An Amusing Market Friday


From the balcony this morning!

Not only did I get a visit from the Swan Family, the main point is the boat lift is in!!!

Being that this is a Market Friday post, sometimes we have to talk price. Because the first guys that said they would get the lift in never showed up, the guys today dinged me for an extra $50. However, because my lift was the very last one on the lake, and they had to launch a pontoon with a hydraulic lift to get this, I could not complain (too loudly)

Hello Everybody

Welcome to My Freezing Market Friday

Yeah I went out in this to film on my balcony.. BURRRRR and YUCK


Run in and grab a quick shower to warm up. I also tried to dye away a bit of gray... The Old Guy was looking Too Old

Of course Im not happy...I have to spend more money on hair dye LOL This getting old is really not fun!!


Ok enough playing around, let's get in and get out ASAP.


Tea on sale, got to load up on more. I am getting into this Oolong Tea. Very mild and nice as I am drinking it throughout the day!


Ok moving right along...hold up and back up to see this here! Oh now that is a good price. The Old Guy loves him some corn bread, put on some beans and you got a meal! Can't pass up on some Jiffy as its made right here in the frozen state of Michigan!



Olive loaf on sale?!?

with a good date, oh well the poor kiddo may be having to eat this till Christmas!


No I didn't buy them all!

That would be rude... I left one for the next guy ;)


Oh sure enough, Santa snatched the last olive bad for the next guy LOL


Of course Ben always prefers these to some cheapo hot dogs...since he isn't paying of course!


Last but not least, looks like the kiddos will be happy!

The Old Guy is not complaining, saving a buck a box...and Ben goes through the boxes!


Thank you to the ever lovely @dswigle for hosting Market Friday. I know she puts a ton of time into each week by commenting and visiting all the Market Friday posts. Be sure to leave your link on her page.... If you don't, well you don't even want to know what will happen, but I promise, it won't be good LOL!!!


She says there must always be a flower, well I may be jumping the gun just a little bit with these.... Just thinking ahead. Have a great weekend all!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!


When are you going to dye your hair and what color? Is it going to cover that grey on top? It is not too grey... I would say it is age appropriate, no?

You really got some great deals today! I don't use the Jiffy, but, for 29 cents, I might have tried it. Poor chilluns. More Olive Loaf? Freeze it. It will last longer. Then they won't have to eat it until Valentines Day.

I am so jealous of your snow. You know it never snows that early here in ... Well, you know. Oh, bad Santa! LOL Nice touch!

Well, this was a fun #MarketFriday post and I am glad you got the lift in. Finally.

I like your swan family. Do they stay there all winter? Shouldn't they be migrating or something??

Upped and Steemed


Ummm it IS dyed.... There may have been a bit of frosting on top. I was using old stuff and was afraid to leave it on long enough. I did not want a repeat of yellow beard. Thankfully that did not happen. I was hoping less is more and all that noise... I didnt want it to look too shocking LOL.

You had a small taste of winter today, are you still jealous??? Hmmm I bet not LOL.

Come on!!! Cold without the snow is like a flower without the smell. You can see it but it doesn't feel the same (inside)

Oh! Your hair is already dyed??? Ummmm... I don't have a reply for that one.


Yes, that is what I was trying to tell you lol. See the Grey on the sides is gone lol. It's not supposed to be stark, right? Is it just too light? Thanks for the tip and the help.

I was kidding. Of course, it looks a lot better. The other was GRAY!!

Is it gray or grey, I have no clue, as long as it is gone. Weird how I went from sun-kissed to gray overnight, right? Lol

Grey and gray are both accepted in the English language. They refer to a color of a neutral tone between black and white, and can also be used metaphorically to convey gloom and dullness. However, gray is the more popular spelling in the US, while grey reigns supreme in the UK. According to

just keep telling yourself it was overnight.

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I recall trying some Oolong Souchong tea as a kid...

My ultimate conclusion after that experience was that "Oolong Souchong" had to be Mandarin for "Oriental Dump."



Oh but now your tastes have matured! LOL. It is a very mild flavor that is found in many Chinese buffets. YUM

Well, I will allow that I have extended my drinking to "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot..."

However, come to think of it, that may be partly influenced by my love of science fiction... ;)

funny image at the end

You've already got snow!! I'm so jealous. I would have bought as many Jiffy corn muffin mixes as you did olive loaf for that price. We love our cornbread here. You got some great deals.

Snow is a major pain, I am jealous you dont have it LOL

Good price for the oolong tea

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