Medicine Card Monday #20 "Angel Card - Play": My Gift To Steemit - Week Of September 17, 2018

in #medicinecardmonday6 years ago (edited)

Greetings my Fellow Steemians!

Here I am, sharing with you a complimentary medicine for your soul. Today will be a message from the Original Angel Cards. Thankfully, the entire HF20 episode was fixed in enough time for me to share with you our regular Medicine Card Monday. Yay!


The Importance of Play

Psychology Today brings up some great points in an article The Importance of Play: Having Fun Must be Taken Seriously, we all know how important getting outside or laughing truly is, but here are some facts:

  • Recreational deprivation has been linked to criminality, obesity, and declining creativity.
  • It is unstructured play, where partners have to negotiate the rules, that is most important for the beneficial effects on the prefrontal cortex.
  • Play is a banquet for the brain, a smorgasbord for the senses, providing nourishment for body and spirit: sad then that as a society we seem to be starving ourselves of it.

According to Patrick Bateson, emeritus professor of ethology at the University of Cambridge, “‘play’ as used by biologists and psychologists is a broad term denoting almost any activity that is not ‘serious’ or ‘work.’”

Isn't that the truth? We all need time to step away from work and just have a good time. This week on Steemit, will be one of those weeks. If you were around today, you would have seen how much people had to really do to get things back in order. I'd like to take this moment to thank them all and to make sure to send out the message that after all your hard work today, make sure to get out and play this week. After all, the cards never lie ...


Eagle Spirit'sMedicine Card Reading Initiative

All of my readings are geared towards a healing; breaking through mental, spiritual, or emotional blocks that will assist us in overcoming every day obstacles.

If this is your first time swinging by, my Medicine Card Monday initiative is my positive intention to pull a card of healing or medicine for the community. This is different than tarot in that the cards I use are on the medicinal aspect of humanity other than the most common cards found in a tarot deck.

The decks I use are The Wild Unknown - Animal Spirit, Mystical Shaman Oracle, and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle. The cards will assist in helping those interested, find comfort in things going on in our community and the world we are now dealing with. Namely, issues around the world, astronomical, or overcoming health issues of all sorts, etc., maybe just something out of balance that we are feeling on any particular day that needs guidance.

By pulling a card for Steemit this will in turn assist with my Medicine training, give back to the community, and help those seeking answers. I will take some of the reading from guidebooks provided with the cards, but primarily give intuitive and medicinal words to help our community. We all have days when we need encouragement, inspiration, and comfort.

The Card - Play



Maximize every moment of liveness. Experience pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing. Have Fun!

The Message


Be Mindful, Play!

Play is at the heart of our creativity and animates our being in our most carefree moments. It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery. It feeds our joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning down to earth.

There is so much going on in the world, and within us, that our stress levels have adjusted upwards to a new 'normal' creating a hidden epidemic of fun deficit disorder (FDD). Play is an antidote to stress. Either can totally absorb your attention and cause a cascade of feelings that greatly impact your happiness quotient.

Play engages us with the imaginable realm and supports and enriches our metabolization of life. It is integral for generating insights and effortless realizations. Play literally gives us a 'breather' – restoring our vitality at a core level.

This month find a fun activity that totally captivates your attention to the point where time seems to slow or even stop, and the voice inside -- the one giving constant commentary on what you’re doing, have done, or will be doing -- ceases. Laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and yourself.

Since many of us on Steemit love to play and we are on Discord laughing and joking all the time, if you are not a part of a nice group of people or have not yet found your tribe, now is the time to find them.

Do not hesitate to bond with likeminded people and just have fun. There are those around who are just here for the money that you can banter with, but many are here for the community. Wander through groups and find that one group that pulls your heart string, there are plenty of people to choose from that will make your days brighter by just engaging with them.

Eagle Spirit's Medicine

With this reading I send out Native American medicine to all who read this post. May you find peace, comfort, and healing in all that you do this week.


I hope you liked the reading! As always, I love community engagement so please leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to respond.

If you would like a personal Medicine Card reading:

  • Send 2 STEEM/SBD per card.

  • Choose a deck and spread: Animal Spirit (1, 2, 3, 4, or 13 card spread), Chakra Wisdom (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 card spread), or Mystical Shaman Oracle (1, 3, or 4 card spread.)

  • Each person is given a special one-on-one healing energy session with a reading sent from a Reiki Master Teacher (that be me), and a Native American ceremony is included.

  • Photos will be provided and explained. Please do not share these publicly.

  • You can find me on Discord under the name Eagle Spirit #4491.

Have a glorious week and come back next Monday for another Medicine Card reading!



Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a Certified Indian Blood member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Reiki Master-Teacher, Medicine woman in-training, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, and energy work. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday and #FreedomFriday, so if you are interested in receiving Native American Medicine stop by my blog every Monday to say hello!

A'OO, Eagle Spirit


Eagle Spirit’s Disclaimer
Energy therapy is a natural method of energy balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment.
Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All therapies are meant to complement medical treatments.
If you wish to learn more about energy work or the methods I use to assist others in Native American medicine practices feel free to contact me privately.


I love this one so much! I was swinging on the swingset earlier today, and singing in the forest, too! Yes to play! Yes to creativity, to spontaneity, and to the child within shining through.

@katrina-ariel yay!!! woo hoo for swings and i can't wait to swing with you. i'm making sure to work on my buns til you get here .ahahahaah i gots da booty ... booty and boob fits me so well ... ahahah but then again there were so many bootys before i came aboard. yay for singing woo hooo love that. yay for play and fun and just allowing The Shine! xo

Yes to The Shine! And booty ain't a bad thing. We'll fit you in the swing, methinks. Keep working on those buns, just don't loose too much. lol! I'm working on my cardio so I can hike those big mountains without needing a nap afterwards. Boob can join us. He likes booty. ;)

@katrina-ariel ahaha yay shine and no booty isn't i prefer boobies. LOL
boobies vs booties ... hmmm
yay can't wait to swing with you! :)
yay cardio yeah i did about 3 miles today of hiking ... it wasn't too hot but still hot! hahaha boob can hang with the fellas ... its just booty time ... hahaahah

Congratulations! Your post was selected by the @dropahead Curation Team (dCT)

Interesting initiative, I do believe that joy and fun are the keys to grant all of us a plentiful life. If we can enjoy all the work we do as we enjoyed all the gamed we played when we were a child, then we will have the higher degrees of efficiency and productivity in our lifetimes.

@dropahead - Supporting your STEEM adventure

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According to our quality standards(1), your publication has reached an score of 86%.

Well said Gabriel García Marquez: "One learns to write by writing" Keep trying, you will soon achieve excellence!

(1) @dropahead's quality standards:

- Graphic relation to the text (Choice of images according to the text)
- Order and coherence
- Style and uniqueness (Personal touch, logic, complexity, what makes it interesting and easy to understand for the reader)
- Images source and their usage license

thank you so much!

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 261 (9/18/18)

Will definitely be checking out your medicinecardmondays from now on @eaglespirit - play really is vital for our well being, we need that balance between work and play! Thank you for this!

@lizelle woo hoo so glad you will be, i look forward to having you stop by. oh definitely and since walking is essential to recovery that can be a part of it, like the walk on beaches as someone posted. so thankful for your posts more and more. the great food and now that i know you are not without life experience. first i thought you were untouched by this world, but you've been on quote a road. i went and read back to your beginning to share about how you dealt with things. also, i'm typically the rose lens persona myself. laughing, smiling, the whole 9 yards. i felt like i haven't smiled in 4 yrs. ho hum. such is life, but i still meditate, eat good food, walk and hike as much as i can get myself out there. i ground, center and clear almost daily so that helps. thank you again!

Thank you so very much for having a look over my posts @eaglespirit. Cooking is part of my therapy as I enjoy it that's why I often play in the kitchen making weird concoctions! Life has dealt some heavy blows my way, as it does with many, but I also see some as lessons to be learnt and hopefully help someone else one day having walked that road! Having rose tinted glasses helps but sometimes it's quite a shock to realise life is not always rosy. However, you are a wise lady and will start smiling within soon as you're working on healing from within... which really is the only path to true healing!
Thank you for what you're doing to help those you come into contact with!

@lizelle you are so kind and thank you for the long comment. it's not easy work and i just hope it all pays in the end. you have helped me and hopefully someday i can do the same for you. we are all in this together! :)

I know it will, you're giving so much and it will all bounce back your way in abundance :)

you are so very kind and i give you a big hugs on that hugzzzzzz

How appropriate. There was definitely plenty of off-chain playing, that's for sure! And I didn't really feel too down during the experience (maybe i'm in the minority though).

@eonwarped total playfulness and what a wonderful distraction. yeah, i was not really down either about the pre-fork, more on the steem low but praying it will all be an awesome change to see it all rise again.

this post remind me of a film I saw. Tag. I was about a group of friends that believed they would only grow old if they stopped playing. So for one month every year, no matter where in the world they were, they would have a game of tag.

Thanks for the healing vibes.

@paulag omgawsh i have to see that movie now!! that is two on my list. this one and the zombie movie cargo made in australia. LOL
thank you for the idea and you are so very welcome. xo

I guess I finally understood why everyone in my family said I never grew up. That's because I still love playing. ;-)

@lymepoet ahahah well nothing wrong with that at all. are you a prankster?

Playfulness is the difference between looking forward to go to work vs. dreading the morning to go to work.

@immarojas no SHEET you are wise beyond your yearrssss ... like you must be 200 or something ahahahaah

Cool hey? Why, how old are you? How many lifetimes😂🤣😆
Looking after patients need not be stressful, especially with hospital politics. If PLAY is possible for those high in position, there be less shits received by those in lower position.
That would be amazing and fun, won't it?

you crack me up ... truly.

Agree or disagree?😜😜

you just crack me up, i dont even think of disagreeing :p

oh i believe yah!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Send 2 STEEM/SBD per card.
Choose a deck and spread: Animal Spirit (1, 2, 3, 4, or 13 card spread), Chakra Wisdom (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 card spread), or Mystical Shaman Oracle (1, 3, or 4 card spread.)

So, does that mean a 13-card spread is 26 Steem?

Yes. thats cheap, that reading is a full body healing through cards and energy work. my normal fee for just reiki is $125 irl for an hour session and these card readings end up being more like 1.5 to 2 hrs.

Good to know. Was just making sure I was reading correctly.

No worries 😁
Ive added a Discord private voice session to the mix so I should add that to the description. Theres a lot to explain before one of my readings. bottom line is, the intention for me is to assist in getting someone past any blocks they may have whether it be mental, physical, or spiritual to move on to their life purpose.


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