Market Friday

in #marketfriday7 years ago (edited)

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (That is me, Denise!)

Come join us as we share wonderful markets from all over the world. I find it simply fascinating and would love to see yours! So don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery, antiquing, art galleries. wherever! Don't forget to use the hashtag #marketfriday and @dswigle.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found. They will all be in one place!! Thank you!

Guess where we are going today? Any takers? Anybody? Even I wasn't sure until the other day... Then, it just sort of happened. I walked in to check out some fun. Oh, I remember some wonderful moments that were had as we rolled down the highway, on our way to fun. Let's see what we can find.

Here. Take a flower. It is a good way to start your day off. Okay, now let's head to this place and see what we can see.


Welcome to Camping World. Bet you didn't see that one coming. I think we need to do a shelf check on camping vehicles today. They have come a long way, baby! I haven't been in a while, so I was mildly surprised by the sweet upgrades that they have come out with. Come with me, we''ll take a walk through the showroom of wonder.

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I walked into this showroom with wall to wall campers. Just looking can be such an overwhelming experience for an unseasoned camper. They immediately ply me with questions. How many will you be sleeping, what is your budget? (a nice way of saying - how much money you have to spend?)

Where were we going with it? Are you using it for local fun? Are you taking it to Disney world? Will you do a cross-country trip to all of the State and National Parks?

My expectations have been met and passed. Self-contained and I can move about the vehicle while someone is driving on the road.

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Most of these will have a commode and a shower, a kitchen, couches and some have the overhead sleeping for additional people. Some of the couches and tables convert into beds. I am not a huge fan of the over the cab campers as I think they are more challenging to drive, but, I know lots of people that love them.

This one even has a television on the outside, for the nights when you are all sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows and wanting to watch the Patriots play. Hey... no judging! We like the Pats.


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These are built on truck chassis, so they are extremely strong and can hold a large group or family of people. They are what they call a mid-sized Recreational Vehicle.

So many different options for the amenities of these. This one even has bunk beds that can be folded away when you don't need them.




This is a bus, like a Trailways, except made into a camper. A sweeeet one! I am not sure I have ever seen one this nice! Come on lets take a look inside.

I was mesmerized by this. It has marble floors that we heated. A full-size refrigerator, a stove, a dishwasher, a washer and dryer, a microwave, granite countertops... Should I stop? Four big screen televisions. A navigation system, solar power, runs on diesel, king size bed. I cannot name everything. That is where it starts.

The bathroom was marble and the ceilings were suede. Granite table and regular chairs. Of course, there were six sliders and they push in when traveling, but, it was wider when I was parked and they were open. I think I could have lived there except I do like having a house without wheels. Perhaps that is just me.




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I go home, completing my #MarketFriday... a little different than normal, but, nevertheless, a fun day indeed. I wish every market day could be like this.

Well, thank you as always for coming along with me to my #MarketFriday adventure. I hope that you had one too. I look forward to reading them! Don't forget to peruse the other Markets that are linked below!They are from all over the world and I must say, quite interesting in so many ways. Enjoy!!


Thank you for posting Denise.

What an eye opener......lovely photographs....of caravans and your flowers always. ^_^

Very fun......thank you.…for taking Steemians to Market Friday.

All the best to you. XOX

Thank you for perusing the Caravans on #MarketFriday! It certainly surprised these eyes with the heated floors and dishwasher- as you are rolling down the highways!

It is always a good day when I get a visit from @bleujay. Thank you for coming and supporting my weekly challenge. You are the best! A wonderful weekend to you! XOXO tip!

What a lovely surprise Denise......thank you for your kind words and generosity.

Wishing you a lovely weekend. Cheers.

Hi I followed you so Pls vote for vote

Nice post, Pls vote for vote

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Hi nice post, vote for vote

Have you ever considered making all these comments on one post could be considered spam, I would suggest you should be careful and try making real and relevant comments

I wish my son in law will make lots of money soon and buy one of these, lol. Can you imagine Denise how much fun we could have with the the twins???Wow!!! I would love that.

I am also laughing because these luxurious RV's remind me of the movie MEET THE FOCKERS, LOL!!! Wonderful entry my Dear and here is my. sorry I am late 🌸💖🌸

I can only imagine how much fun the twins would have!LOL Did you see the one with the bunk beds or the one that had a ladder to climb up to a loft? Now we are talking!

I was looking at the bus with the heated floors and dishwasher. That would make a sweet ride across country!

No worries! I will still have more coming in tomorrow! Have a great weekend! tip!

These RV's can also be rented right? I would satisfy to just go on one trip with them when they get older. Will see and thank you so much Denise 🌸💖🌸

looks amazing in there, I would love to live there!!

I loved it and it was better than some houses I have lived in, but, the temporary feel of it would not feel forever to me.

Although that bus with the heated floors! Yes, please!

Everything was electric in it and even the front seats were like kicking back in your easy chair in your own living room. Need to work remotely? Press a button and a work-station comes out to accommodate you. It was an over-the-top fantasy shopping trip.

There were some more reasonably priced ones, but, after the bus, there was no going back! LOL

woohoo Im soo in for the 'any takers' ^^ na the flower is all yumyum looking, fab shot :D buuz they dont really ROLL<< my boat ;0 Sooo is the BUY camper OFTEN occouring at your markets??? i mean in my world, i get carrots ..I need to move^^
You hade me giigeling all throw this post, soo great. Thank youuu :D💕 for taking us

Hehe! This was such a fun place to go to. There were so many options for so many pocketbooks. I was over-the-moon with the one with marble floors!


I think it could pull your boat unless you have a yacht? In that case, can I come and ride with you??? Some of these you could live in, but, they will always be able to roll along the highway. I don't want to live in one, but, for sightseeing through the country, count me in!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! It's that time of the week again! Thank you for coming! tip!

ha ha il bet you hade a blast LOL :P aww floors got to LOVE them :D💕 funny, how a small thing like that can rock youR boat :P ;) na no yacht BUT i am NOT easly impressed ;) LOL heay dad has a catamaran, do that float stuff for ya??? ;) I know you can, live in them BUT the Q is>> would YOU???? :P ;)
Can go with roadtrip :D ha ha stilll LOVE<<<< to know, how market tatters & carrots ENDED up wizzz US, caravan ..hmm? parking? :P ;)
A side note, im LOOOVING this💕 just kidding around :) :P Thank you for the tip 💕 💕 no need to do that!!!! I will be here, wizz you any ways :) <your humble & loyal Dragon :) 💕
hm my weekend starts out wizz WAY to much Vodka in my cider ^^

Hahaha! Vodka in cider! :)

heay, i'm flexible like that ;0 , im having vodka ON my cider^^
& you are having? cant offer you dinner :( i do have cookies & candy??? :D :P oh and boozz :P

Ohhh! Sounds like a dream come true!!! :)

soooooo, the Q is> bozzed drowned cookies OR make new candy with boOoz inside?? o.o desitions desitions^^
so much to do, so little my :P ^^

Awesome post Denise! I've been to a couple of RV Shows and they are always fun. My husband and I are considering a pop-up...maybe next year! I think I may post something to #MarketFriday soon = )

I would love that! It is so fun to see what people will come up with. As you can see, it is quite fine to use your imagination, or go right ahead and take us shopping with you!

A pop-up is plenty of fun! Oh, I love going to the different National Parks! We have such a beautiful world and what a wonderful way to see it!

Thank you for stopping by! You are so awesome! tip!

I have an idea where to go = )
Thank you so much Denise!! You are pretty dang awesome too!!

It is amazing how far RV's have come over the last 20 years. Heck even 10 years!

Haha! Isn't that the truth! When I was looking, there was a couple that was looking to buy one for a trip to the Grand Tetons. I mean, who wouldn't want to?

I walked over to them and whispered in their ear, "why not rent it for one trip." It had never occurred to them. Seriously.

But, yes. Heated floors and solar? Yes, please! Thanks for coming along! Shopping is so much more fun with a group! tip!

It is amazing. They are like small homes. There is no such thing as roughing it with those RV's that is for sure. Also, thanks for the tip Denise.

My pleasure! Roughing it? I know, right?

Thank you so much, Isabel! Love your photography! tip!

Thanks, thanks, my dear Denise!

Now that's the kind of present I would want for my next birthday ! It's basically like a palace on wheels !

It really is! When I walked into the bus, it was like a real house, heated marble floors and all! :)
Camping has come a long way from pitching a tent in the woods. I'm with you.
I may have to have to whisper in Santa's ear about this one.

Hehe 😂 I hope santa will get your message

Me too! :)

this a wonderful place to visit, I must admit that I was always attracted by these big vehicles, we are a family that we love being outdoors, it was always our dream to have such a unit.
congratulations for this nice visit. the images are amazing
I wish you a beautiful market Friday dear friend @dswigle

I was so amazed by these beautiful vehicles! My family loves the outdoors and we spend as much time as possible there. This big one is beyond what I ever thought was capable and it is actually built on a bus chassis, so it will be dependable for the rest of our lives!

I was taken back by the heated floors and the solar power! Wow!

Thank you so much for visiting my #MarketFriday! I am truly blessed with such awesome friends that are so supportive. Have a wonderful weekend! tip!

Those are all beyond beautiful. I would take any of them. You sure are raising the bar for these market Friday posts. I want one!

I know, right? I would take any one of them too, but that one with the heated floors and the solar power sure revs my engine!

I have no idea who dreams up these things, but I want to live inside their head! A little button pushed on the passenger side and out comes a workstation with plugs included for power - so that you can sightsee and telecommute.

A dishwasher? Washer and dryer - all in one unit for ease? I'm on board!

Everyone is making such amazing posts, it is hard to keep up with you people! Thanks for the visit! It is always a great day when I get a visit from the ~~Old Man~~~old-guy-photos! tip!

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