Relationship Ends

in #marriagelast month

Dating or having a relationship before marriage is a common phenomenon in many societies, in almost all around the world. However, although it is often considered normal and even necessary to get to know your partner better, dating or having a relationship before marriage also has a number of negative impacts that should not be ignored. In addition, dating is prohibited in Islamic teachings because dating is a form of approaching adultery. Here are some discussions about the negative impacts of dating before marriage and provide solutions to overcome or avoid these impacts.

One of the negative impacts that often arises from dating is emotional dependence. Emotional dependence occurs when someone becomes very dependent on their partner for happiness and emotional stability. In the context of dating, this can lead to an unhealthy relationship, where one or both parties feel they cannot live without each other, even though the relationship does not bring happiness or goodness.

This emotional dependence can be even worse when the relationship ends. When a couple breaks up, the emotionally dependent person can experience stress, depression, and deep feelings of loss. This can interfere with their mental well-being and affect other aspects of their life, such as work, education, and social relationships.

Dating or relationships before marriage often divert a person’s focus from more important things like education and career development. When someone becomes too involved in a romantic relationship, they may neglect academic tasks, lose interest in achieving career goals, or even postpone important decisions about their future in order to maintain the relationship.

This loss of focus can have long-term consequences. For example, a person may fail to reach their full potential in education or career because they are too busy thinking about their relationship. Ultimately, this can lead to regrets later on, especially if the relationship ends.


Dating before marriage is also often accompanied by the risk of premarital sex. Although not all couples who are dating engage in sexual relations, the temptation and social pressure to do so are often difficult to avoid. Premarital sex can have various negative consequences, such as unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and feelings of guilt or regret later on.

In addition, premarital sex can also have an impact on long-term relationships. Some couples may feel no longer attracted to each other after sexual intercourse occurs, or even experience conflict and tension in their relationship.

Dating before marriage can also open the door to conflict and violence in relationships. Without a strong commitment like in marriage, couples who are dating are often more vulnerable to conflict. Differences of opinion, jealousy, or incompatibility of character can easily trigger arguments that can then develop into verbal, emotional, or even physical violence.

Violence in dating relationships is not only physically detrimental, but also mentally and emotionally. This can leave deep trauma and affect a person's ability to have healthy relationships in the future.

Solutions to Avoid the Negative Impacts of Dating Before Marriage

Although the negative impacts of dating before marriage are quite serious, there are several steps that can be taken to avoid or minimize these risks. Here are some solutions to consider:

  • Prioritize Education and Career
    One of the best ways to avoid the negative impacts of dating is to prioritize education and career development. By focusing on long-term goals, a person can be wiser in making decisions regarding relationships. In addition, having a clear goal in life can also help a person to survive and not rely too much on their partner for happiness.

  • Establish a Healthy and Open Relationship
    Good communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Couples must learn to talk about their feelings, set boundaries, and respect each other. With open communication, couples can avoid unnecessary conflict and create a more harmonious relationship.

  • Building Emotional Resilience
    Emotional resilience is the ability to remain stable and not rely too much on others for happiness. A person who has good emotional resilience is better able to face challenges in a relationship without being too negatively affected. To build emotional resilience, one can develop hobbies, maintain good relationships with friends and family, and invest in personal growth.

  • Maintain Personal Values ​​and Principles
    It is important to always maintain personal values ​​and principles in every relationship. One must be able to assert what is important to them and not sacrifice it for a relationship that may not last. By sticking to these values, one can avoid feelings of regret later on.

  • Avoid Premarital Sex
    To avoid the risks of premarital sex, couples can set clear boundaries from the beginning of the relationship. They can also find ways to express affection in ways that do not involve excessive physical contact. By doing so, they can avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and maintain their emotional integrity.

  • Don't date but get married right away, remember dating is forbidden in religion.

Dating or relationships before marriage have various negative impacts that can significantly affect a person's life. Emotional dependency, loss of focus on education and career, risk of premarital sex, potential conflict and violence, and changes in priorities and values ​​are some of them. However, by taking preventive measures such as prioritizing education and career, establishing healthy relationships, building emotional resilience, maintaining personal values, and avoiding premarital sex, one can reduce the risk of these negative impacts. Ultimately, the choice to have a relationship before marriage must be made wisely and with consideration for the sake of personal well-being and a better future.


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