Macro Photos from Costa Rica

in #macrophotography6 years ago

These are just some photos from my collection of arthropods I have photographed in Costa Rica.























Some are from live subjects, some are from dead subjects.

For the dead subjects, I use ones I find already dead and CLEAN THEM to remove dust particles (I don't kill them, so please no remarks on animal cruelty, because I respect life, and I don't kill just to get a photo, and when I shoot a live subject, I try to disturb it as little as possible), for the dead ones, I use a technique called "Stack Photography", which is a process of taking several photos changing objective position on the Z-index to change the focus point, then blending them with stacking software, like the one I use called Helicon Focus. You stack them together, thus the name of the technique.
Thanks to that blend, of sometimes hundreds of individual photos, you can obtain a fully "focused" final shot of a VERY small subject, or a DETAIL of a subject (like details of an eye, scales on the wing of a moth/butterfly, etc).

If YOU are interested in learning about Stack Photography

Then please upvote or donate (and follow), and I will make sure to create a post with a tutorial on Stack Photography and personally answer any additional question you have after you have read that tutorial. I believe in sharing information, the only reason why I ask for a donation, is so that I can keep posting without having to pay myself to post.

I can also provide tutorials for BASIC MACRO techniques.
Recommendations on gear (including cheap DYI - I'm always trying out some idea I have on making your own stuff).

And if you have a question on regards to any of these photos in particular (how I shot it, what species - I have most of them, or at least genius or family-, conditions, etc), don't hesitate to ask.

Or, if all you have, is just a kind comment, then that's more than enough!

Any kind of love for this post is appreciated! I'm hoping Steemit will be a great place for me to share my work and my knowledge (in photography and other stuff, like what pays the bills for me, which is design, web design, illustration, and 3D).
Here are just a couple of examples of my artwork in illustration (of course, to stay on subject, of arthropods - in this case, made for an entomology museum in Costa Rica working directly with specimens from their collection. These are from 1996).
I like ideas like what Steemit stands for, and especially if they are related to the blockchain!

Much love from Costa Rica.


These are really creepy, but at the same time, really cool!

Hehehe, don't worry about calling them creepy.
You know why they may seem creepy?
When I shoot macro, I try to shoot at the same level as my subject, and focus most of all on their "face", and especially their eyes.
So they seem to be at the viewer's same level, larger than life (well, since most are at 1:1, they life-size).
You probably feel uncomfortable (only a bit I hope) because they seem "monstrous".
Again, because they seem to be gigantic (sharp details, intense colors, etc).

And they look "cool" (thanks for that), because of those same reasons!
One of the things I strive for is to show just how magnificent, interesting and just amazing arthropods are when seen close up.
You learn a lot from the very small.
I've been doing it for a decade now, and I have met some amazing people on the way.
It's a really fun hobby :)

Hello @otas nice work 👌 What camera do you use?
Saw your website 😍 amazing 🤘
Uu and add steemit accound on your website ✌️

Thank you marjanko!
I have a Nikon D7000.
But the question you want to ask, is "what lens" do I use.
And for that, it's several answers:

For some pics, I work with my regular gear for field photography:
Nikon D7000 + 2x teleconverter + Nikkor 60mm micro (sometimes I add extension tubes).

For the stacks:
Nikon D7000 + Nikon Bellows PB-5 + Either my Nikkor 60mm micro, or a m-plan microscope objective (mostly a 10x).

Like I mention in my post, I'll be happy to write several tutorials, just need some help to fund them :)

@otas you have some hardcore equipment 🍀 photos are TOP.
Love to see more of you and what you have for us. 🍀 About the tutorials.... just do it ✌️

Thx! I will also be posting work on other stuff I do besides Photography (as well as tutorials).

And not all gear is "hardcore"!
For instance, my preferred speedlight flash diffuser is cut out from a plastic juice bottle! hahahaha

Thanks for the visit, and the help!

Oh, I forgot to mention a VERY important part of my gear:
External Speedlight flash.
Over the years I have tried many setups, but the most important part is to shoot with a diffused speedlight.
I will probably make a seperate tutorial just on lighting alone (one of the most important aspects of GOOD macro photography!).

True true, but the speedlight is $$! :( damn

Nope. I use a Yongnuo YN-560 II most of the time (cost me less than $50) and sometimes even cheaper flashes.
I have never owned something like the Nikon R1-C1 my friend.
I do a lot of DIY, this is a hobby, wife only approves up to a certain budget (I'm trying to convince her at the moment, Steemit is not a waste of time btw hehehe).

You should see some of the CRAZY (and HEAVY!) setups I have put together for lighting, with cheapo gear.


Your stacks are really excellent. Nice that you found the way to Steemit.

Welcome and many greetings from Faltermann 100_Freistellung.png

Thanks for the welcome!

Wow!!! It’s really impressive! So many bright colors!

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