
Hi Michael! Say that I have both Aldi's and Lidl's less than 10 minutes away from me and I truly like them because of the surprises that they offer, plus the fact that they're own brands are what they carry... and most of what they offer is good and very well priced.

Aldi and I met when I lived in Europe, Germany I believe and the love affair has lasted all these years. I can tell you that your locally their shelves empty on a regular basis because of their prices and the products they carry. None of the stores are big but they carry basic Staples. I can honestly say that they probably are emptying out because of their prices not because they are under stocking.

It would seem to me that Jack's is trying to make a play for the market that they have cornered and I believe that that is probably a great financial decision. I hope you enjoy the store and just like Walmart, stores like that have found that they do best serving a underserved Market I'm. Something that is not overwhelmingly populated with other stores. Great post and I want to thank you for taking the time to put a market Friday together.

Upped and steemed

This move by Tesco's is a reaction to the growing market share that Aldi and Lidl have gained in recent years.

Aldi product lines, as you know are very good and keenly priced while Tesco's has been ripping off the public for years by price gouging a captive market.

The move by the consumer to these smaller supermarkets is simply based on convenience and prices. They are local and within walking distance of most of their customers.

Tesco has been building on the outskirts of towns which means you need a car ride to get to them.
Things have changed here big time. 10 years of zero pay rises and austerity has made Britain a basket case.

People cannot afford cars and shopping locally is the only option for many. Car sales have fallen off a cliff.

Jack's is a johnny come lately to this new game and they really have missed the point. People want quality products at affordable prices. Not some jingoistic buy British bullshit Tesco really has lost it's way.

That's interesting @molometer. I've not heard of nor seen "Jacks" before but we have both Aldis and Lidls locally.

We go there sometimes just because they have surprises that you can't get anywhere else.

One of my best buys was a telescope for John for Christmas, for example. 😊

This was the first 'Jacks' to open in the whole of Great Britain!

The choice of this remote location is intriguing?

Is your husband enjoying the telescope?

Ha, ha, ha. @molometer

As I read your reply my son is sitting on the settee reading quotes from his phone about people's visits to Jacks. He just got home from a local Tesco and everyone is talking about it apparently. 😂

There are no stores planned for the South he says.

Yes. John loves his telescope but he doesn't get much opportunity to use it. He'd quite like one of those tracking things you can attach to it to put your camera to keep it moving. (If that makes sense) 😂

When opening a new store in the back of nowhere makes national news my ears prick up! The mount your husband needs start at around £200...ouch! lol Just done a follow up post on Jacks :-) I'd appreciate your views.

£200. Ouch indeed! 😂

8 of 10 products are British 😯 that's interesting to find out @molometer 😊 whether the 8 products were sold out or the other 2? Wondering why the queue that long.. only one cashier counter?

They had more than 10 products on offer but many shelves were empty?

Wheww.. that's amazing.. just in one day😉

Everything was very cheaply priced. How long that will last is another matter?

It's obvious that I have not seen such a store but I have a Lidl nearby and I can say it looks like. I buy there because every visit finds something to interest me. The store being new is a bit crowded but this will adjust over time ...

Lidl have become very popular here. This post is more about the way this store is presenting itself?

Well, if I understood well what you say: my opinion is the otside(entrance) looks is attractive. From another point of view, it can be likened to low-cost air transport... Probably this is the future!

You may well be right about this:-

it can be likened to low-cost air transport... Probably this is the future!

Maybe ... a good trader sells at very low prices to many people.

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