Fostering Your Mastermind Principle

in #mastermind7 years ago

Increasing and harnessing your mastermind is an essential component to success

Action, Analysis, Business, Collaborate, Collaboration

In his seminal book "Think and Grow Rich", Napolean Hill discusses the 'mastermind principle'. Hill defines the principle as: consisting of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective. Success does not come without the cooperation of others.

Whatever goals we are working towards, whether on the business or personal side of things, inevitably we require the assistance of outside forces. This can be a publishing company as an author, a marketing professional to aid in promoting our good or service, or just another person to help work on a particular project.

Steven Covey, author of the book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", discusses the idea of interdependence. He states that when it comes to individuals working together for a shared goal or purpose, 1+1 can often equal an amount greater than 2.

The synergistic effect of having more than one mind collaborating on a concept can exponentially increase output and productivity.

Handshake, Regard, Cooperate, Connect, Unite

Think back to when you hit a mental block with a project. When you only have your own mind to feed your creativity, you tend to lose steam at one point or another due to a lack of perspective. By feeding ideas off of others, your creative mind is typically sparked into higher states of flow and imagination.

Connecting with others that fuel your creative output is essential to success. As a writer, I know I need to connect with other writers to receive feedback on my material. While posting on steem and receiving responses is great, I know that it can't compare to in-person critiques. I've begun to seek out other writers as a way to foster this, and I find the site to be incredibly valuable in this regard.

You are the sum of those you are surrounded by

Sunset, Beach, Group, Jump, People, Friends

Surrounding yourself with individuals who fuel your growth potential is a critical component to accomplishing one's goals. If you are surrounded by lazy, reactive, and complacent people, it is incredibly likely you will also reflect these attributes.

Spending your time with people who are proactive, hardworking, and supportive will make it much more likely that you will also do the same. If you want to become a better athlete, it is a good idea to work out with people who are better than yourself, as it fosters a desire to improve and reach up to their level.

Regarding wealth accumulation, Napolean Hill stresses the importance of the mastermind principle. Surrounding yourself with people who are rich greatly increases your chances of becoming wealthy.

Being around wealth allows one the opportunity to learn from people who are doing well monetarily. You may learn the tricks of the trade, and gain insight into how a person has made their fortune. It also has the effect of making this financial success more tangible in your own mind, as you are interacting with people who have actually accomplished this goal.

Making a million dollars can seem like a pie in the sky concept and completely unrealistic to the average person. But when you are interacting with many people who are millionaires and are understanding the process they took to achieve this level, it becomes a much more realistic idea.

Foster the mastermind in multiple outlets

People, Girls, Women, Students, Friends, Man, Guy

I have a variety of current goals and objectives I am working towards accomplishing. I am intending to write my first book, and as a result am seeking out groups and individuals who are also writers and have published a book.

I am also intending to become more involved in event promotion and production, as I have found this to be an incredibly gratifying experience when things work out well. As a result, I have made contact with one of the biggest event production/promotion companies in the Denver area, and am hoping to have a meeting with one of the owners to discuss where an upstart promoter/producer should start.

Additionally, I met with a few friends and associates who are helpful in bouncing ideas off of and collaborating with regarding creating events in the future. Our first meeting went well, and I intend to meet regularly with these people to continue creating momentum towards an end goal.

The idea that we become who we are around is a powerful concept that shouldn't be overlooked. If you are underwhelmed by your current network, reach out to others who are further along the path than you are. Your mastermind is waiting in the wings, and by fostering it you will inevitably fly to new heights.

All uncredited pictures from the

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it's so interesting that you wrote this article! I literally was just about to write an post about this...mainly because I am considering starting a home care worker cooperative... here is a link to Napolean Hill's unpublished work. The Mastermind is what the Dark Occultists use to get the job done... and they are a united front in their "mastermind".

Nice! The mastermind principle should be utilized by us 'common folk'.

I am likely going to start a Steemit goals mastermind group very soon. I am very passionate about developing and implementing systems for goal achievement, as this has been one of my main hindrances in reaching my goals.

Creating a more united front, as you say, can catapult individuals beyond their highest conception of themselves.

this is a good idea. Let me know when - I tried to start one with friends in Denver and people did not care. Also sorry I did not meet you at meetups at all but maybe we could have coffee - contact me through my website.

No worries! I actually haven't attended a meetup yet, though I plan to in the future. I would be interested in meeting up at some point, that would be cool!

not sure when the next meetup is... do you know?

@colinhoward I'm interested in being a part of that group assuming it is over the internet. I may also be able to be a part of working out the details of getting it up and running.

Awesome, glad to hear you are interested in participating! I will keep you in the loop, be on the lookout for the Steemit Goals Mastermind Group soon!

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