My Rant: 105 Known Phishing Domains, And Still You Don't Give A F**k???!

in #mapsters6 years ago

As long as the scammers don’t take YOUR money, you don’t care... I understand (NOT!!!)



Since rants seem to be the thing these days, I thought I’d join the club and post one.

I used to not understand why people posted these things, but now I do. And I hope I will feel relieved after finishing this post.


Nothing Personal... Or Very Personal

This rant is mainly aimed towards my friends. Yes, towards you, you know who you are. But also towards everyone else.

Just let me get this of my chest, and I will have no hard feelings afterward, but I simply have to say this.

I realize I might lose a bit of my ‘popularity’ with this post, but I’m willing to take the risk. I’d rather be the one who keeps people safe than the one who is popular.


The Phishing Scam

I know I’ve been going on and on about the phishing scam that is going on. You’re probably thinking it right now: “Here she goes again”.

Well, let me tell you something: I don’t care. Because this is IMPORTANT.

Gone With The Wind Monkey GIF-downsized_large.gif

Let me give you some numbers. 4 days ago, when I wrote my contest post, there were 66 known phishing domains. When I checked with @steemcleaners a couple of hours ago, there were 105.

The number almost DOUBLED in just 4 days. We’re talking about 400 accounts that have been compromised. 400 people who have gone through the exact same horror that I went through: they lost access to their account, couldn’t do anything but watch the scammers send out phishing comments in their name, saw their reputation score go back to -1 and lost all their money.

More than 400 people!!

I’ve seen the wallets of the scammers, collecting the victims’ money and then transferring it out to Bittrex.

One account alone transferred out more than 500SBD. And there are plenty more...


We Can’t Stop Them

SteemIt Inc. doesn’t do a thing.

Accounts can’t be closed (hurray for decentralization).

A support ticket has been sent to Bittrex this weekend, but it doesn’t look like there will be any support from their site.

And meanwhile... all you do is sit back, relax and play games.

Of course, because it is not your account that has been compromised, it is not your money that has been stolen...


Too Busy

I’ve set up the ‘Protect People From The Ongoing Phishing Scam’-contest 4 days ago. The main goal was to spread awareness. Protect people. Protect our precious minnows we always say we’re doing it for.

Hahaha, what a joke.


4 days, and I have 5 entries and 360 views.

Thanks for putting in the effort @johngreenfield, @wizardave, @johndoer123, @kamiilazer and @imbigdee

If you check these people’s profiles, there is only one of them with a reputation +50.

I guess this is because my +50 friends are all too busy helping the little guys grow - which is very much appreciated, but not enough in my eyes.

I invite you all to pay a visit to the ‘Phishing’ room on the @steemcleaners Discord channel. Maybe that will open your eyes and make you realize how big the problem is.


Bending The Rules

I know the contest is not easy.

But you were all so great in bending the rules during the appreciation contest. Why is this different? That’s what I’m asking myself.

Everything people need to know is written in the contest post.

For my part, create a Zappl about it, redirecting people to the post.

Make a meme about it - which takes about 2 minutes - and put a link to the post underneath.

I don’t give a f**k about how you do it, but please spread the word.

Show the minnows you say you care about that you actually dó.

I hate to break it to you, but caring about people and helping them to grow, is not all fun and games. There’s more to it than that.

Now get off your swear word asses and spread that information.


Rant Over

Do I feel better now...? No, I don’t. And I won’t as long as people are falling victim because we’re all too busy minding our own business.

I’m actively trying to find the people that have been scammed, trying to get them to take the right steps to get back on their feet. And I’m coming across new ones every day.

This has to stop, but it won't if everyone keeps looking the other way...



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I did not see the "contest" link one you made until reading this and then looking. I will be working on a post to warn about phishing and scam comments. My wife got visited by a person that had their account hacked and here is some actions I took:

WARNING WARNING no one click on that link I mean NO ONE until $arcange or $guard or $steemcleaners has deemed it safe. Any tiny URL is a very real and potential danger to your account.

@ replaced by $ so as not to disturb them.
Then this, when they got control back:

f you need help recovering let me know: $simplymike got hacked not to long ago, this link may be of great use to you. Work with the $steemcleaners folks and they will help you get every thing sorted out.

So the phishing/scam crap has been on my mind, and now that I have a little bit of time since contest duties are closing down some, I hope to be able to get a warning out, after all 96% of the people that follow me are new users, and they need to be advised on how to avoid, and where to turn to.

Thanks, @bashadow. The example you showed me is perfect. That’s what I would like to see everyone do when they come across victims...

I'm sorry @simplymike... I am one of your guilty friends that was busy playing games and trying to help the newbies in the game area. But you are perfectly right that we should all pay attention to letting them know about the phishing scams.

I do think that you shouldn't assume that just because we didn't reply, that means we don't care though. My issue was that I don't know as much as others and didn't have time to research the problem and find the solutions. I would've been happy to express the need to "be aware", but other than that the solutions are over my head.

I think that you should not assume that people don't care just because they don't talk about something. I highly doubt most of your friends are "selfish" and only care if it happens to them. I think it is more of an educational issue in most cases. Most people like to comment when they feel they can contribute something to the conversation, and people like you know far more than most.

I hope you don't take this response as bad because you are one of the people that I respect the most here. I think you are simply amazing in how much energy and drive you have (combined with your great heart and selflessness). Frankly I don't think any of your friends will take anything you say negatively, because we can see you are just frustrated by a situation where you see others others hurt and trying to find a way to keep them from being injured.

So for that, I am 100% thankful and will take the time to do some work and enter your contest later tonight. I want to help you in your mission to keep anyone from being burnt by this phishing scam! :)

Have a wonderful evening and thank you so much for being you (which is caring and passionate and driven)... It is something I admire very much! :)

Lol, I don’t even know how to reply to this...
Of course you’re right: I know it’s not about selfishness. And I didn’t made this as a promo post for my contest.
I don’t know... it was more like: if sweet talk won’t work, I’ll have to try something else :0)

People do not have to enter the contest, I just wanted to make them think.
In Dutch we have a saying (maybe that’s one for @bengy’s idioms game): it’s the ‘far-from-my-bed-show’, meaning that we think it will happen to other people than ourselves, and that we do not really do anything until it hurts us personally.

I can’t expect anyone to be an expert on the topic (I’m no expert either), nor write posts about it, but there are still people on this platform that don’t have a clue about what’s going on.
And 3 days from now, the post with info I made, will get buried in the dungeons of SteemIt where all posts go when they’ve reached post-payout.
So it needs to be shared. And the shared posts need to be shared. Again and again.

In 2 days, I’ll probably do a Zappl myself, just linking to the info. But I only have 700 followers. There are almost 1 million SteemIt accounts...

@fullcoverbetting set a very good example earlier today. Someone posted about the scam, and he redirected the person to my post for more info. I don’t care if it is my post, or @arcange’s for all that matters. It’s just that people need to be educated.
They need to be educated about everything on SteemIt, but this is an urgent matter...

If I feel so frustrated because nothing can be done, I can’t imagine how people as @pjau, @isnochys, @patrice and @naturicia and all other people at @steemcleaners are feeling, ‘cos they are the ones that have to pick up the pieces all day long.

It’s like I said in the post: no hard feelings, but I had to get it out of my system, and I thought a little kick in the ass wouldn’t hurt - lol

...And to be honest, it felt good to use the ‘f-word’ in a title of a post ;0)

I’m going to try to make a Dbook with the info, if the site works properly again

lol... "Fork"? Why did that make you feel good :P

I will say "spoon" but it doesn't make me feel so good :P

I have an idea... I will unleash it tonight ;)

@davemccoy and @simplymike
I don't know if Roelandp is a big shot on Steem, but I did kick his ass about security today!
He launced a new website and of course does connect to the blockchain via Steemconnect. The problem was the following:
Let me do this via screenshots! Otherwise I would be unfair for Ashers engagement league:

Do you see the mistake?
So, I don't know him, have never commented on one of his posts but did reply with:

To bad he did not alter this post!
If even one of these guys advices to login with the master key, then how on earth should now 95% of the users, that it never should be used.
Mike did also need to open my eyes. Still need to figure out how I can change my password in steemconnect!

Lol. Roelandp is one of the big guys. If I’m not mistaking he’s the organizer of Steemfest :0)

I haven’t taken a look at his site, but from what you’ve shown me it has something to do with delegating. And for delegating, you need to use either your private active key or your master password.

But I do get your point. I agree that people shouldn’t be encouraged to use their master password for anything.
(Did he reply?)

To change your password in Steemconnect, you’ll have to go into your browser settings and look for the saved passwords. Then, you look up the saved password for Steemconnect and delete it. Which browser are you using?

Firefox at home! And explorer at work 😁
He did reply! It shown in the second picture but because I need to increase my character length, here is! I qoute: okay good point!

No upvote though 😔

But no downvote either - lol. Maybe he didn’t make the change, but at least you made him think about it...

Indeed lets look at it from the positive side, no downvote.
He did replied an hour ago that he did change it but I haven’t controlled it!

I don’t know the exact wording by heart - should look it up tomorrow to be sure - but in both browsers you should have an options/settings panel where you can see the saved passwords and delete them.

Found a wiki for Firefox:

Thx, will look into it!

Lol, @davemccoy, you crack me up

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WTG @simplymike for letting loose. You're right Steemit doesn't care, it doesn't lose money. Being decentralized has good and bad, but the bad is really bad such as in this case, we cannot close down accounts that are abusing people.

I've been through an account hack before (not on this platform) You feel violated just like someone broke into your house. Except these guys are trying to get you to trust them and then steal you money and everything you've worked hard for.

With all of this going on I'm starting to think ...a say no to bots campaign, maybe do a post like #themarkymark does create a separate account and we list all the voting services and known phishers and just spam the hell out of it. I don't know. I know there' has to be a way though.

Thanks for the support, @tryskele.
It was kind of an impulsive post (again), and meanwhile I feel a bit guilty. But I had to get it out. :0)

I don’t know about any controversial campaigns. I think I’ve had my share for the moment - lol

Don't feel guilty. That is the one thing that is completely refreshing about this platform. No pretense. At least I see it that way. You have every right to feel the way you do then to be the one screaming the boat is sinking and everyone around you is still dancing. All you can do is shake your head and vent a little. It's good for the soul. Then do everything in your power to make sure you always watch out for yourself. You will have some friends that will watch your back too. Then you'll be on the shore with them safe and sound and they'll still be wondering where the water is coming from.

Now I want to sing row, row, row your boat. I think I am waaaay past my bed time LOL.

I love your way with words.
It’s so funny, yet so true.

And thanks for the earwurm, lol

Decentralized is one thing, anarchy is another. I know there's plenty of anarchists on Steemit, and they can be good peeps, but seriously...
Having no way to close accounts is a real problem and a serious oversight by developers. There could be a provision that put power in the witnesses' hands to close problem accounts. If there was a high threshold, like 14 of the top 20 witnesses must agree, that would make it possible to shut down problem accounts without encouraging feuds or abuse of that power.

I think that they look at it as a losing battle. You close down one account they'll just make another and if they are the cheats that they are, they can easily mask IP addresses and such. I love your thinking though. But that's part of the issue...Feuds and abuse of power, then to throw in the phishing scams. And for all we know it could be a few whales that are running the phishing scams. Since there are a few that plagiarize, spam and so forth. It makes us want to think again about the platform. All I know is the whales think since they're vested since the beginning that things are as they should be. And yeah most of them have worked hard to get where they are, but what are they giving back? How are they helping? What they are failing to see is if the minnow pool doesn't grow and if users don't grow past a few cents a week, there won't be a pool.

I know from reading a few posts from @abh12345 quite a few witnesses don't seem to be up to the job

Ranting is refreshing, isn't it? :))

It is, actually.
I'm always like 'the nice girl', and now I could use the f-word in the title of a post. Lol
It feels so good to have it off my chest...

Done! I'm making a post tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm at a hotel, so I have time and no kids!

I too am one of the guilty parties @simplymike. I am just extremely behind. I'm even planning on taking some time off steemit, too many things going on in the real world. If only I could clone my wonderful self and be everywhere, but just this one bee.

I see the frustration and hope others see how phishing is a big concern on here.

As you can see, I'm even logged onto this account to comment because I don't have much time to log in/out onto my own to make a comment. I'm supposed to be working but saw the VP is too high on here so had to stop by. 😩 --bee

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I didn’t want anyone to feel like the guilty party. Well... at the time maybe I did, but not in a bad way. I just wanted to kick some sense into everyone - lol

You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, my dear @beeyou. The real world is so much more important than the SteemIt world. Don’t worry about taking time off of SteemIt, you shouldn’t even have to think twice about it. Take care of what’s necessary. We’ll be here when you find time to come back ;0)

I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out with all the rants. :)

I've done my share, though, so maybe it's just as well.

I'm very sorry to hear about what you've gone through. Phishing is a criminal act and it should be treated as such. And there should be more safeguards in place.

I came across a phishing comment on a post, reported it to steemcleaners and wrote a post on it. Steemcleaners already knew about it. As for the post, it got caught up with all the other flotsam and jetsam whirling around in the Steemit vortex.

I'm not one of your friends playing the newbie games, but there's always more I and anyone else could do to help spread the word. Without a central warning system—something that pops up as a notification or as an alert—we're stuck with doing what we can to spread the word, while trying to do everything else everyone is involved with and finds of equal importance.

But you know that, and it doesn't mean things don't need to change. They most definitely do.

Thanks, @glenalbrethsen.
The fact that certain posts with important info just disappear in the dungeons of SteemIt was/is my main frustration. In 3 days, my post will be gone, and I just hope people will keep spreading the word..,

Thanks for the rant. It seems the whales don't care until they get hit. The more this spread, the smarter the perpetrators get. I will continue to write against this menace.

Hi @simplymike,
I am @shortsegments and one of the newbies. I read the post about Phishing and I care. I hope the publicity gained by this post helps people avoid being victims of these scams. I have resteemed the post and I hope others do the same. I am new, so I read about the scams and I thank the lucky stars so far. The scams are smart, so it’s easy to understand how this happens.
Take care,

Thanks, @shortsegments. Your resteem made sure more people became aware of what’s going on. I really appreciate it.

My pleasure, I hope you continue to rant about these things.

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