you have as you are. Don't wish for the day when you become something else, for all you know is NOW. Live each day to serve and you'll be fulfilled.

First Impression

Today, simply listen. What would happen if you just listened to someone, instead of trying to give them information or giving your opinion.? Would their words be betrayed by the truth you hear in their heart? Start now and be still.

Set Your Intention

Being authentically in the moment gives true wisdom. This week, set an intention to be the observer of when you are present and when you are not.


Is there some wise counsel that you have sought, only to ignore it? Are you trying to do things alone? A solution may come from those more experienced than yourself. Stay in the present moment and do not let your thoughts jump ahead.

Personal Inquiry

Do I go with my heart - or against it? Am I ready to live in leadership?

Key Ideas

Wise counsel; focused energy; honoring yourself; contribution; being chosen; contentment; transformation.

Keywords: Maturity, tranquility, support.


Imagine yourself at a huge campfire. The Great Servant approaches and his energy radiates toward you. He speaks to you not with words, but with energy. Allow the wisdom of the message to reach you. When you have received the message, the Great Servant will depart. When you are ready, come back to your reality. What was his message?

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I hope you liked the reading for this week. If so, please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear what you think (but not if you think it's all BS!) That's typical Eagle Spirit humor right there.

If you would like a personal 1 or 3 card Medicine Card reading:

  • Send 2 SBD or 2 STEEM per card. (If you deem the reading worth more, it will be happily accepted!) Please take note that prices have increased due to reading request demands, and if a 3 card reading is chosen that takes over an hour.

  • Each person is given a special one-on-one healing energy session with a reading sent from a Reiki Master Teacher, that be me. Additionally, the reading is set up with you in mind with different stones, feathers, wands, or incense that are intuitively gifted from the Universe.

  • Photos will be provided and explained.

  • You can find me on Discord under the name Eagle Spirit #4491, or through the group @ifc Marketplace under Eagle Spirit's energy work channel.

Have a glorious week and come back next Monday for another Medicine Card reading! Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the Spirit World. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

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Eagle Spirit’s Disclaimer

Energy therapy is a natural method of energy balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment.

Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All therapies are meant to complement medical treatments.

If you wish to learn more about Reiki energy work or the methods I use to assist others in Native American medicine practices feel free to contact me privately.


Woooooow this is quite interesting! Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us! I needed to get more educated about Chakra Oracle cards. Hope you are doing well! Nice reading you! :)

The best experience I've had in my life! If you try this out you may be blown back by the feminine divine and all her glory! Ok, enough aggrandizement already I'm just a random dude from Las Vegas whose mind was blown by @eaglespirit and her medicine cards through discord all the way across the Pacific ocean!

This Is Brilliant But I Like This 12052018225450.jpg

you are such a good man! hugs

ps. that meme kills me ahahahahahah

hey, come on by and get some card love! :)

I want a live reading....


SweeHeet you know where to find me! :)

Drawn by the Owl, Jimi, a nice Chakra graphic, and of course a fellow Coloradan! Interesting read. Definitely following for more.
Sending some energy back your way @eaglespirit !
Blessed Be!

oh shooot, got sucked in by Jimi!! hey prob not the first time LOL
yay fellow CO ... woot!!
glad you will be staying ... need more people who shaare energy and thank you so much for it! :)
blessed be forever more!

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. --Jimi


yeah not sure that will happen in our lifetime. but then again i do feel mother earth is bout to explode the love over the haters and get herself clean if you know what i mean.

as always a great reading and its kind of eerie when I see your posts it always relates to something going on with me, stopping to listen and not always feeling the need to propose a solution was something in my mind for myself earlier today

whoa! that's gave me the creeps!!! really?
so interesting and i'm so glad you are stopping by!!! This deserves a Tip!

Thanks so much for the tip :)

but of course! anything for Tatt ... he's a good guy!

He is I have heard conflicting stories LOL

muahaha oh noooo you heard that?

OHh yes I have heard he is a tattoo thug :)

whoaa welll, that's okay i grew up with those kinds ... haahahah

This initiative is awesome, before you know it, we can find so many different services on Steemit.

oh hello there !! i'm so glad to see you stopping by and especially since you are so in tune. :)

Thank you very much for listening to me.

@amarbir, im a reiki master teacher and work with chakras on a daily basis.

thank you for your great suggestion!! :)

What a great post; I'm so glad that @steemitbloggers showcased it; I didn't know this was an ongoing post of yours!

I love this:

Allowing others to share their wisdom with us is a great honor.

So many are too focused on talking instead of listening, that they don't hear the wisdom imparted to them. I like how you compared that to "listening" on steemit too.

And the idea of living in the motto. All you have is now.

Thanks @eaglespirit! I really enjoyed this today. I'm going to do that meditation too ;)

whoa, hey ... this is great! :)
thank you for reminding me too bc i forgot i saw it on ginabot and forgot! oopsie :)

yeah many do NOT listen on steemit, its all about their posts and even when they are being congratulated or thanked they just keep talking about themselves. something i've noticed over and over. tons of ego.

yay meditation! let me know please how it goes? i tried yesterday but dood didnt show up! lol

Here is a gift for being such an inspirational person


whoa yay yay charisma honey!! woooo hooooo


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woo hoo yay!! thank you so much choo choo xoxoxo

this is great investing. I think this is something new to me.

Also think that's very helpful post!!
thank you..

oh, i'm so glad i could share something new for you.

glad this helped you. hugs.

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