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RE: Steemit #ManifestChallenge Day 1: How to Get What You Want!

in #manifestchallenge7 years ago

I was contemplating until I read this:

Let go of any limiting beliefs. This is your life. You deserve this! It is YOURS! You are destined to have this!

Man..this really takes the cake for me.

I quit my job 5 months ago to pursue a job in the investment banking world, but haven't been too successful even though I passed a paper by the securities commission. The guys won't even talk to me ! I am starting to think if I should give up on this plan, I have to put food on the table afterall (well not literally but yeah), maybe I should really go back to what I've studied for my degree, engineering.

But great post as usual @arbitrarykitten, just hard to see how I can visualize myself with a job in the financial world in the next 30 days.


If you want it bad enough, you'll get it.

Just like with anything, even Steemit- I firmly believe you get back exactly what you put into it.

If it's what you want and can stick with it long enough to heading their approval, then it's worth it.

But, if you're not happy... Consider a different firm perhaps?

Yeah..I am considering alternatives now. 5 months is too long a time to be unemployed, wish me luck !

I wish you great abundance, prosperity, and much luck!

Have you seen The Pursuit of Happiness? I know its just a movie and you dont want to put your kids through that but I'm just saying I believe that was based on a true story. MAKE THEM LISTEN.

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