McGregor Vs Mayweather - Magic Movement & Money

in #mcgregorvsmayweather7 years ago (edited)


The proposed September fight between Floyd Making Money Mayweather and The Notorious Connor McGreggor almost definitely will not happen then, however it is too rich a fight not to happen at all.

The fight has captured the imaginations of boxing fans and MMA fans alike. If you haven't yet heard about this fascinating match up, then let me fill you in.

The Magic

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Floyd Mayweather has always had an aura of magic around him, to many fight fans and pundits alike, he is the greatest pound-for-pound boxer of all time. He has an unblemished career record of 49 wins 0 draws and 0 losses. This puts him on a level with the legendary heavyweight Rocky Marciano.

However unlike Marciano, who only defended his title a few times, Mayweather has had numerous title challenges and defences. Not only has he never been defeated, he has also never been knocked down. Although that last fact is controversial, as his knee and right glove was on the canvas during his 2013 fight with Zab Judah, however the referee never called it.

Regardless of statistics, it is hard to argue with Mayweather's record. There is perhaps evidence that he ducked certain fighters in their prime, Manny Pac Man Pacquiao is a case in point. The fight was meant to take place in 2010, however due to overbearing contract demands from Mayweather, the fight didn't take place till 5 years later.

That fight was billed as "The Fight Of The Century", seeing as Pacquiao was considered the number 2 pound-for-pound boxer.

Whether or not the fight lived up to its billing is another story, however it increased Mayweather's stock and took him closer to the nice round number of 50 wins.

So what is the magic behind Mayweather's success? Like him or loathe him (and a lot of people loathe him), he has a style that 49 professional boxers have not been able to combat. He uses his speed and his lightning fast reactions to roll punches off his shoulder, whilst peppering his opponent with ultra fast, and super accurate punches.

The style isn't always pleasing to watch, however for the purist it is pure magic, as boxer after boxer who talks a big game, fails against his style and he just keeps Making Money.

The Movement

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Conor McGregor is a professional mixed martial art (MMA) fighter, like Mayweather he hails from humble beginnings, however unlike the American boxer, he does not come from a fighting family. Indeed, he has told how his father, Tony McGregor, wanted him to take up plumbing, as it was a stable trade.

Luckily for him and all his fans, he decided to ignore his father's advice and carry on training as a kick boxer.

McGregor has been referred to as The Mayweather of MMA, however with a record of 21 wins and 3 losses, it is hard to justify that tag. Even though it can be justifiably argued that MMA is a tougher sport than boxing, with fewer forgiving rules.

What makes the Irishman so compelling, is his style, which at once can be called brash, thrilling and laconic. He uses a mixture of quick strikes from his hands and feet, and delivers them with a laid back fluidity that sometimes belies the fact that he's in a fight.

Like Mayweather, he likes to get inside the head of his opponent before a fight, but unlike the American who uses brash trash talk to wind up his opponent. McGregor uses subtle suggestion to lead his opponent into a warped mind field, of fear and loathing.

It can probably best be summed up like this; Mayweather's trash talk will have you coming out swinging wildly and emotionally, desperate to shut his big mouth.

While McGregor's talk will have you entering the ring doubting your own abilities, indeed that has been an entertaining side issue between the two men. With Mayweather saying things like "I don't fight between another man's legs, I fight like a real man."

McGregor has come back with "Of course he won't step into my world, I'd be scared if I were him, he would be destroyed in seconds, so I will have to step into his world."

Though for me, the fight, unlike a lot of the fights of both of these men, won't be won in the mind, it will be won in the ring.

McGregor has often hinted towards the fact that he believes in Bruce Lee's The only way is no way philosophy. That is to say he studies each of his opponents and decides on the style he will adopt to beat them.

What is more the Irishman is a student of movement, he competes on the side in Brazilian Jujitsu tournaments (BJJ) and studies gymnastics and ballet. In the last couple of years he has hooked up with Ido Portal to study movement training.

This is what I believe will give him the edge in the fight, for what he lacks in pure boxing experience, he makes up for in his studying of movement and pure unarmed combat.

One thing is for sure, Mayweather has never faced an opponent like him, and at 40 years old, having not knocked out anybody since he fought Victor Ortiz in 2011, I believe (controversially) that it is in fact Floyd Mayweather who is the underdog.

The Money


So will the fight happen? Dana White (Head of the UFC) recently announced that the UFC, who McGregor fights under, had messed up in getting the fight to take place in September of this year.

The fact is that there are a lot of politics to take care of, especially on the boxing side of things. Floyd Mayweather is extremely vain, and will want to make sure that not only he gets most of the money on offer, but also is deferred to in a way that he feels his greatness warrants.

He will want everything from his name to be announced first, to appearing bigger on the promotional posters. Whilst McGregor will just be happy to be in the ring with him.

The Mayweather/Pacquiao fight was a $400 million pay-per-view smash hit, with Mayweather getting $250 of that purse.

Indeed Mayweather's net worth is estimated to be around $400 million, after earning a staggering $700 million in his 21 year career.

This fight, should it ever take place will be worth around $500 million on pay-per-view if not more, and Mayweather can be expected to earn at least $350 million, which would make him the first billion-dollar-sportsman in history.

I don't believe that Floyd Mayweather's vanity, or his love of money will allow him to ignore that. Added to the fact that he will get his half century of wins should he triumph, which will mean he can finally retire for good.


The fight will take place, sooner rather than later, as Mayweather does not have time on his side.

McGregor win by knockout.




First, this fight will be a joke. Second, McGregor states he is the A side in this fight, when he really isn't. Third, Mayweather is a boxing master ! The fight WILL make money, but it will more then likely be another Mayweather Vs. Pacman fight. The reason the fight will be popular is because you have both boxing and MMA worlds collide. So both MMA and boxing fans will watch, then be disappointed. I firmly believe any class C boxer can beat McGregor in a boxing match, not saying he isn't a good fighter, its just a different ballgame for him. He can beat Mayweather in a MMA fight, hell any female in the MMA game can beat Mayweather when it comes to MMA. The reason the fight will happen is because of one word, CASH! Deep down inside McGregor knows he can't win, but knows the big payday that is at stake. I will be very angry if the PPV goes for another $100 like the Pacman fight. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to see McGregor beat Mayweather, but the odds are totally against the notorious. The boxing match that will be good this year is the Canelo Vs. GGG fight in September.

Haha, a good opinion, but an opinion none the less. You are right about the hype making it such a rich fight. However I think you, and a lot of people will be mighty surprised by McGregor come the fight.

Yeah Canelo GGG will be an awesome match up! Can't wait for that either :-)


I hope so. I think McGregor is an electrifying fighter that people love. The best thing that will happen, and I promise! Are going to be the insults both will be throwing at each other during press conferences , face offs and weigh in!

Oh, please oh please let this happen, just talking about it with you now is making me salivate in anticipation. Can you imagine that first faceoff/press conference??? That alone will be worth the money :-)


@samdaman I should have another opinion but analyzing your points I couldn't help but agree...

It would be another easy walk to the bank ... :)

Haha, I love that walk! :-D


It is the notorious as always... very entertaining.

Did you see?? He has signed his half of the contract! Now it is down to Mayweather :-D :-D


Yes I heard the news... no more excuses for Mayweather now, there should be no more antics and just let the fight happen

Exactly no excuses; I don't think his pride and/or greed will let him ignore this one :-)


I wouldn't rule out McGregor by a longshot. He's 12 years younger, has a 2 inch reach advantage, explosive power, and excellent counter-striking. He could be the nightmare opponent for Mayweather, which Pacquiao should have been, if he hadn't torn his shoulder before the fight. That sure was a let-down. I don't know how this as of yet mythical fight would go down, but I'd sure love to see McGregor triumph by KO.

True about The Pac Man, plus of course Mayweather didn't fight him in his prime. I think it would have been a very different fight if he'd fought him in 2010... ifs and buts... That's the thing about Mayweather, everytime you think, "aha! this guy will beat him". He somehow wins.

But yes with McGregor, he is so far from anything Mayweather has faced, and like I said in the OP Mayweather hasn't knocked anyone out for a long time and has had problems with southpaws in the past. I really hope it happens, I think the money means it's almost inevitable, almost...


what can one say. The cryptogee! Legends are all coming back?!
That being said...I love the notorious mma.

Haha thanks! For now anyway :-)

Yeah me too, if this fight happens, it will be the most watched in history; please let it be so!!


This will be an awsome fight.
I wouldnt discount Mayweather that easy (lose by knockout).
He has been around the block a few times and Mcgregor can only use a fraction of his skills and the skills he can use will be inferior to the champs.

Very good point! However I just think that because he will be so awkward to face it will give Conor the advantage. Plus I can see him getting under the skin of Mayweather.

However you are right, you cannot discount Floyd too easily.


500 million wow.
They will get my 50 bucks to.

Lolz, and mine; though it'll probably be 75-100 bucks!


I do hope this goes ahead. Man it will be a fight and a half. Great analysis!!

Me too! It will be so spectacular and I really believe it will be one of the most amazing fights ever. Fingers crossed! Although like I said, Mayweather has not got time on his side, it has to happen within the next 12 months or it will never happen, as he'll be too old (and scared) :-)


Wouldn't surprise me if he was too scared now!! Lol, but yes. Has to happen soon!!

True, he has so much more to lose than McGregor, but then the money... :-D


Always the money!!

Did you see? Conor has signed, now just down to Floyd; come on, bring it ON!!!!


I didn't, how awesome is that!!!

So awesome, I mean there are still a lot of politics on Mayweather's side I'm sure. But still, I can't see how it won't happen now. Floyd can't say that Conor doesn't want it, he has signed and he is basically saying any place, anytime! :-)


Mayweather will put him to sleep....this will be a good fight no doubt. We are talking different levels here. The art of Boxing is different than MMA as well. Good to see you here. @cryptogee

Mayweather is the 'hit and don't get hit' type - one of the greatest lb for lb boxers ever! More boxing posts soon ;) Speaking of boxing ...

I just added you to my today so I'm ready when your mighty punch is ready to leave the gym. I know you do all your UV curation by hand and by %, but as a content creator 'I ain't got time for that shit!' as the famous meme goes! Instead I just 100% UV a very select few on here. See below. Have a great day and keep punching HARD Johal! Ready for ya. The boxing tape is ready for them gloves :) Da Hunter.<3
2017 05 14 142417 1024x600 scrot

The conventional wisdom says you're right; however this will be anything but conventional...

Good to be back :-)


Can't wait for this fight :D Looking forward so much to this! If Mcgregor , can get his left counterpunch in bad things can happen to Mayweather !

As Dana White always says "we'll see". A more interesting fight would be GGG or Lomachenko Vs Mayweather, but I doubt they will happen either

I would love to see Lomachenko/Mayweather, but that will definitely not happen. I think Lomachenko would wear him down and possibly knock him out. Not sure about GGG...


McGregor has signed!!! Now time for Mayweather, COME ON!!!


OMG this is gonna be huge, but prob won't happen till next year, or Mayweather might drag it out like he did with Pacqiou. I reckon McGregor could win, especially how old Mayweather is and with the different movement and range of motion Mcgregor has.

Well exactly! He cant drag it out too long as it is McGregor who has time on his side, I can't see Mayweather wanting to fight past 42, 43 at most... that gives us about 18-20 months max, split the difference and say 10.

Salivating! :-)


Who do u have to win? Also who u got for GGG vs Canelo?

McGregor and Canelo :-)


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