Marketing w/Mitchell - A Steem Ecosystem

in #marketing7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

Today we’ll be sharing a piece of the new marketing strategy with you.

I’ll give you the strategy in pieces so you can really grasp how it will make Steemit grow.

Just one more spoiler before the video itself… the themes are transparency, developers, and a Steem ecosystem. There’s an important announcement at the end, so be sure to watch the whole thing! Enjoy!

For those who prefer text or are unable to watch video, there's a TL;DR below.


In today’s video I discuss three important developments for the Steemit marketing strategy:

  1. Transparency
  2. Building a social media ecosystem
  3. Developers, developers, developers!


  • These videos are just one of the ways you’ll be able to see the Steemit vision take form
  • This transparency will be more than just revelations, but also in the form of processes
  • Transparency is the first step towards an ecosystem. More info on this later

An App Ecosystem With a Steemit-Core

  • The marketing vision for Steemit is to be the hub of a social media ecosystem… that goes far beyond
  • We want to see dozens of social media and content apps running on the Steem blockchain

But there’s only so much Steemit can do, and the more the Steemit Team does the more opportunities it’s taking from the community. That’s why...

Developers Rule!

  • Developers are going to be a priority of our marketing effort
  • We will promote and support all developers, but especially those developers who help build out this social media ecosystem
  • An ecosystem with no gates and no walls, where your photo sharing app is linked to your blogging platform, is linked to your micro-posting app, and all are monetized by the same mechanism: steem
  • This will be the foundation on which our marketing effort is built along with some other really exciting ideas that I will be sharing with you in my next video

That’s about it for now, there is an exciting announcement at the end of the video, but we don’t want to spoil the surprise, so you’ll just have to watch. There will be a formal announcement next week along with more specifics on the marketing strategy, so keep an eye out for more posts!

  • Mitchell

Hi there, Mitchell here.

If you'd like to ask some questions you're welcome to here. No need to speculate; Just ask me what you're curious about and I'll do what I can. :)

Please provide a text version so we can forward it to other media.

agreed by 100% here with @abit - especially as video seems shaky - not related to my bandwidth but written is always better - i do work in marketing since 20 years too so we need sth on paper to help you guys moving forward

TL;DR added beneath the video. Thanks for the feedback!

hmmm - have some questions on the developer focus - Developers as priority of marketing focus is interesting - would like to discuss the facts behind but not on the platform @andrarchy @zurvanic

We have more specifics coming out next week, but if you would like to talk to me about it on feel free to message me there.

will drop you a line there tomorrow when the girls let me sleep - thanks mate @andrarchy

I'm not sure this should be shown to a wider audience as a marketing announcement.

I believe in Developers! Great that you are putting the focus on them.

Will there be any marketing emphasis on "the Fabric" technology? Is it true that "the Fabric" architecture is blockchains inside of blockchains? Is "the Fabric" going to change everything?

And will marketing be focusing solely on promoting tech projects? Or will it also focus on community projects that utilise the technology?


@riskdebonair I personally believe that Fabric will be a revolutionary development in the evolution of blockchain technology and I also believe that our community is our strongest weapon, but as far as whether that will make it into our marketing strategy ... you'll just have to stay tuned for future posts ;)

Ooof! I'm excited for the developments.

The idea to put the user stories in the centre of attention is great @zurvanic. It assures a maximum degree of identification. There have been several small projects on steemit featuring steemians in the past, and they always found their audience.
It´ll be great to see how this idea can evolve outside steemit´s borders being supported through your expertise, creativity and influence. Looking forward to seeing, hearing, reading more about it!


All I want is my STEEMIAN "story"to be heard and most importantly shared...


Frank III

Start writing! :)

Would be nice to use a specific tag like #steemstory , would be awesome to hear how everyone got here and their experience so far! :)

Start reading! :)

Hope you enjoy it @acidyo

I found the video first on YouTube because I subscribed to the steemit channel. I feel like it would really help if you put more information about in the YouTube infobox. Many people will find us there. :) Great video btw very heartfelt and authentic.

@zurvanic Thank you for the update brother. Welcome I look forward to hearing more from you and am glad to see you on the Steemit team.

Thanks mate!

@andrarchy, your passioin for steemit made my eyes tear up

Wow, I really appreciate that Craig. I couldn't imagine a better compliment. Thanks so much.

Andreas Antonopolous of should be the guy we ask to help spread the message. At least piggy back off his message.

He often talks about the other 3 billion people of in the developing nations. That $3.00 per post will make a difference to all of them and change their lives.

Steemit needs to address that market. Congrats on your new position.

That guy hates Steemit.

Indeed! It reminded me of how @rogerkver used to talk about bitcoin!

These are really exciting times! :)


No you did..nt!


Hehe, I remembered this old video with him where he talks about decentralization, bringing an economical balance in the world, helping the unbanked and most of all helping the ones in need. I remember him being very emotional during that speech (can't find the video at the moment).

Now all these years later I don't see how bitcoin has done much of that. Steem is one of the few ones that provides an incentive to actually bring new users and more people to the technology - the proof is in the blockchain. :)

He so believes in community! Transparency is key!

first level of transparency = who owns the @freedom account?

And Yesterday created @steem account with 500000 steem ?

Post Hardfork 17, accounts are created with SP Delegation. @steem is the account which delegates SP to create accounts from

Nice question!

Value of $1,208,536.14 ....Wow !

And as Andrew Levine said, not having an EGO is crucial.

Luxury in today's internet!

What about making a profit? Anyone who asks you to give up your ego to join a community is building a cult. Any business is not going to ask you to give up your ego.

On that point I have to disagree with Andrew. You can have a community of individuals.

Congrats @andrarchy! You are a great fit for this position and you guys sound like a solid team! Now we just gotta get this thing rolling!

I really appreciate the support. Sincerely. I really do think we make a good team and we're all about moving forward, a/k/a rolling!

WOAH, you know i was trying to spell your username from the sound of it in the video and was so afar off! Glad to find you here!!!


You mean get this STEEMing!!!

Haha yes that is more applicable!

Let's Steemroll! That's my face when I saw @andrarchy as the community liaison!

HAHAHA. Love it!

LOL - what a great and perfectly matching animation. Love it!!!

Can someone provide a TL;DW?

  1. More transparency, taking unusual forms.
  2. More focus on the dev-community.
  3. Partnering with devs to add to the Steem ecosystem (beyond Steemit)
  4. Andrarchy is our new Community Liason.

Plus, more announcements in the future. I'm releasing the plan in phases.

Not much of substance was said. More in the next update, apparently.

Thanks for the update. I didn't watch the video, as I fully trust you with your transcript.

To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. Focusing your strategy on developers drives resources to an area which is hard to monetize. Developers build apps, not communities. Developers are not necessarily entrepreneurs, they know how to build stuff, but not how to sell it or how to create complex processes aorund that stuff.

Your strategy is based on the fact that these developers will be able to also bring customers in, which is already proven to be false. It stems from the same paradigm which created Steemit, and look where you are now, one year after the launch: a meager 13,000 users. That's below joke level, it's not even a startup. If you pitch a VC with these numbers he won't even listen.

As they are right now, the Steem blockchain and the MVP have a reasonably articulated community. You already spent an entire year building this. Not banking on it is a bit ADHDish, so to speak. Why not building this community and create engagement here? Why not using what you already have? Why not focusing on growing this community first, listen to its members and see what they want?

The client is always right. Always.

An entire ecosystem of apps built on top of the Steem blockchain, (especially since you proved no success building a simple community around a simple social media website for the last year), well, that looks really hard to build to me.

Especially now, when you are also facing serious competition.

The client is always right. Always.

But are the majority of current clients the target group we really want? Does our current clients represent our future clients? Probably they don't . Of course we must serve them but at the same time we must try to drive other demographics as well.

I can clearly see you are wishing well and I appreciate you for that, @liondani. But with all due respect, I think Steemit Inc is going down and it's going down fast.

I consider myself an early adopter and even an evangelist (I even held Steemit meetups and encouraged fellow Romanians to create a section in Romanian here) but as time went by, I had to accept a rather bitter truth: there's a poisonous mix of incompetence, enthusiasm, greed, technical skills, luck and inability to communicate in this venture, all so powerfully connected in a monolith-like structure, which is simply spiraling down, no matter what I chose to do. This mix is "protected" by a chronic lack of opening towards people using the platform, myself included. I had many improvement proposals, many suggestions and I barely had a few acknowledged. And when they were acknowledged, they were quickly dismissed because, for instance, I'm 'not a real developer' (to quote @abit). I'm not saying that my suggestions were perfect, far from that. I'm saying that they weren't even taken into account.

This opaqueness towards client feedback is the main cause of the downtrend.

And by the way, you have the clients that you attract, not the clients that you want.

I had many improvement proposals, many suggestions and I barely had a few acknowledged. And when they were acknowledged, they were quickly dismissed because, for instance, I'm 'not a real developer' (to quote @abit). I'm not saying that my suggestions were perfect, far from that. I'm saying that they weren't even taken into account.

They claim that after @dan leaved many things like that will change... Let's see...

PS must say I doubt he was the "only" responsible... I hope all took the right lessons and we will move forward...

We'll see :)

Finally..some serious thought and not just rah-rah.
Thank you dragoroua

One thing to consider

  • In the months after initial launch tsū became one of the fastest growing social networks, achieving 3.5 million registered users in its first 6 months of public existence and registering 4.5 million users by its first anniversary.

4.5 million for TSU after the first year vs 13K Steemit of which all but about 3k are bots?

Why am I reminded of the crew of the Titanic franticly re arranging the Deck Chairs while ignoring the hole in the bottom of the ship?
others seem to agree

Good reminder, the one about Titanic :)

Excellent move! @andrarchy has a natural ability to make people want to listen to what he is saying. We just need to find ways to get the message out.

Ummm...RESTEEM...And tell yoUr story... (Might take a 7 days for some.)

Great job Steemit Inc! Also congrats to @andrarchy on your dream job...Good luck to you:)


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