Controversy on Marijuana.

in #marijuana7 years ago

Before we start, I will say I'm for recreational and medicinal Marijuana.
I believe as long as it's used safely and responsibly recreational use is fine.
And I've seen the medicinal side of it, I have smoked marijuana to make my stomach aches and pains subside.
I no longer smoke. It's been almost two years. I know people that do, for recreational and medical issues.

One out of eleven people get addicted to marijuana. Most people that do get "addicted" have withdrawals like the sweats, and being anxious or on edge.

The withdrawals aren't anything close to withdrawing from a pharmaceutical drug.
I have personal experience and I stick with that opinion.

I believe it's natural and why would you want to take a pharmaceutical drug if marijuana or its CBD oil can do the same thing. Maybe work more effectively.
You'll never know if you don't try it... at least once.

Thoughts?? Leave in the comments!



I'm from the dispensaryland of Colorado, former activist moved to Hawaii.
I never had bad withdrawls, even though I went through grams of hash, sometimes daily.
It was easier to take a tolerance break than I thought.
Being distracted with the ocean helps, but I can agree that all medical needs outweigh stupid laws, any day!
I posted about and think anyone over 18 in a non-medical state should become a patient, before trying pharmaceuticals and maybe getting hooked on their garbage! Some of which is heroin!
I believe in quality of life and every vet should be able to get it for their ptsd.
Every use is medical, if it helps you.

Try it in very small doses to start and see if it is right for you!
I use to budtend and sell every form of it to your grandparents! Most popular being arthritis cremes, and edibles.
All canna-things in moderation bring back smiles! But party on it, and you could be in for one hell of a ride.

I couldn't agree with you more! I want my mom to try it for her medical issues!

I like pot a lot. and CBD are good for you along with tons of other elements.

Lol, Amen give me 5 brother
I love pot too ahhahaha, Cheers!

It is legal to plant 5 Marijuana trees in Jamaica. These weeds can grow into a forest. It grows wild so they sometimes pop up in my yard. I personally don't mess with it. It is a drug and a very powerful one at that. You don't want to mess with this causally. I have seen people get messed up just from drinking the tea and there is a lot of people who went mentally ill because they smoked it with other drugs.

Wild it may not be any good, we call this ditch weed here in the U.S. You have to cultivate it and keep the females away from the male plants. If the females get pollinated, they want produce a lot of THC, the active ingredient in pot. Basically becoming weak in terms as a drug.

I too have personal experience in this area and I couldn't agree more with you! As long as used safely....the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Thanks for sharing!

I agree and you're welcome!

I'm in the middle Cannabis
Cannabis ... morocco

Great post!
The benifits deffently are there and I'm sure as we do more research we will find more good in it. Thanks for sharing & steem on :)

Upvoted and followed. Quit for a couple months last year and I had physical withdrawal symptoms. I'm not saying everyone will, just that I used to laugh when I heard people tell me they existed; now, it's not so funny.

First five days I couldn't eat anything, had maybe half a meal during those five days; lots of vomiting the first day, and diarrhea all five days. Once I could eat, though, everything tasted much better, and I started having vivid dreams, and being more social.

Am back to smoking again; I miss the vivid dreams, and I think I'll take a break every year. Perhaps one day, stop for a longer period. One step at a time.

I recommend reading Ready set go! Step out. Worth-read for any activist :)

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