in #marchmadness5 years ago (edited)

photo 102 21-30-40.jpg

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Awolowo's Family

I was in my room, meditating. Sounds funny right? Thanks to my defiant decision. My mother didn't take my skipping home lightly with me. It's been a month and I am still being punished.

First, she gave a lecture with her eyes shooting darts at me and the words piercing my skin. The fact that she and grandma actually agreed on one thing for the first time made it worse. They even bonded over my punishment. Grandma followed suite immediately she was done.

What if u had been kidnapped or injured? And you went out with a boy alone? Are you sure your senses are intact ? Why would you do such a thing without thinking? The question kept coming and all I did was stare, I was tired of their reproach. I was finally left to go to my room. Which was my second punishment. I wasn't allowed to leave my room for a week, my breakfast, lunch and dinner came to me there.

My phone had come to my rescue, I would chat Ken all day telling him what was going on. He wasn't facing a lot like i was, his father had chastised him about it when he got home and that was it.

We were both glad we spent the night though, we reminisce on it while chatting. We had both been drunk but still in our right senses. It started with the truth or dare in our hotel room. I had dare ken to strip. He thought i was joking at first but I was adamant and he did save for his underwear. I could see the bulge between his thigh and I had made a seductive "hmmmmm" at him.

He was playing safe with me though. He wasn't daring me on the crazy things, Instead he had asked me to dance on 1 leg which I felt stupid. Even though i did, i was vexed , I wanted to take the game to another level. My fantasies could come true tonight if I played my games well so i dared him to kiss me. He gave a one second peck on lips - Are you fucking kidding me, I thought.

My next turn, I was more specific. I asking him to kiss me like he would his girlfriend even though he doesn't have one. That was the beginning of our make out seesion. The kissing led to touching, then more kissing and more touching until he did the unexpected. He pulled off my trouser exposing my bare legs and thigh, he looked up staring into my face as if asking for a permission to proceed. I smiled at him shyly. He got his answer. He bent down now more closer..

"Use your Condom." I said.

"I am not having sex with you Mikun," he said dryly. Flashing me a debonair smile.

"So, what are you doing?" I asked dissapointed.

"Fulfilling your desires," he said while removing my top exposing my chest.

My nipple had hardened and he pressed his lips against them. I let out a moan.

He worked his way back to my thigh as I wriggle from his touch on the bed. Then his head dissappeared in between my thigh. I was shocked twice. One from him about to go down on me with his lips, the other was like an electric shock surging through me as i could feel the warmth of his tongue down there.

I tried letting out a quiet moan, but I could't follow the rythym of his lapping and laving, I knew i was screaming. He was working with both his hands and tongue now and I felt the ecstasy was too much it might kill me. Untill i had an euphoric unique feeling i don't have words to describe. Ken kissed me more and we cuddled under the blanket.

So, this feeling made me forget about my punishment, it made me forget how i hated how mom and grandma was treating me, and like that wasn't enough i was gotten a counsellor after my 1 week room- jail. According to my mom I need to see the errors of my ways. She also had the pastor give a special prayer on my behalf. I was also to read the bible 1 hour everyday and meditate for another hour.

I never complained, for I can't wait to see Ken. We have an unfinished business.

Day 10 prompt:Meditate
Word count :737

If you don't know what the free write march madness is about. Click on the link below.

Excuse my typos, All will be edited later on. Follow @freewritehouse and @mariannewest for the full details about freewrite

Total word count:8,857


I think you have the same mom and Granny as I have, including the preaches and Bible.. just no prayers

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Lol.. Mothers

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