MarketFriday - initiated by @dswigle - My Local Fruit Vendors !!

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Hi everyone here we are back for another @marketfriday initiated by the lovely @dswigle this week was quite a busy one for me i didn't get as much free time from work as i normally do so today i am just going to take you for a short tour down to my local fruit vendors.

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As you can see the local vendors do have all my favorite fruits even though they look just as tasty and colorful as apposed to going to the direct wholesaler market you do pay almost triple the price at these vendor stores. Well i consider myself a resident here now cause i been living here for 8 years to a tourist they would look at the prices and say's cheap but i know the difference.

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You look at them huge bananas one of them bananas you can consider it a meal for the day and they are selling them for $4 US a bunch at the wholesale market you can pick that bunch up for less then $2 US so you can see for me it's worth going to the wholesale market not only because it's way cheaper but i get to chat to my market friends over there i understand the price difference with the vendors they have got there overheads like all businesses.

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There are so many variety of bananas in Thailand from little finger bananas to canon size as you saw above but my favorite bananas as these smaller fat stubby ones so tasty and sweet and even if the skin goes fully black on the outside the banana inside still remains pure white and taste even sweeter they don't get all ripped up and black inside like those canon bananas and have to throw them out. These bunches of bananas you paid less then a $1 US at the wholesalers markets opposed to $3 US at the vendors store.

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Now with mangoes i can talk about the sizes , shapes and varieties forever i can say i have seen about 60 different types of mangoes in Thailand but these two varieties are my favorite in the first photo i call them the "Sweet Bomb Mango" they are a fully packed with sweetness one of the best mango i have ever tasted and they just keep getting sweeter as your approaching the seed and so cheap for such joy.

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And for this other mango i mostly love this one which i call the "Super King Mango" because the way you can eat this mango is amazing and it tastes superb which ever way you eat it and what i mean by that is you can eat it green and it have a crunchy sweet and sour taste , you can eat it semi ripe which is still crunchy but just nicely sweeten or you can eat it fully ripe and it's like having a full overloaded glass of sweet juice mango i have in all ways depending on my mood but definitely a mango to die for most definitely in my opinion.

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Check out the differences in sizes between the "Super King Mango" and the "Sweet Bomb Mango" the "Super King Mango" is a meal for two

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Oh boy, I fancy a bite on that super king mango. Looks so good!

Can you see that sweet juice running down the screen ...yep they are awesome..i suppose you would of had them in the time you spent in Bali ??

@hangin so many fruits apple orange just made my day 🍎🍏🍊🍈

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Thank you glad it made your day it's the perfect markets for all your vitamins :)

There are so many unknown fruits here ...

And all so tasty hopefully one day you will be able to taste them :)

Yes, let's hope so :)

I asked my one of Jamaican friends how to pick out a good mango at the supermarket and he told me: "you don't"

He is right because no matter what shape , size or color they are all superb tasting. We even have these green green mangoes here that i thought no you can't eat a green mango but yes you can with this certain variety and so sweet would never think

He was saying that you have to go to west Indian store or market and that the ones at the supermarket are all crap.

Yeah probably to expensive at the super market and all over ripe sitting there to long.

Oh, sweet jesus! You have really made me jealous! You always have the most incredible fruits on display! I kid you not.

Those mangoes are really yummy delicious looking in the flesh. I have actually never eaten one when it was not ripe. Somewhere in my memory, I want to say I tasted one and it wasn't good, but, it was so long ago, I may need to try it again. I wonder which mango my market has? They all look the same to me, but, that is because I see them one at a time.

I agree with you, although, they display these so well, I am a cheapskate like that. I would be going to the wholesale market too. I know they need to make a profit, but, I would rather they not make it on me. :)

Thanks again for your awesome post! I appreciate your efforts on a busy week!

Upped and Steemed Tip!

Sadly, I ran out of money, honey!

I swear Bermuda might have had the best glass blowing pottery but Thailand has the best variety of fruits and cheap. You know i never thought of ever eating a green mango i mean green green skin did i say green green i mean really green till i saw it in Thailand and i was absolutely blown away that it could taste so sweet it's just one particular variety that you can do that with and then there is another green one that they use in cooking or salads or eaten with a bit of sugar and chili i have never seen how many ways you can eat mangoes till i saw it in Thailand :)

ooooo !! you already have Pitaya !!!it is still very expensive for us. I have not seen these kinds of mango in Israel. they are funny when you photographed them next to each other 😁 it's wonderful that you have the opportunity to enjoy so much variety of this beautiful fruit! we have mango species 4-5 is, a very tasty kind of mango-maya. these mangoes are small but very sweet.

Pitaya or also known as Dragonfruit is one fruit i absolutely love but honestly i love them all it is always tormenting decisions when i go to these fruit markets because i want to take everything home. I know them small mangoes i eat skin and all they are so sweet :)

this year, prices for fruits and vegetables do not fall in our country. when we go to the store we think that of the fruits we can buy within our budget :) dragonfruit to buy is not yet realistic

That is a real shame we are so lucky here in Thailand prices stay the same all year around with local fruits and veggies :)

wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going to live to you in Thailand !!!!!!! :)

Haha...your welcome pack them bags :)

Excellent tour. The varieties simply amazing, as are the prices.

Makes our fruit selections here look sad.

All looks good enough to eat!

One thing i enjoy about living in Thailand is the amazing fruit selections just awesome and cheap :)

That cover photo looks amazing! Oh how I wish I was there! Just check out those pitaya!

Thanks the cover photo is the music hall in Bangkok. i love Thailand with all there selection of fruit the place to :)

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