Our existence is dedicated to survival and reproduction

in #luw6 years ago

Hello friends from steemit! Who cares for our bright future ?
Materialism - this is the consumerist attitude to material goods and their placement before the Spiritual. Also principles such as "Objective justifies the means", "Once living", "The meaning of life is in personal happiness" ..... This shows a complete misunderstanding of the laws of life.

Trailer says:

You can become an angel, a fool, or a criminal - and no one will know that. But if you miss a button, everyone will notice.

And something else:

I feel like I am among people who intend to live forever. At least they behave. The tremble about their property and they do not care about their lost life.

Unfortunately today ads scream: "Buy these products support this cause and will prosper will be happy and loved." For these purposes, used thousands of ways, including:
Press Releases, News Agencies, Independent Organizations, Advertisements ... intentionally created organizations in order to build trust in the offered market or political products.
Use of famous public figures, photomodels, actors and celebrities for product advertising. This suggests to people that they can also become famous, beautiful or sexy if they buy a product. This consumer mindset has gone so far as to buy products, appliances, etc. simply because they have famous people, continuous advertising or just have a price promotion.

Source Images
We are increasingly thinking that growing fruit, vegetables and animals is a very complex science, and not everyone can practice it, even though our grandparents did it without education. But the time comes when we become fully dependent, and very dependent, on several major corporations who "take care of our bright future."

We are becoming more and more confidently the slaves of the showy luxury. We start to lead a life whose choice is not ours, just someone has convinced us that he is the best. So go with the flow of equal their days and nights in which we find "adventure" only on the TV screen, which always works and the words "development and success" is associated solely with our idea of ​​more money, material possessions and power. Many of our contemporaries have become greedy, proud, aggressive, malicious, egotistical and vengeful. The dependence on giving money for pleasure and pleasant things, as some are willing to sell their soul to own them.

If you buy what you do not need, you will soon sell what you need.

Benjamin Franklin

Such people think that love is proved with a ring, the knowledge with a document, and the faith with a cross that is hung on his neck. They are replacing their lives for a big house, if they can for a dear car, for a little glory and a day or two respect, and finally they think people have already succeeded. Years later they will hear that inner voice: "I gave you a lifetime, tell me how it lived: what did you learn and give to the world?"

Continuing our lives, driven by a desire to consume, we will become a machine that yearns for happiness and keeps the illusion of a life full of pleasure.
But what they are offering us is an illusion of happiness, an escape from reality that dampens the shouts of our soul that suffers from our way of life.

People are easier to manage through their vices than through their virtues.

Napoleon told us:

Because the desperate man is most succumb to the suggestions and is ready for everything for some money and happiness.

We only have one life, do you want to be proud of it ?!
Source, read more
I wish you a great day!
Click here and read my former post
Follow me! Thank you!!@gallya6945


Нека да го надскочим това. Има един по-добър свят леко встрани и там нямаме нужда от тези страдания. Този свят вече е тук!
Всичко останало е да им наливаме енергия в това което не ни харесва...
Оценявам загрижеността ти :)

Прав си, но трябва да се дава гласност за тези неща, защото има хора, които живеят на автопилот. Не трябва само да търсим положителното във всичко, което се случва. Все едно си затваряме очите и не виждаме една ненормална реалност на зомбирани хора.

О да осъзнавам твоята мисия към момента...
на мен просто ми омръзна да светвам хората...
и започнах да светвам себе си повече... така и някой друг прихваща :)
иначе доста често се получава така, че те повличат след себе си :) в опитите да им се помогне...

Да, така е. И на мен ми се е случвало да се замисля аз ли съм на правилният път или другият, но пак ще отговоря с проверени поговорки: "Можеш да покажеш пътя на човек, но не можеш да го накараш да върви по него."

Да напълно съм съгласна👍

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